As soon as these simple words came out, not only Hong Yi, but also Shou Dian himself and Immortal King Ziyin at the side were stunned for a moment.

Jian Jian raised her phoenix eyes impatiently and directly threatened:
"Hong Yi, you'd better tell the truth, I'm not easy to fool, since I dare to give you the blade core, I have the ability to restrain you!

I can kill the guard!You, I can also refine. If a hundred years is not enough, it will be a thousand years, and if a thousand years is not enough, it will be ten thousand years. After I ascend to the God Realm, I will live the same life as the world, and I will have enough time to refine you!
Even if the gods have a god, you don't think that you will live forever in the world! "

The simple words were obviously very effective, the corner of Shoudian's mouth twitched, a red light flashed on the rune on the red-clothed face, and he saluted respectfully:

"The Immortal King is still as strong as ever, I understand what you said!"

"Then answer my question."

Simply waved impatiently.

"My master is the guardian of the temple, or the evil god Wang Ding before reincarnation!"

Hong Yi also replied directly.

The moment the voice fell, Liu Chuan immediately sent a simple voice transmission:
"Tsk tsk, your mouth is really open, this can all be covered by your nonsense!"

"Go! Am I talking nonsense? It is clearly an analysis based on facts!"

The simplicity seemed a little satisfied, and then it seemed to realize something, frowned, then looked at Shoudian and said:
"Have you awakened the memory of your previous life?"


Shoudian could only speak conservatively.

Jian Jian has the urge to roll his eyes, as if someone is willing to inquire about his little secrets.

"Hongyi, let's talk about it a little bit. I want to estimate whether you and your master will bring us any excessive risks."

On the way of speaking briefly, he paused for a moment, and then brought Immortal King Ziyin to his side.

A smile flashed across Ziyin Immortal Wang Junlang's face, he didn't intervene, just looked at Shoudian, obviously he also had doubts in his heart.

Hong Yi bowed and bowed, considered for a while, and then glanced at his master, and after getting the approval of the guard, he opened his mouth and said:

"The owner of the red clothes is the evil god Wang Ning, who also has a certain status in the God Realm. He is responsible for purifying the evil spirits in various fairy worlds. Very little.

Before the battle of the gods, the master had a quarrel with a god. The man was resentful, but he didn't have enough strength to fight against the master, so he privately released the news that the master had fallen into evil ways and might threaten the gods.

Moreover, in order to frame his master, he did not know where to attract a large amount of evil energy, which exceeded the purification ability of his master.

Due to the influence of too much evil spirit, the master has gone into a rut. As his natal artifact, I can only draw a part of the evil spirit into the blade to share with the master, but the master does not want to see me being attacked by the evil spirit Qi control, lost sanity, sealed me with divine power, and separated my body from the knife core. "

Having said this, Hong Yi raised her hand and touched the rune on her face. This is the divine rune that sealed her, and then continued:
"However, that divine ruler had planned it out long ago. How could he let the master get away so easily, and because I was separated by the seal, the master's own strength was also greatly reduced. If I was not careful, I was controlled by the evil spirit and started to kill. Almost all the people in the palace of the evil spirit were beheaded to death.

The evil spirit in the Palace of the Evil God was soaring, which naturally attracted the priests, and those rumors were confirmed. In the end, the owner was sentenced to be removed from the godhead, sent to the Mishen Pillar, and accepted the Nine Dao Shen Tianlei. "

Hong Yi paused at this point, Shoudian's expression did not change, but lowered his eyes.

"Someone helped Wang Ding."

Simply said with certainty.

"Yes, it's the goddess of the God Realm who is suing for her life! She secretly took the master's soul and put it into the wheel of fate, so that the master can be reincarnated.

However, this matter was somehow known to the god, so in the battle of the gods, he moved his hands and feet and pushed the usually peaceful Priestess Commander to the front line of the battle.

I was by her side at that time, and she took advantage of the chaos of the battle between the two sides to throw me into the lower realm. After that, I was separated from the core for 30 years.

It wasn't until today that I was fully fused, and part of my memory was restored. If I want to restore my peak strength, I must wait for my master to ascend to the God Realm, restore my god position, and unlock the divine script that sealed me. Only then can I be considered a complete recovery. "

After Hong Yi finished speaking, the entire realm fell into silence.

The simple brain began to hurt again, how could it involve the wheel of fortune and his former master!
It's really a wave of ups and downs, and a wave of another wave, she hasn't ascended yet, why does she feel that the number of enemies she wants to make is increasing!
Jian Jian and Immortal King Ziyin looked at each other, and after exchanging opinions tacitly, they said directly:
"Hongyi, I can't judge the authenticity based on your words alone. Do you dare to swear?"

"What oath does Immortal King Jane want me to swear?"

"If you dare to tell lies, you and your master will not be able to ascend to the God Realm!"

Simply touching the blade of the Moxi sword in his hand, he said lightly.

"Immortal King Jian is quick-witted and specializes in catching people's sore feet, and the red dress swears it is!"

Hong Yi was also helpless, feeling that every time he confronted this woman, he didn't take advantage of it at all.

Hong Yi swore an oath, turned around and submerged into the Miao Dao, and was taken back by Shou Dian to his dantian.

Simply from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, looked back and forth twice at the Shoudian, and then said:

"Shoudian Immortal King, let's have a good chat."

"it is good."

Shoudian responded with kindness like a stream.

Only then did Jian Jian raise his hand, and took away his Magnolia Realm.

Ziyin directly took the two of them to his cave, if there was a fight, he could stop it in time.

Simply holding the sapphire teacup in his hand, he stroked his thoughts, and then said:

"No wonder your Thunder Tribulation is so powerful. The Thunder Tribulation of a Jin-rank Immortal King has caught up with the power of a Jin-rank Immortal Emperor."

Shoudian glanced at Jianjian, and then said slowly:

"Haven't you ever thought that you yourself might be the reincarnation of a priest?"

This made Jian Jian stunned for a moment, she took a sip of the fairy tea, and then said:

"Although the Wheel of Fortune recognizes me as the master, I haven't awakened any memory of the God Realm, and I don't have the slightest resemblance to the calm-tempered Priestess Commander in Hongyi's mouth.

Besides, the battle of the gods is so fierce, I don't think Priestess Commander has a chance of being reincarnated. If there is a chance, her artifact will not fall into the fairy world.

One possibility is that after she passed away, the artifact was left behind in the fairy world, and the other possibility is that she knew she would not be able to leave the battlefield alive, so she simply took the initiative to send her artifact into the lower realm, so that the birth of a new boss in the god realm would not be so smooth. Order the priest. "

"I admire the palace guard. Fairy Jian is still so thoughtful. Although I don't know what happened after I was sent to reincarnation, you guessed it right. Priestess Si Ming has indeed passed away."

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