Shoudian's words confirmed the simple guess, because she was not touched by any deep memory when she formed a contract with the Wheel of Fortune, so she felt that the Priestess Commander should have died to a large extent.

"The other party also caused this innocent disaster because of helping you. Shouldn't you express it?"

Simply ask.

"I can't even break through to the emperor's realm now. You have also seen my promotion Lei Jie. It seems that some people above don't want me to ascend."

After Shoudian finished speaking, he sneered slightly, picked up the jade cup in his hand, and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

Immortal King Ziyin, who had never spoken, spoke slowly at this time:

"Shoudian, the more they stop you, the more you have to find a way to ascend. If you don't pose any threat to them, even if you ascend, they will not take you seriously. Doing this now proves that they are afraid."

After listening to Ziyin's words, he nodded immediately and said:
"Senior Ziyin's analysis is that if you really want to stop it, you will not be allowed to pass the calamity and advance to the rank, and even after you resist the calamity thunder, you will not lower the rain of advancement, but these steps are not missing, at least prove The way of heaven allows you to grow and advance."

On this point, she has a deep understanding that Haiyan, the evil cultivator of Lingyun Continent, was directly targeted by Tiandao because he did too much evil, and he didn't even have a chance to show up. Forced, Haiyan could only hide in the dark underground, collude with the Zerg, and was finally wiped out by the thunder.

"Besides, what do you think is the chance that I will ascend from the Lingyun Continent and bring the Evil Knife body with me? What is the chance of getting the core of the knife in the Qifang Immortal Realm? What is the chance that the Evil Knife and the core of the knife will return to you at the same time? ? I never believe that these are coincidences. If there are too many coincidences, it is not a coincidence, but destiny."

Simply rubbing the rim of the cup, he continued.

"Immortal King Jane is really good at comforting people, but you are right, if there are too many coincidences, it is no longer a coincidence, so no one can stop me from ascending this time."

Shoudian finally showed a smile, narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly, and said as if reassuring.

"Very well, then let's talk about how to repay your benefactor, Priestess Commander."

Simply continue immediately where you left off.

"What does Immortal King Jane mean?"

Shoudian always felt that simplicity meant something, so he directly kicked the question back.

"Cough, as the current owner of the Wheel of Fortune, I think I am still qualified to accept your reward."

After laying the groundwork so much, Shoudian put down the teacup in his hand and asked directly:
"Fairy Jian, how do you want me to repay you? Let me promise with my body?"

Shoudian turned his peachy eyes, and resumed his casual and poisonous tongue.

"Tsk, she has a good appearance, but why does she have a mouth?"

Simple and not angry, he said with a smile, then looked up and down the palace, covered his red lips with a round fan, and said in a low voice:
"Unfortunately, I'm not good at masculinity, and, I saw it just now, and you're not the one I like!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Immortal King Ziyin coughed from the side.

Shoudian's face is a bit dark, it's simple, since his cultivation level is comparable to hers, he has torn off his obedient and respectful disguise, and speaks to him more impolitely, this is the confidence given to him by his strength.

"Then what do you mean? Just say it!"

"After ascension to the God Realm, you must stand on the same front as me no matter what time it is, whether it is open or dark."

Simple and no time wasting, immediately put forward your request.

As soon as these words came out, no matter it was Shoudian or Immortal King Ziyin, they all had a big question mark in their hearts.

After a long while, Shou Dian suddenly smiled, he laughed happily, his peach blossom eyes were shining brightly, causing Jian Jian to look twice more, and then he said displeasedly:

"Have you laughed enough? If you have laughed enough, hurry up and answer."

"What did you do? You started looking for allies before you ascended! Let me guess, have you offended some god?"

Shoudian smiled and asked in a leisurely manner.

"Tsk, it's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm afraid you know too much and dare not ascend, after all, you are no better than me."

Simply pinching the round fan in his hand, it was no surprise that Shoudian could guess what.


Now it was Shoudian's turn to be surprised, Immortal King Ziyin at the side immediately took a sip of tea to suppress his shock.

"I really can't see it, you are very courageous."

"I am cultivating immortality and seeking longevity. I am not trying to survive, but stand upright and have a clear conscience. Now that I have done it, I will naturally bear the consequences. But I am not stupid why I should go on a rampage if I can avoid risks."

Jian Jian blinked her phoenix eyes and replied directly.

"Okay, I have a clear conscience for you, and what you did in the fairy world. I recognize you as an ally, but I don't know whether you will ascend first or I will ascend first."

Shoudian readily responded.

"Okay, then we will replace wine with tea and formally form an alliance!"

The jade cups collided and made a crisp sound, and the two were officially formed an alliance.

Immortal King Ziyin at the side also breathed a sigh of relief, and the guard of the palace has survived another catastrophe. I hope his future journey will be smoother.

Now that the alliance was reached, the simple gossip became active again, and said with a smile:

"Just now, Hongyi was concerned about your presence, so I didn't go into details. Can you tell me, why did that god lord quarrel with you? Is it because of some beautiful goddess?"

"The son of the god lord entangled the priest, and when I saw him, I taught him a lesson. As a result, he beat the young one and attracted the old one. Moreover, he was a scheming fox. His strength was not as good as mine, so he just played tricks. of.

He knows that as long as I am here, his son will not succeed, so he will deal with me first. After he succeeds, he is going to deal with the Commander. After entering the main battlefield of the Battle of the Gods and sending away my natal artifact, it should have fallen. "

Speaking of this, the smile on Shoudian's face disappeared.

"In other words, it was you who first helped Priest Si Ming get rid of the entanglement of those who didn't like it, and then offended that god and his son. They framed you in turn, and Siming helped you save a soul, and gave you your life. The natal artifact descended to the lower realm, and I also fell from the gods, which prevented them from succeeding."

She simply and directly concluded that she did not expect such a causal relationship.

Shoudian nodded, as a tacit consent.

"Where is that divine ruler? What is the name of his useless son?"

Simply ask directly.

She has to be on guard against such a nasty villain, and if she ascends, she will be the successor of the commanding priest to a large extent, plus she is so beautiful, who knows if the other party will have any more crooked thoughts .

"Shenjun Zangde, his good son is named Chenhai."

Shoudian felt that saying the names of the two of them would make his mouth dirty.

Jian Jian suddenly felt that the name Chen Hai was inexplicably familiar, and began to search in his memory.

Babies, here is the last chapter, see you tomorrow~

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