On the same day, Jian Jian returned to Immortal Sword Sect on the deadline to participate in his own Immortal King Ceremony, only to realize that his four disciples had already ascended and joined Immortal Sword Sect, but he just had a hasty meeting with the four of them.

When designing Junli and Yueluan, Tianmiao and Tianyu volunteered to be the little fairy servants at the grand ceremony, and behind Junli and Yueluan, they sang together and delivered the message that should be delivered.

In addition, Jian Jian secretly attracted the blue short light buried in Yueluan's soul, which made her temper a little irritable, and when she saw Jun Li's eyeballs were almost sticking to Jian Jian's body, this emotion suddenly exploded After coming out, after arguing with Junli, he left the square angrily.

After confirming the location where Yueluan was staying, Tianmiao told Tian Yu the specific location through the communication jade slip. At this time, Tian Yu pretended to be nonchalant and poured wine, and then gave a communication talisman to her. Junli.

Tian Yu hinted that the other party simply wanted to meet him alone. In fact, there was only one meeting place on the communication talisman, and it didn't even have a signature. What accident, even if there is, he thinks he can handle it.

When Tianyu led Junli away to meet Yueluan, Tianmiao appeared at the right time and called him away, which was in Junli's arms, but when he got to the place, he saw Yueluan, so he was unavoidably unhappy. Think that the other party wants to ruin his good deeds.

Both of them were dissatisfied with each other, so they had a dispute as soon as they met, and the transparent cotton candy quietly circled the two of them, and then Wu Yi, who was disguised as Yinyue Jingling, appeared and attracted their attention. Simply with the help of marshmallows, he opened up the boundary and completely trapped the two of them.

Although with the assistance of Yinyuejing, there are also purple armor guards who have been ambushing around for a long time, Jian Jian still wants to make a quick decision, so before Yueluan can react, he directly detonates the demon that has been integrated with her soul. The short blue awn, severely wounded his soul, took the opportunity to send it into the mirror of the moon.

And Junli, a guy who is so rich and jaded, his body was split directly by her palm, which saved Yinyuejing's energy. The whole operation took half a stick of incense before and after, and there was the cooperation of Immortal Sword Sect , so no one noticed.

Among them, Tian Miao and Tian Yu were the ones who took the big risk. Although the two of them transmitted voices secretly, what they said was like tearing off the face of Jun Li and Yue Luan. It can seriously injure them, so Jian has been distracted to pay attention to the two of them.

Fortunately, the matter was resolved satisfactorily. Now the two of them are being tortured by the soul in the Yinyue mirror, and Junli's soul is used to restrain Yueluan, so the consumption is particularly fast. Only then did Immortal King Xiyue, who checked the soul lamp, notice something was wrong. of.

As a reward, simply handed over the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Immortal Technique" to Tianyu, allowing him to continue to practice in the sect, and also asked for his opinion before that.

"Tianyu, do you want to go to Jian's family to practice, or stay in Immortal Sword Sect."

"Master, it is better for the disciple to continue to practice in the Immortal Sword Sect."

Tian Yu respectfully reported.

This time, he and Tian Miao successfully entered the ranks of the elite disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect by cooperating with the master to win the two scourges. Now they are given the exercises again. He is very satisfied with the result.

Jian Jian respected his disciple's choice very much, nodded and asked Tian Miao beside him:
"You have been in Immortal Sword Sect for a while, is your practice going well?"

"Thank you for your concern, Master. With your precepts and deeds, and the elders from the lower realms in the Immortal Sword Sect to take care of us, our cultivation is going smoothly."

Tian Miao said with a smile.

"The four of us, brothers and sisters, ascended together. We were in the northern fairyland when we ascended. After a little inquiring, we found out that the master joined the sword refining peak of Immortal Sword Sect. It's just that the four of us didn't make any achievements on the journey of refining weapons. But fortunately, there is another advantage that can be obtained, which is why he was recruited into Immortal Sword Sect."

"From the top existence in the lower realm, after ascending, you have to start from a low-level fairy. Is there a gap?"

It's simple and nothing, just chatting with the two of them.

"Of course there are, but fortunately we were lucky. When we ascended, the master had already made a name for himself, but the four of us were honored by the master."

Tian Yu said with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, I taught you before, and it's your ability to take advantage of the situation."

Simple and indifferent words can make one's own practice path smooth, so why choose a rough path.

Tian Yu hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"Master, before our ascension, the Jian family in the Lingyun Continent was no longer closed and began to integrate into the entire continent. However, they still coveted the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique". Entering the Heavenly Sword Sect, you want to sneak into my sect without knowing it.

After I noticed something was wrong, I directly took someone back to the Jian family land, handed it to Jian Shangxi in person, and told him about your decision, Master. His face was extremely ugly at the time, and his cultivation was just Stuck in the fit period, seems to be very dissatisfied with you. "

"I gave them a chance, but they didn't cherish it, and they had to bear the rest. They regarded themselves as my elders, but they didn't look like an elder. They didn't even dare to admit that they were not the direct descendants of the Jane family. There is nothing to complain about.

I just blocked the cultivation of the disciples who claim to be direct descendants of the chaotic spiritual root, and did not prevent the ascension of other disciples of the spiritual root family, which is already very kind. "

Simply affirmed Tianyu's approach.

"Master is right, there is no shortage of shameless people anywhere. The Wei family saw that our brothers and sisters are developing well in Xianjianzong, so they turned around to win us over. Unfortunately, my eldest brother and I suffered a loss once, so naturally we don't want to help them. If I didn't look at the face of my ancestors, I would have left the family completely."

Tian Miao said with a smile, and also mentioned his elder brother by the way.

"Brother is in charge of the Xuntang now, and he is busy with daily affairs, so there is some delay in his cultivation. When my brothers and I ascended, he hadn't been promoted to Mahayana yet, but we have been ascending for so long, so he must be ascending soon. "

Tian Miao changed the subject and talked about Tianjianzong.

"Who is the current head of law enforcement?"

Simply ask directly.

"It's Tianwu and Tianning. When we ascended, they were already cultivating successors. After they were ready to pass on the position of hall master, they ascended immediately. They said that if they didn't ascend, they might not even have the chance to see the master. up!

At that time we all listened as a joke, but when we saw Master this time, we felt that what Tian Li and Tian Ning said was right, it was because they had the foresight. "

Tian Miao smiled and narrowed her eyes, turning a corner and exaggerating simplicity.

"Tsk tsk, this little mouth is sweet."

"Hee hee, we are happy to see Master."

Tian Miao said with a smile.

Tian Yu on the side nodded in agreement, at this time the jade pendant around his waist vibrated, after Tian Yu saw it, he smiled and said:

"Master, Tianfeng and Tianchong came to visit you in the forbidden place!"

My dears, I'm sorry, Feng Ling crossed the catastrophe!I have a backache and back pain, and I can’t sit still. I feel better today, so I got up and wrote two chapters. I will upload it for everyone to watch. Fengling will lie down for a while, and I will write another chapter after dinner. Thank you for your monthly tickets, rewards and recommendations! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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