"Zi Yu, I have encountered a difficult matter."

Simply put the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron on the table, and said straight to the point.

This time, Zi Yu showed her figure very face-saving, and the figure of the three-inch nail sat directly on the dragon head of the cauldron, and asked directly with a small face:
"What's the matter?"

"It's not that Yueluan!"

"Didn't you catch her already?"

"Catch it if you catch it, but you can't kill it!"

"Tsk! There are people you can't kill?"

Zi Yu said with disgust.

Simple and not angry, he said softly:
"That bedbug is very picky. The soul of Yueluan he fused seems to be the reincarnated body of a certain goddess in the upper world. The soul is as strong as the man you refined in the sealed secret realm."

After hearing this, Zi Yu frowned her pretty little brows, and said directly:

"With your current ability, there is really no way to obliterate the other party's soul."

"What good idea does Zi Yuke have?"

"You can temporarily seal the other party, and then destroy it after you ascend to the God Realm."

Zi Yu said directly.

Hearing these words briefly, his phoenix eyes turned, and then he thought about it and said:

"I don't want to form a vendetta with this reincarnated goddess, and the flies are not biting seamlessly. She is used by the Zerg, and it is definitely not just what we see on the surface.

So I want you to help me refine the Zerg part of her body, so that I can read her memory, whether it is in this world or in the upper world, and keep her soul. useful. "

After hearing this, Zi Yu raised his eyebrows and said directly:

"You haven't ascended yet! You started thinking about doing things. You said that if you put these thoughts into alchemy, why don't you become a master of alchemy!"

Hearing this simply, his head was full of black lines, and he muttered in a low voice:

"Exposing people does not expose weaknesses, and it's not that you always despise my alchemy skills and now you despise me"

Ziyin plucked his ears, and then said:
"Master, what are you talking about? Louder, I didn't hear clearly!"

"Cough! I said that I will put more effort into alchemy in the future and strive to meet your standards. Look at Yueluan's matter."

Said simply and flatteringly.

Only then did Zi Yu ease his face, and after thinking about it, he said:

"It's not impossible to say what you said, it's just that this is not a sealed secret realm. I'm worried that if we make an action here, the body of the goddess in the God Realm will sense it. There must be a guardian around her. It will be very bad for you if you lose it."

It is simple and clear that although Zi Yu is a little critical of her in alchemy, she will not deliberately hide her, especially such an important matter.

"Sealing the opponent's soul all the time is a temporary solution, not the root cause. Now Junli's soul is still consumed. If the seal continues for a long time, the loss will be even greater, and it will not be a matter of one or two hundred years for me to ascend to the upper realm."

"I can refine the Zerg that is fused with Yueluan's soul first, and then we can figure out a way."

Zi Yu said after thinking about it.

"There is no better way for the time being, so I can only do this. I will send you and the strange fire into the Yinyue Mirror. There is an extra barrier and an extra layer of protection."

After simply finalizing the matter, they sent the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron and Phoenix True Fire into the Yinyue Mirror together, and specifically explained to Yinyue the powerful relationship among them.

After hearing this, Yinyue said directly:

"You can seal me directly and send me to the lower realm. After the spirit is refined, the fairy will find us again."

"I also think, unfortunately, my cultivation is limited, and the sealing technique can't completely block the detection of the God Realm. This method won't work."

Simply and directly explained.

"Yinyue understands, so I will deal with it according to the fairy's order."

Immediately, Yinyue returned to the Yinyue mirror, this time simply did not take away the Yinyue mirror, but put it directly on the shelf, and became neighbors with the small box, and told the small box to notify at any time if there is any change Only then did she dodge and leave the space.

As soon as Jian Jian appeared and opened the restriction, a messenger talisman flew into her cave.

"Immortal King Jian, Tianli has just left the customs, and Tianhong has just returned to the sect today, the three of us are here to visit!"

It was Tianjun's voice as soon as she heard it, and she simply sent a message to the guard at the entrance of the forbidden area, asking the three of them to come to her cave.

The four of them are old acquaintances in the lower realms, and they all cooperated by chance after ascension, so there is no sense of strangeness, a simple and rare relaxation, take out the new wine brewed for her by the ginseng, and drink with the three of them, chatting very happy.

Qianyuan Immortal World
No. 20 years after simply leaving, the Zerg sent another waste star, full of eggs and larvae, quickly approaching Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

Discovered by Jiu Lao, who had been inspecting the starry sky for a long time, he took a sip of the wine in the wine gourd and sighed:
"It was really hit by that little girl, these things are really wicked!"

"No one will stop the bugs for us this time, it's up to us."

The demon emperor who guarded Guixu Holy Mountain answered.

"You say, is it a coincidence that the girl fell into our Qianyuan Immortal Realm, or is it a predetermined fate?"

The female fairy emperor stroked her hair and asked directly.

"If it is determined, it must be in our favor, otherwise the sudden arrival of the alien Zerg, although we are not completely powerless to fight back, it will definitely be a long process.

If this kind of thing takes root here and consumes our resources for a long time, sooner or later Qianyuan Immortal World will fall. "

The last tall devil emperor said bluntly.

Immediately, the four of them sent a warning message to the entire Qianyuan fairyland together, and arranged for the first wave of immortals to take a starship to stop the vanguard of the Zerg.

In the year 890, 780 of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, the advance team dispatched by Thirteen Continents met the Zerg Pioneer in the starry sky.

The two sides made contact for the first time. After the negotiation was fruitless, the two sides fought against each other. It took a year to wipe out all the Zerg races on the entire waste planet. .

In the year 890, 790 of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, ten years later, Zerg once again attacked Qianyuan Immortal Realm. With previous experience, this time Thirteen Continents sent additional manpower to encircle Zerg from all directions. He vowed to wipe out the other party in the starry sky and prevent him from entering his own territory.

In this battle, in order to restore their prestige, the Huangfu family invited themselves to be the vanguard, charged at the front line, and even blew themselves up when they were caught in an insect swarm, dragging the insects to their deaths, which won some praise and saved some reputation.

But only the hearts of the Huangfu family are bleeding. Those disciples who blew themselves up are all direct descendants of the Huangfu family. Such bravery.

If Zhima was here, he would proudly ask Jian Jian for credit. The "brave" direct disciples of the Huangfu family have sub-gu in their bodies, and Zhima has already given a death order before leaving. Once they fight the Zerg, they must die. Hugh, don't give yourself a chance to survive, and don't give the Zerg a chance.

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