Immortal King Ziyin heard this, and a smile appeared on his face:

"You saw that the guard was looking for a breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship, you got his pulse, and you assigned him two capable assistants, so you persuaded him to take over the position of the master of the Shouzong Hall. .”

Listening to Immortal King Ziyin's words, Shoudian pursed his lips and smiled complacently, as acquiescence, but he still explained:

"Actually, I chose Shouhu as my successor after consideration. He only has a sword in his heart. He is like a sword. He is strong and upright. His family belongs to the Qing Dynasty in the sect. He does not get involved in the struggle for power. I have enough strength to protect myself, so I chose Shou Hu, Shou Zong Dian is a line of defense for the Zongmen, and I will not allow those deep-minded people to take over."

"I handed over the Shouzong Palace to you, so I naturally believe you. Every judgment you make is for the sake of the Zongmen, but I remember that you wanted to take over simply before."

Ziyin believed in Shoudian's judgment, but she still asked too much.

"I think, but the simple promotion is too fast, and she doesn't want to take over the Shouzongdian, otherwise she wouldn't have pushed Tianjun and Tianli in front of me before I told her, which is a disguised form reject."

Shoudian was also very helpless, simple and too keen, he noticed such a slight sign, he didn't even make a hint, and they pushed the suitable candidate in front of him, and he couldn't do it without admiration.

"Jianjian really dares to think and do. When holding her fairy king ceremony, Qingjun once had a secret talk with me, saying that Jianjian wanted to completely wipe out Zongzu."

Hearing this, Shoudian narrowed his pretty eyes. This is indeed a once-and-for-all solution. Even though the Zerg has been driven out of the battlefield, those bugs are still wandering outside the Qifang Immortal Realm, as if they are waiting for an opportunity to fight back.

"Also, I don't think it's all a coincidence that she fell into the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. She disrupted the Zerg's plan to obtain supplies from the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, but I don't know if the backhand she left behind can fully function."

Zi Yin said in a deep voice.

"Simplicity never does things that are not sure, we just wait and see."

Shoudian is very confident in simplicity.

The two were discussing about the successor of the Shouzong Palace, and Tianjun also met with Tianli who had just left customs.

Knowing that the simple Immortal King Ceremony was over, Tian Li felt a little sad, because he happened to miss it because of retreat.

"It's okay, simply don't pay attention to these forms, if it is not to lure Junli and Yueluan to come, this Immortal King Ceremony will not be held."

Tian Jun fanned the jade bone fan in her hand and said with a smile.

"Are those two caught?"

Tian Li asked in a deep voice.

"Naturally, with the cooperation of Shou Zongdian and Jian Jian, it took less than a stick of incense to detain him and clean his tail."

"That's good! Although I don't know what Junli has done, but that Yueluan is definitely not a good thing. Relying on her beauty, she often seduces people to use her.

The Zerg that Jian Jian picked up from the battlefield, as well as the Luanfeng Tower, the Zerg monsters in the Demon Realm, and the monsters in the Yaoxian Realm who wanted to die with Jian Jian, these seem to have nothing to do with each other on the surface, but they are inextricably linked , and all have the shadow of Yueluan. "

Tian Li assisted Tian Jun in dealing with the affairs of the ancestral hall. Although the things he could get in touch with were limited, he could naturally detect the tricks when he put them together. Although he was not as clever as Tian Jun, he was still thoughtful. People, he judges for himself.

"Junior Brother is right. We'd better ask about this matter. This is the most direct way."

Tang Jun said with a smile.

At this time, someone pulled the restraint of Tianjun Cave Mansion, the two ended their conversation, then waved to open the restraint, and saw the dusty Tianhong.

Tianli and Tianjun immediately stepped forward to salute:
"I've seen Master (Uncle Master)! You came back from the 'Leihai' dangerously?"

"Hmm! Hurry up and still miss the simple Immortal King Ceremony!"

Tianhong lifted his robes, sat across from the two, and then said with a smile:

"Did you two advance smoothly this time?"

"Thank you for your concern, Master. Senior Brother Tianjun and I have been promoted to the ranks this time. It's quite smooth. I left the customs later than Senior Brother, and I am talking about the simple fairy king ceremony."

Tian Li immediately replied to Tian Hong's question.

On the other hand, Tianjun felt the slight fluctuation of the immortal energy around Tianhong, and then said:

"Uncle, are you going to be promoted?"

"Yes, the purpose of returning to the sect this time is to participate in the simple Immortal King Ceremony. After the Ceremony is over, I will prepare to retreat and attack the Immortal King Realm. This time, I have gained a lot from the 'Lei Hai'."

Tianhong talked about his original plan, obviously the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, he missed the fairy king ceremony.

"Master, don't worry, simplicity is not someone who cares about these forms. She also used her ceremony to do other things."

Tian Li used Tian Jun's words of comfort to return to his master.

"Oh? Who is so unlucky this time and was tricked by her?"

Tianhong didn't seem surprised and asked directly.

The three communicated for a while, and then they went to meet Jian Jian together.

At this time, the cave was restricted, and with the moon mirror, he entered his own purple mansion space.

Xiao Gushen hasn't seen his master for a long time, and the last time he returned to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm, he consumed a lot of fairy stones and fairy crystals. Looking at Gushen, he covered his heart, and felt that the master was too lavish. He was going to talk to his master about the accumulation of resources. matter.

After finally looking forward to the master, the other party said that there was something important and asked him to play by himself.

Xiao Gushen had no choice but to continue to compete with those Xianzhi and Mozhi.

Simply covering the entire space with his spiritual consciousness, after a round of inspection, he entered the bamboo building, went directly to the practice room, and sacrificed the moon mirror.

"Yinyue, do you have any new discoveries?"

After simply sitting cross-legged on the futon, he asked directly.

With a flash of Yinyue's figure, she came out of the Yinyue mirror, bowed to Jian Jian, and then said:

"Fairy, I have read Junli's soul memory. He used my former master Wu Yi to help him advance to the rank of Immortal King, and the matter of helping his good master to advance to the rank of Immortal Emperor. What Wu Yi said and you There is no big difference in the guess.

As for Yueluan, her soul strength is stronger than I imagined, I can't read it, I can only use the power of Junli Immortal King Realm to seal her in the mirror, once Junli's soul dissipates, the seal will be consumed The power of the moon mirror itself will still need your help at that time. "

After simply listening to Yinyue's words, it is not surprising that Yueluan has been able to lurk in the Qifang Immortal Realm for so long and do so many things this year, and it is not without support. She has to think about how to deal with it properly.

"Yinyue, this idiot Junli is useless, you use his soul power to seal Yueluan first, I'll think about how to deal with Yueluan first, before that, you just need to ensure that Yueluan can't leave Yinyue mirror .”

Simple and direct instructions.

"Yes, Yinyue understands!"

Yinyue cupped her hands and saluted, her body turned into a streamer and returned to the Yinyue mirror.

The simplicity is to go directly to the first floor to find Ziyu.

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