Jian Jian has some impressions of this familiar name. After looking through her memories, the only time she had an intersection with the God Realm was when she went to the sealed secret realm, and the soul refined by herself claimed to be a reincarnated person from the God Realm.

In order to deceive the trust of the person who entered the secret realm at that time, the two brothers who once pretended to be one body and two souls were named Xingchen and Xinghai, but that guy was alone from the beginning to the end. If he did not lie, then he should be called Xingchen or Xinghai, or It's Chen Hai.

Thinking of this, Jian Jian suddenly smiled, really unhappy about the retribution, and after going around, that bastard still died in the hands of her, the new owner of the wheel of fortune. Although she didn't know whether her guess was correct, it didn't prevent her from being in a good mood.

Shoudian and Immortal Ziyin were greeted by simple smiles, and they didn't know why the other party's mood suddenly improved.

"Fairy Jane, do you have any impression of these two?"

Shoudian reacted quickly and asked immediately.
"No, I'm just glad that I found a reliable ally in advance. Didn't I get useful news? I am the current owner of the wheel of fortune. Who knows if the god Zangde will take his anger out on me? Then Will this Xinghai covet my beauty?"

Simply caressing his white and jade-like cheeks, he said rather narcissistically.

"Fairy Jian is still so confident. It seems that you have full confidence in replacing Yueluan and becoming the number one beauty in the fairy world."

Shoudian joked.

"Don't worry, soon, no one will remember Yueluan."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said firmly.

Half a year later, 'Junli' and 'Yueluan' returned to the Western Immortal Territory. Before returning to the Dongting Immortal Mansion, the two of them got off the spaceship and left with stinky faces. They didn't even bother to pretend, causing everyone to start guessing again. , Are these two going to part ways completely this time?

It's a pity that the people who were waiting to watch the excitement didn't have the chance to see the two of them again, because after that, the two of them disappeared suddenly, neither returning to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion nor the Dongting Immortal Mansion.

The two pretending to be Junli and Yueluan officially met after confirming their safety. The two did not leave from the port of the Western Immortal Territory, but joined hands to create a space passage, left the Western Immortal Territory directly, and took the spaceship in the starry sky. Quietly returned to the Eastern Immortal Territory.

Western Immortal Domain Immortal Emperor's Mansion

Immortal King Xiyue of Daizhang Immortal Emperor's Mansion didn't want Junli to come back so soon at all. When he learned that the two were unhappy at the port, he even turned his face and left directly. He even inquired secretly.

According to the fairy who came back from the same spaceship, it seems that Junli’s old problem has recurred because of the beautiful and beautiful Immortal King Jian. This time, Yueluan was by his side, so naturally he didn’t want to be slapped in the face like this, so he disturbed him several times. Given Junli's chance to strike up a conversation with the newly-promoted Immortal King Jian, the two ended up at odds with each other.

"Tsk tsk, this Junli has already suffered a loss in this area, and now he is ill again. The mud cannot support the wall. How can I let go of such a good opportunity, let him be busy, and have no time to take care of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. "

Immortal King Xiyue immediately found his attendants to spread rumors in the Western Immortal Territory, while he watched from the sidelines and handled the affairs of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion on his own.

When the rumors were raging, Junli didn't stand up to deny it, and Yueluan didn't even show up, which convinced the crowd that it wasn't a rumor but a fact.

The simple name was also known by the families and sects in the Western Immortal Territory. After all, they did nothing, and with just one face, the two immortal kings, Junli and Yueluan, were separated, which shows the degree of their beauty. , must be above Immortal King Yueluan, and he is becoming more and more curious about Jian Jian, the new Immortal King.

With curiosity, you will naturally want to be satisfied, so what Jian Jian has done since ascension has gradually become known to everyone in the Western Immortal Realm.

And when the Immortal King Chuxi also returned to the Western Immortal Realm, Junli and Yueluan hadn't shown up yet, which attracted the attention of the Immortal King Xiyue, but after searching all over Dongting Immortal Mansion and Mingyue Immortal Mansion, there was no sign of the two of them. There was no trace or response to the message sent, Xiyue realized that something might have happened to the two of them.

Immortal King Xiyue didn't dare to say anything, and even asked his rival Immortal King Chuxi in private.

"Chuxi, why didn't you return to the Western Immortal Realm with Junli and Yueluan?"

Chu Xi glanced at Immortal King Xiyue, and said unhurriedly:
"Legs grow on them, so naturally they can leave whenever they want. Besides, the two of them, one covets the beauty of Fairy Jian, and the other is unwilling to be compared. It is considered very rude to be polite in Xianjianzong." restrained.

The two had an unpleasant fight, so they left early, and didn't even participate in the auction and exchange meeting of the high-ranking immortals. Besides, I didn't want to participate in their affairs, so naturally I didn't go with them. "

When Xiyue heard this, it was almost as if he had sent someone to investigate, so he frowned and said:
"Then where did the two of them go? I didn't reply when I sent the news, Yueluan was nothing but Junli, but Junli still wanted to take advantage of this time to take charge of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion with me and make some achievements so that he could return to the past glory."

"Then who knows? They are both Immortal Kings, and it is impossible for the two of them to explain their whereabouts to you and me. Maybe the two of them have found a place to settle their grievances."

Chu Xi guessed.

"You reminded me, I'll go and see the soul lamps of the two of you."

Immortal King Xiyue got the reminder, so he went to check the soul lamps of the two. Yueluan's was fine, but Junli's was not. .

Now Xiyue was very sure that something had happened to the two of them, maybe just as Chu Xi guessed, love and hatred between the two might have caused a big fight.

Immortal King Xiyue immediately went to the gate, preparing to report the matter to Immortal Emperor Xixi, but there was no response from Immortal Emperor Xixi's retreat.

Immortal Emperor Xixi is not in the closed place on the bright side at this time, but is healing in the forbidden area.

Because on the day when Xianjianzong held the Immortal King Ceremony for Jianjian, he was caught off guard and ushered in the second tribulation thunder. Because he was unprepared, he directly injured his inner abdomen. Something has happened.

Immortal King Xiyue failed to hold the pass, so he could only leave a message talisman, and sent people to find Junli and Yueluan, but there was no news, and finally even sent a message to the Immortal Sword Sect to inquire.

Xianjianzong didn't hide it either, only saying that the two immortal kings were the latest to arrive and also the earliest to leave Xianjianzong. The information obtained by Yue confirmed each other, and it was confirmed again that the two disappeared after returning to the Western Immortal Territory.

So far, the simple layout in the early stage allowed Xianjianzong to stay out of the matter successfully, with an attitude of having nothing to do with himself, but it did not attract too much attention from the Xiyue Immortal King.

And a year later, Qing Ji and Qing Ya returned to the Eastern Immortal Territory in a low-key manner, and since then all tails have been swept away.

On the simple side, the focus is on the four disciples who ascended.

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