In the first thousand and eighty-nine thousand and forty-four thousand and eighty-one years of Qianyuan Immortal World, Thirteen Continents wiped out all the intercepted Zerg, and took the initiative to attack, and began to follow the Zerg's reinforcements all the way to kill the opponent's mobile insect nest.

In the first thousand and eighty-nine thousand and forty-four thousand and eighty-three years of the Qianyuan Immortal World, the immortals of the Thirteen Continents officially met the intelligent Zerg. The ugly face has long been seen through, and no one believes what they say.

Bei Minghan, as the person accompanying the negotiation, looked into the other party's small eyes, and suddenly said:

"Do you know about the Jian family in the seven directions fairyland?"

Because the question was abrupt, the intelligent Zerg was thinking of a way to break the deadlock, so they subconsciously said "know", and then immediately reacted and asked:

"How do you know about this family?"

"Jianjian, a direct disciple of the Jian family, was sent to our Qianyuan Immortal Realm by you. She told us all your news. We have humbly asked for advice on your weaknesses and how to eliminate you, so your tricks Don’t show us your own rhetoric, after all, you don’t believe it yourself!”

The cold and ruthless voice of Beiminghan spread to the ears of every intelligent Zerg. They were so angry that they almost broke their skins and were completely stripped of their fig leaf. The two sides officially entered the battle.

In the year 890 of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, the two sides entered into a stalemate. During the eight years, both sides continued to increase the number of participants in the battle. Qianyuan Immortal Realm sent four immortal emperors to block the Zerg race In the middle, do not let the opponent have the opportunity to break through the defense line.

In the first thousand, 890, and 820 years of Qianyuan Immortal Realm, the Zerg race was unwilling to consume any more, and started the self-explosive impact mode in an attempt to break through the defense line and enter Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

After being noticed by the four immortal emperors, they immediately asked the four immortal emperors guarding the Holy Mountain of Guixu to take action. The eight joined hands to build the same battle field as the Seven Squares Immortal Realm, completely blocking the Zerg's attack. So far, the Zerg has fallen into a new era. round of hard work.

Seven directions fairy world fairy sword sect

Jian Jian didn't know about the Zerg's invasion of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm. At this time, she was invited to participate in the handover ceremony of the Shouzong Palace. right-hand man.

No matter how you look at it simply, you feel that Tianjun's smile is a bit forced, so I directly asked the Immortal King Shoudian:

"Why do I look at Tianjun with some reluctance!"

"It's true. He originally wanted to wait for Tianli to leave the customs, and the two of them went out to practice together, but because I temporarily advanced to the Immortal King Realm, their plan fell through, and they also wanted to become the deputy palace master of the Shouzong Palace, so it was a bit uncomfortable. willing."

"I see."

"Don't worry, I've already convinced them. After all, you strongly recommend them. After the tests of the elders and me, there is no objection between the two of them becoming the deputy hall masters."

The Taohua eyes who guarded the palace narrowed and said with a smile.

Jian Jian didn't expect that he had a part to play in this, and then he smirked at Shou Dian twice, and stopped bringing up this topic again.

After watching the ceremony, Jian Jian presented congratulatory gifts to appease the two former classmates, and then she was ready to go out to practice. This time, she planned to go to the "Lei Hai" where Tianhong had been.

Through the last exchange, she learned that even with Tianhong's cultivation base, she couldn't reach the center of the "Thunder Sea". The strength of Junjing.

She also wanted to try, so after telling Immortal Queen Ziyin, she left Immortal Sword Sect gracefully.

"Aren't you going to have a look?"

Zi Yin asks the guard of the palace beside him.

"She's going to soak in 'Leihai', my spiritual root is not suitable, and in the short term, I don't plan to advance."

Shoudian poured a cup of tea for Immortal King Ziyin, and then explained.

"Based on what you mean, Jian Jian is aiming at promotion this time."

"Well, to win the Western Immortal Emperor, her current cultivation is not enough."

Shoudian did not deny it.

The simplicity of leaving the Northern Immortal Territory, stroking his cheeks, and after changing his face, went directly to the Western Immortal Territory, because the "Thunder Sea" is in the extreme west of the Western Immortal Territory.

This time I was not in a hurry, and simply took the cross-domain spaceship directly, and it took a year to reach the Western Immortal Territory.

The last time she went to the Western Immortal Territory alone, it was because of the Luanfeng Tower. This time, she walked towards her destination unhurriedly. She must enter the Immortal City along the way. Except for a short rest, she just collected some information about the families in the city. Zongmen, she will also visit Yi Er.

Of course, as a single female fairy, she also attracted some coveted people through her experience alone, but along the way, these malicious people disappeared without a trace in the end, but she provided a windfall for Jian Jian .

Jian Jian was sitting in a dilapidated gazebo in the mountains to rest this day, and he was still asking Liu Chuan via voice transmission:
"Chuan, why don't you say they didn't do anything? They followed me all the way."

"Tsk, you are so cruel, and you walked to this extreme west alone, as long as they are not stupid, they will not attack you."

"It's a pity, another windfall has been lost!"

Simply sighed.

Listening to this, Liu Chuan just wanted to roll her eyes. She robbed all the simple people along the way, and those with bloody hands and evil spirits have all returned to heaven and earth, and those who were begging for money left only one Underpants, he was able to get away, that's why he said it was simple and brutal.

"Since there is no play, let's go directly to Leihai!"

As soon as the simple words fell, the person disappeared from the broken gazebo.

After a long time, a group of people slowly moved into the gazebo. The man in the lead wiped the sweat from his head, and then said:

"Fortunately, we are cautious enough, otherwise we don't know how to die."

"Brother, this female fairy is too evil, she should be the one who was passed on by her peers before!"

"It's probably this fairy."

"Then shall we still follow?"

"What are you going to do? If you go further west, you will find Leihai. Are you going to go to Leihai for training, or are you going to give away the head?"

The leading man reprimanded angrily, then waved his hand and quickly left the mountain with his companions.

"Look, I'm right! You're already famous, so these people don't dare to rob you!"

Liu Chuan said directly.

At this time, the simple figure appeared in the gazebo again, and she heard the conversation of the group just now clearly.

"Let's go! Go to Thunder Sea!"

Jian Jian really left this time. Two hours later, her figure appeared at the entrance of the valley where Lei Hai was.

In the ear was the sound of "rumbling" thunder, and in the tumbling dark clouds in the sky, purple lightning bolts were brewing, and after three breaths, they struck down and fell into the hinterland of the valley.

The entrance is a crack that can only be passed by five people. From the crack, purple light comes out from time to time, which is obviously caused by lightning in the valley.

On the mountain wall next to the entrance, the word "Thunder Sea" was engraved, and after a simple sweep of the divine sense, he stepped into it.

Good evening, babies!First three chapters, Feng Ling went to prepare dinner for her father, there will be an update before twelve o'clock!thanks for your support!

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