Tian Feng and Tian Chong held the temporary token given to them by Jian Jian to be eligible to enter the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. Otherwise, as inner disciples of the two of them, they would not be able to enter the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain that the ancestors were cultivating.

"Tianfeng (Tianchong, Baibai) pays respects to Master!"

The two of them bowed respectfully to Jian Jian, and the most eye-catching one was Bai Bai, who had completely turned into a little golden mouse. Instead of increasing in size, it was one-third smaller than before, more delicate and compact, and completely Awakening the blood of the treasure hunting mouse, it is not an exaggeration to be called a treasure hunter.

After Baibai saw the simplicity, he smiled with his small black bean eyes, and wanted to show his affection, but he felt the breath of Moran's eighth level, and he was timid and dared not approach.

He barely stepped into the second level of the immortal rank under the feeding of Tianchong, Tiancaidibao, and he couldn't compare with Moran, so he could only stand on the shoulder of his master honestly, holding his front paws and bowing to Jianjian.

Simply looking at Tianfeng, who is getting more and more calm and majestic, Tianchong, who is handsome without losing the aura of a rich man, his eyes are full of relief, and then he smiles and lets the two sit down, throws a vermilion fruit in vain, and then asks the two human condition.

"Master, after your ascension, the scourge of the Zerg Race has been eliminated, we are all practicing step by step, because of the improvement of spiritual energy, the four of us have explored many new secrets and dangers together, and our cultivation has improved very quickly.

After advancing to the Mahayana period, we didn't go out of the sect very much. We took turns sitting in the sect, feeling the power of the law, breaking through one after another, and soaring up in about the same time. We were all anxious to come up to see the magnificence of the fairy world. "

In a few words, Tian Feng roughly talked about the process of the four people's cultivation and ascension.

"Eldest brother is the fastest one among the four of us. He is obsessed with swordsmanship and has a natural sword bone. His comprehension of swordsmanship is almost as famous as the ascension ancestor of Tianyun, so he is the first among the four of us to break through the late stage of Mahayana. .

In order to wait for the few of us, the senior brother specially took the task of sitting in the sect, and also served as the elder of the Gongfa Peak, instructing the disciples of the sect in swordsmanship. "

Tianchong added a few words with a smile.

"Master, Tianchong does not give up. He knows his own shortcomings, so he cultivates harder than any of us. Every time we explore the secret realm together, we gain a lot. Thanks to Baibai, the resource for our promotion is We have accumulated little by little, and we are not willing to use what Master left us."

There was also a hint of a smile on Tianfeng's calm face.

"Speaking of this matter, I would like to thank Master for thinking about us and leaving us resources that can be used after ascending to the fairy world in advance. After we enter the Immortal Sword Sect, even low-level immortals can lay a very solid foundation. The transformation of Xianyuanli is very thorough, and he has changed to a suitable exercise one step earlier than the disciples who started together."

Tian Miao added with a smile.

When the four of them met their master, they always had endless topics to talk about. The four of them admired their master from the bottom of their hearts. In less than 1 years, they were promoted to the Immortal King Realm. It was truly an insurmountable mountain in their hearts. , is their eternal pursuit.

Three of her own disciples and two named disciples came to her side one after another. Jian Jian felt less concerned about the lower realm, and then gave each of her four personal disciples a storage ring, encouraging them to take good care of themselves. Practice, all of them will enter the ranks of the elite disciples of the sect as soon as possible, and this small gathering will officially end.

The four people who left the forbidden area in the back mountain took a breath after seeing the full range of resources in the storage ring, and had a new understanding of the arrogance of their master.

The happiest thing is nothing, he almost got into the storage ring, he likes all the things in it, and really wants to put it in his little private treasury!

In the end, Tianchong grabbed the tail and stuffed it back into the fairy beast bag, and then it stopped completely.

After Tianchong raised his head and looked around for a week, he whispered:
"Master is still so generous, we save some of these resources, enough to cultivate to the Profound Immortal Realm."

"Master has always been generous, and this time he went to another fairy world, and naturally brought back a lot of things, but our cultivation base is low, so we should not be too ostentatious, and don't even think about cultivating with the resources bestowed by Master. You have to be steady and steady, you have to do what you normally do, and what Master gives you is not a last resort, so it's best not to use it, so as not to attract coveted people."

As a senior brother, Tianfeng is used to reminding his juniors at any time, so these words are very natural.

"Yes, senior brother, we have a sense of proportion."

The three of them agreed in unison.

"Don't spread the news about our coming to the forbidden area in the back mountain. Practice depends on yourself. Don't use the banner of master to show off your power. If you let me know, you will never let me go lightly!"

Tianfeng tightened the screws for the three of them again.

"Yes, Big Brother!"

None of the three had any objections.

"Eldest brother, don't worry, with our current cultivation base, if we really do something in the name of master, I'm afraid of embarrassing master!"

Tian Miao blinked his almond eyes, and immediately added.

The conversation between the four of them was clearly heard by Jian Jian, Zi Yin and Shou Dian. They didn't withdraw their water mirrors until they returned to the inner gate in a low-key manner.

Simply expressing his pride, the apprentices he taught are so outstanding.

Immortal King Ziyin said to the guard on the side:

"I didn't expect Jian Jian to teach his apprentice so well. It's really rare!"

"I've heard from Tianjun and Tianli that among her four apprentices, she took the initiative to take in her four apprentices, because she saw early on that Tianfeng was born with sword bones, so she preemptively decided on it. The other three All of them were accepted by chance.

She was originally a Daoist fellow cultivator, and she joined the Heavenly Demon Palace as a demon at the earliest to prevent the Valley of the Dead from being breached by the Zerg, so she didn't have much time to teach her disciples. Instead, she found suitable exercises for them and gave them enough training. Resources, I seldom teach them in person, they are basically stocked. I didn't expect these four little guys to be so easy to maintain even if they ascended to the fairyland. "

Shoudian stroked the Xingyue Bodhi bracelet on his wrist, and said lazily.

"She must pay more attention to character when accepting disciples. Don't look at the simplicity and don't pay attention to everything on weekdays. If someone bullies her four disciples, you can see what she will do."

"I believe in this. If I have such an excellent disciple, I will naturally protect him closely."

Shoudian very much agrees with Ziyin's statement.

"I have advanced to the Immortal King Realm, and I am going to hand over the Shouzong Palace. The simply recommended Tianjun and Tianli are very suitable. I also brought it with me and taught it for a while. They do not belong to any party in the Zongmen. After all, the two of them have only been in the sect for a short time, so I am going to hand over the position of Hall Master to the guardian, and Tianjun and Tianli will share the assistance, what do you think?"

After Shoudian stabilized his cultivation, he wanted to relieve all the burdens on his body, so he said his decision without delay.

"Shouhu is also dedicated to the sword, is he willing to take on this burden?"

Ziyin asked with a smile.

"Hey, I promised him that as long as I don't close the long test, he can come to me to learn from him at any time. Sword immortals are the fastest to improve in battle."

Babies, here is the third update, Fengling is doing her best!Wait until the end of the catastrophe tomorrow, and strive for a few more chapters!Thank you for your understanding!See you tomorrow (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~~

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