Although Tazhuo didn't understand what he had lost, he knew that he came here to wait for this fairy who could help him, but it cost the clan a lot, so this time he can only succeed and not fail, so he just saw that A fairy wanted to refuse, so he was a little anxious to arrest her.

However, it turned out that the frail fairy in his eyes was not so easy to be manipulated by him. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he remembered the instructions of his ancestors, and finally persuaded the fairy to help him find things.

After making the oath of immortality, he realized that this fairy was actually a fairy king, and Tazhuo then understood what his ancestors said "a person should not be judged by his appearance".

At this time, Ta Zhuo happily strode into the sea of ​​thunder, with his predestined person Fairy Jian sitting on his left shoulder.

Sitting simply and steadily on Ta Zhuo's shoulders, chatting with Ta Zhuo one after another, hoping to get more news from the other party.

"Ta Zhuo, when did you start practicing?"

"I heard from my grandma that I started to practice when I was in her stomach, absorbing the power of cave rocks from the cave rock tribe, so that my body will be so strong."

The speed under Ta Zhuo's feet was not slow, and he had already left behind some people who were struggling to move forward.

"Seeing that your bone age is not long, only 400 years, you should be the youngest fairy king in your Dongyan clan, right?"

"Hmm! I am the fastest in my clan to comprehend the power of Dongyan, and I am also the fastest to advance. I am the hope of our clan!"

Ta Zhuo grinned and boasted.

Simply letting the power of lightning fall on him, Transsion communicated with Yanagawa:

"I don't know why this Tazhuo is missing a soul, so he is very focused on his cultivation and has no other distractions. He can advance faster than his peers. Because of this, he is the one who has the most hope of breaking through to the Immortal Emperor Realm. For this clan Zhong paid such a high price to send him to the Seven Fangs Immortal Realm to seek my help."

"Well, his main soul has not been lost, so he can practice normally, but it is difficult to advance to the emperor level, so I asked you for help. Get out of the way and let the black and white ghosts help you."

After listening briefly, she pursed her lips and smiled, but she thought of something else:

"Chuan, you said that if I ask Yan Luo for help, Yue Luan's spirit will be lost."

"Do you really dare to think, what if people don't help and expose this matter? What are you doing in such a hurry? If you really can't do it, you can just take the moon mirror with you and let the small box swallow it. Let's talk about it when you fly up." .”

"I've thought about it too, but I'm itching to know some secrets of the God Realm! Besides, Yinyue Mirror is right, it's sealed together with her, it's not fair to her, and she is also practicing very hard. Restore the rank of the artifact as soon as possible."

Simple and helpless.

"If you want to know about the God Realm, ask Shoudian! Isn't he the reincarnation of the evil god Wang Ning?"

Yanagawa was also speechless for simple curiosity.

"Tsk, it's not that I don't want to ask, but with his uncertain temperament, what confidants and friends can he have in the God Realm? The priest has a conscience, help him reincarnate, otherwise he will really die, what do you think he can know?"

Jian Jian complained to Liu Chuan while refining the power of lightning that had entered his body.

"Hearing what you said, it seems to make sense! In this case, let the Ziyu Yinlong cauldron slowly grind Yueluan. Last time, the Xinghai or Xingchen was made with the assistance of Lord Yan Luo. Turned out, you went to the side to check."

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean too!"

"Fairy Jian, we have already entered Leihai Zhongwei, can you still adapt?"

Ta Zhuo's voice came, interrupting the simple sound transmission.

"It's okay, let's move on!"

Simply replied with a smile.

"Okay, fairy sit still, I'm going to speed up!"

After receiving a positive answer, Ta Zhuo increased his speed a bit, making Zilei in the entire Zhongwei chasing after the mobile iron tower, disrupting the adaptation rhythm of everyone who had just stepped into the Zhongwei trial, and some people couldn't bear this Intensity, can only retreat to the periphery, cursing in the mouth.

Some people saw Ta Zhuo and Jian Jian, others didn't know her, but they recognized the newly-promoted No. [-] beauty in the fairy world, and the news that Jian Jian entered Lei Hai's training experience spread throughout the Western Immortal Territory.

Some people were looking forward to a duel between the old and new "No. [-] Beauty in the Immortal World", so that they could have a glimpse of the two fairies, but unfortunately they were doomed to be disappointed because Yueluan did not show up.

Also because Yueluan did not show up, everyone in the Western Immortal Realm found out after inquiring that Immortal King Junli seemed to have no news for a long time, and now only Immortal King Xiyue is in charge of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and conspiracy theories started again for a while.

The turmoil outside has nothing to do with Ta Zhuo and Jian Jian, they have already entered the inner circle of Lei Hai.

After entering the inner circle of Leihai, Ta Zhuo's speed obviously slowed down, and his steps were not as big as before, and he was very cautious, because the power of the purple thunder that fell every three breaths continued to increase as the two of them went deeper. improvement.

Zi Lei struck Ta Zhuo's exposed bronze skin without leaving any traces, only very slight red marks, and Jian Jian started a new round of tempering from the epidermis to the inner abdomen with the help of Zi Lei entering the body, Then guide the obedient purple thunder into the yin and yang Taiji disk in the dantian, so that the Taiji disk is inlaid with a layer of purple lace.

And Zhima and Liu Chuan, who were afraid of thunder, were also taken into the space by her early in the morning.

"Fairy Jane, you are amazing!"

Ta Zhuo had to admit that this fairy king, who looked delicate, had a rock-like body that was not inferior to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm a swordsman and also a body trainer, so I can handle it, and you are also very good."

Simple also smiled and praised each other.

"Ta Zhuo is the hope of the whole family, the best!"

After finishing speaking, the other party waved his fist and smashed a purple thunder directly.

He simply pursed his lips and smiled, because they went deeper into the core area, and the two did not communicate any more, and they were all focused on dealing with Zi Lei who was attacking him.

This time, it took the two of them three days to reach the center of the sea of ​​thunder after wading through the massive purple thunder.

Simply looking at the purple thunder waterfall falling vertically from the sky, I suddenly felt a little numb in my body, the kind of numbness from being struck by lightning.

Ta Zhuo's current image is not very good either, the tiger-striped clothes on his body have become scorched black, the exposed skin also has red marks, and there are some black marks burned by the force of lightning, and the short black hair has completely become Afro head.

Jian Jian still managed to maintain his dignity, but looking at the surging Zi Lei, he swallowed and asked Ta Zhuo beside him:

"Where is the passage?"

"The prophet said that when we enter there, we will be sent where we want to go."

Tazhuo pointed to Zilei Waterfall.

With a simple trick, he covered himself with nine layers of defense, activated the defensive fairy all over his body, and covered his whole body with the little silver armor that hadn't acted for a long time, and then was taken by Tazhuo, and rushed into the core of Leihai.

The uninterrupted purple thunder strikes the body, and the bodies of the two people are quickly submerged by the purple thunder, making Jian Jian instantly comprehend why they were split out of three souls and seven souls by the thunder robbery.

"Huh? How come there are two more people in the thunder punishment?"

Babies, secretly add a new chapter to surprise everyone, ask for a monthly pass!Really see you tomorrow~

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