Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2031 The first entry into the underworld

When the simple mind and soul left the body, he immediately sent his physical body into the Zifu space.

The Magnolia space was bound to her soul when it first recognized its master, and later upgraded, it merged with her Purple Mansion Stele, and advanced to the Purple Mansion Space. Even in the state of spirit, she can still use the inner This may be one of the reasons why Ta Zhuo, the prophet of the Dongyan clan, asked her for help.

There are small ginseng, sesame and Liu Chuan in the Zifu space. They are aware of the dangers of Jian Jian’s experience in the underworld this time, and they have also received orders in advance, so the moment the physical body appeared, Liu Chuan stretched out willow branches to wrap Jian Jian’s physical body , put it into the crystal coffin that had been prepared a long time ago, and then sent the crystal coffin to the top-quality fairy crystal wall in the fairy crystal mine vein, so that the immortal energy can be used to nourish the body through the crystal coffin.

Sesame took the easiest job, lay directly on the body of his master, and entered the Crystal Palace together, paying attention to the situation of the master at any time, and if there was any change, he could inform everyone in time, and by the way, cultivated with the help of strong celestial power.

After everything was arranged, Ta Zhuo's iron tower-like body was also sent in, so he would not be treated so well as simply.

Putting it in a newly opened cave, Xiao Gushen arranged the formation vigilantly, while Liu Chuan left a willow branch and inserted it directly beside Tazhuo. If there is any problem, he will be the first Knowing that there is nothing wrong with this person, it is related to the simple Feishen Pill.

The moment the simple mind and soul left the body, he found that he had turned into a golden luminous body.

Because of her merits and virtues, and the fact that Fahua used her spirit to help her restore her soul, now her soul still emits bursts of lotus-like soul fragrance, which is more and more eye-catching, making the soul of the tortured soul in the Thunder Punishment Pool They all began to struggle and rush towards Jian Jian, only then was the ghost messenger who was watching over the execution of the thunder punishment discovered immediately.

And because Ta Zhuo lacked a soul, his expression became more confused, even a little unstable, and would dissipate at any time after his spirit and soul left his body. The ghost started to approach Ta Zhuo, and Jian Jian was startled.

If Ta Zhuo's spirit is scattered, her Flying God Pill will also fly, so she raised her hand subconsciously, and popped a golden light ball of merit the size of a glass ball into the opponent's body, helping Ta Zhuo temporarily stabilize the spirit.

Then she taught herself without a teacher, gathered her golden merits into her soul, and formed a golden cassock, and then she dragged Ta Zhuo who was watching around and jumped out of the Thunder Punishment Pond.

The ghost messenger, who had sensed something was wrong before, was calling for someone, when he saw that the extra two had jumped out of the Thunder Punishment Pond, he was also taken aback, held a soul fork, and shouted to stop the two of them:
"Where are you living souls? How did you get mixed into the Thunder Punishment Pool?"

"Don't shout, Brother Ghost Messenger, we entered here by mistake, and we are looking for someone to ask about the situation."

The simple and soft-spoken explanation made the hostility of the ghost messenger much less.

And Ta Zhuo scratched his hair subconsciously, and was about to speak, when his predestined person gave him a sharp look, and he immediately shut up with a wink.

"Are you monks?"

The ghost with an ordinary face asked uncertainly.


"Reggae, what were you yelling about just now? Call the captain!"

Another ghost messenger came and whispered to the ghost messenger who was talking to Jian Jian.

"Ah I"

Before Reggae could explain, a tall man in a black robe entered the Thunder Punishment Pool. After seeing Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo, he was stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward politely and said:

"I don't know why the two immortal kings came to the Thunder Punishment Pool?"


Simply don't know how to address each other.

"I am Gui Kui, the person in charge of the Thunder Punishment Pool here."

The other party reported himself as a family.

"Guikui, the two of us originally practiced in the dangerous 'sea of ​​thunder', but we just arrived at the center of the sea of ​​thunder, and then we were struck here by the purple thunder that fell like a waterfall. It was smashed into the Thunder Punishment Pool here, and we are now in a state of being out of the body."

This time, it will be more detailed.

"The Thunder Punishment Pond here was constructed by borrowing the tribulation thunder from the Thunder Pond in the God Realm. The place where the Immortal King is should be a lightning-inducing point. That's why you have come here with your souls out of your body."

Gui Kui explained.

This is the first time this kind of thing has happened in millions of years. After all, no one has taken the initiative to be struck by lightning.

"You two don't have to worry, I will report this matter to the Nine Palaces of Yama, and send you two back to where you came from."

Gui Kui said politely.

"Excuse me, since I'm here, my little girl wants to visit Lord Yan Luo, we are old acquaintances."

Jian Jian immediately raised the banner, then raised his hand, and pushed the Magnolia name post in front of Gui Kui from the space.

"Please pass on the greeting card, Master Yan Luo will meet me."

With a simple and polite arch, Ta Zhuo also arched his hands.

Gui Kui looked at the exquisite name card in front of him, hesitated for a moment, then waved his sleeves to accept it, and then led the two of them out of Lei Xingchi.

When leaving the cave where the Lei Xingchi was located, there was a burst of howling ghosts and howling wolves from a larger black hole next to it, straight into the soul, making Tazhuo's soul tremble, but fortunately, he was caught by Jian Jian in time.

"Where is that entrance?"

Simply asking directly, I don't think it will be a good place to go.

"That's the entrance to the eighteenth floor of hell, and there are sinful souls inside. Even the Thunder Punishment Pond can't wash away the sins on the body. Only after the punishment in the eighteenth floor of hell is over, can there be a chance for reincarnation. "

Gui Kui explained that this is not a secret, so he generously told Jian Jian.

At this time, there was a group of ghost messengers escorting 20 people towards the entrance of hell. Black chains were fastened around his wrists, ankles, and waist, and the other end of the chain was held in the hands of a menacing ghost guard.

"Don't dawdle, go faster! I know what you have done. You can fool yourself, but you can't fool Lord Yan Luo. The gates of hell will open for you!"

The leading ghost messenger tugged at the chain in his hand and announced loudly.

The mutation happened at this time, one of the black figures with the thickest blood evil spirit suddenly pulled out the chain that controlled him from the ghost guard, and then rushed straight to Jian Jian and Tazhuo passing by.

"Bastard! How dare you escape!"

The ghost messenger who led the team yelled, and instantly changed from a civil servant with a public face in the underworld to a fierce ghost with a green face and fangs. He tightened the chain in his hand with one hand, and grabbed the escaping spirit with the other hand.

There was a "crack" of the whip, followed by a suppressed ghostly howl, and the soul that was rushing towards the simple one had been blown apart.

Everything happened too fast, and everything ended within three breaths. The remaining nineteen innocent ghosts who did not participate were already under the control of the chains, fell to the ground, howling continuously, and the black energy on their bodies Constant spillage.

"Tsk, why are you so careless?"

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