Jian Jian held the whip in his hand, murmured something, then turned his head and said to Gui Kui:
"It's nothing, we weren't scared, it's just that the spirit seemed to have malicious intentions, so I subconsciously whipped the whip. This is self-defense!"

Speaking of the latter, the simplicity is also a little uncertain. I was really in a hurry, and I didn't have time to collect the information of the underworld. After arriving here, I was a little passive, because I was hooked by the Feishen Pill.

With a simple innocent face, the corners of the mouths of Guikui and the captain of the escort who had turned into a human again twitched. Was it a matter of a whip?That is a fairy weapon, even if the ghost king is whipped, his soul will be weakened.

"My lord's reaction is very fast! But you want to find an errand in my underworld?"

The escort captain immediately spoke.

"Thanks to this little brother, I want to pay a visit to Lord Yan Luo before making a decision."

Jian Jian did not reject it outright, people said that the King of Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is difficult to deal with, and if you want to find Ta Zhuo's soul, you have to ask ghost messengers for help, so she didn't say anything dead.

"It turned out that I was meeting Lord Yan Luo. I wonder which hall you want to see?"

As the captain asked, he raised his hand and ticked the book in his hand. Obviously, the soul body that had been shattered just now came to an end.

"Master Yan Luo who commands the entire underworld."

Simply replied with a smile.

"Yan Luo, the first hall, is hard to see! His old man is only there when he is on duty, and he can't be seen by ghosts at other times."

The captain said carelessly.

"I'm not in a hurry, just wait."

Simple enough to show the sincerity of the visit.

Then the captain cupped his hands and dragged the remaining 19 people into the gate of hell cursing.

Then Guikui said in a low voice:

"They are the first rank of fierce ghosts who are the most violent among all escorted wandering souls. Today, if they let the ghosts that should have entered the [-]th floor of hell escape or hurt innocent ghosts, they will all be punished severely. That's why he be so kind to you."

He simply smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Gui Kui took Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo to a place in the front and back yards, and said to Jian Jian:

"The two of you can stay here for a while. After I hand over the post, I will notify you immediately if I get a reply."

"Okay, it's work!"

Afterwards, Gui Kui bid farewell and hurriedly left the guest room in the backyard.

Jian Jian said to Ta Zhuo:

"You can talk now."

"Fairy Jane, have we reached the underworld?"


"What about my physical body?"

"Temporarily store it with me. If I help you find that soul, and you fail to fulfill your promise, your physical body will be regarded as a reward. Anyway, I will not make a loss-making business."

Simply teasing Tazhuo on purpose.

"No! No! I, the Cave Rock Clan, do what I say!"

Ta Zhuo waved his hands immediately.

Jian Jian smiled lightly and asked him to sit down and talk. Then Ta Zhuo twisted his tall body, squeezed into the narrow chair, and actually sat in it. Ta Zhuo himself didn't believe it, and looked around. .

"Ta Zhuo, after entering the underworld, do you feel anything?"

Simply ask directly.

"What do you feel?"

Ta Zhuo didn't understand and asked back.

"Is there anything in particular that attracts you?"

"Well, I think about it."

Tazhuo propped his head, and began to replay the things before entering this house, and said uncertainly after a long while:

"It doesn't seem to be. There is nothing that particularly attracts me."

"okay, I get it!"

It seems that that soul should not be nearby, otherwise, attracted by the main soul, it would have rushed towards Ta Zhuo.

After thinking briefly, he waved to a little ghost servant in the yard, and the ghost servant immediately stepped forward to salute:
"What's your order?"

"I want to find someone, but I don't know where to start. Do you have any good suggestions? If you speak well, you will be rewarded! By the way, tell me about the situation in the underworld."


The ghost servant immediately beamed with joy, this adult seemed generous at first glance, maybe he could reward more soul stones, so the ghost servant immediately began to talk about the situation in the underworld.

The supreme rulers of the underworld are the nine Lord Yan Luo, all of whom are in the ghost emperor realm, and each of the nine adults governs a domain. The nine domains make up the entire underworld, and the ghosts of the underworld are divided into seven levels, from low to high, They are Wandering Soul, Ghost Soldier, Li Gui, Ghost General, Ghost King, Ghost Emperor, and Ghost Emperor.

The wandering soul is the state of the soul returning to the underworld after death. After this kind of wandering soul is gathered by the ghost soldiers, after preliminary classification, it is not a wandering soul that has committed a heinous crime, and it will be sent directly to Naihe Bridge. Samsara Pool has been reincarnated.

Those who committed the most heinous crimes and could not be reincarnated were sent directly to the Hall of Yama, and waited for Lord Yan Luo to review the book of life and death, determine the guilt, and send them to the ordinary Thunder Punishment Pool and the Eighteenth Floor of Hell respectively.

If the sins are washed away by the Thunder Punishment Pond and the soul is not scattered, they will be sent to the animal realm for reincarnation depending on the situation, and those who enter the eighteenth level of hell will rarely survive the time limit for punishment and will basically be tortured all the time To the soul scattered.

In addition to the above two, there are some souls who have accumulated merits during their lifetime and can choose to reincarnate or stay in the underworld to practice. The ghost messengers in the underworld are those souls who do not want to reincarnate over and over again. , can be regarded as an official post in the mortal world.

The ghost messengers are naturally divided into three, six or nine grades. The lowest level is them, ghost servants, who serve other ghost servants. Among the ghost servants, because of their different strengths, there are Li Gui (the captain they met before Jian Jian), ghost generals, etc. And ghost king level.

Li Gui is in charge of escorting ghosts, and ghost generals are responsible for maintaining the peace of the underworld. It is their duty to conduct daily inspections, capture escaped ghosts, and resist foreign enemies from invading the underworld. His immediate superior, the Ghost Emperor, reported the situation under his rule on time.

The Ghost Emperor is considered to be below Yan Luo and above all the ghosts. They are regarded as Lord Yan Luo's promising successors, and they are usually brought with him to teach. Master Yan Luo's class.

Of course, there are also permanent residents in the underworld. Those who don’t want to reincarnate or work as errands turn to ghost cultivators and work hard in the underworld. They can leave the underworld after they have cultivated human beings. But this is a process from scratch, not a 200 year can do it.

It can be as little as 40 million years, and as much as 200 million years. This is still successful in cultivation. If those who give up halfway, they really can only hehe. After a certain time limit, the ghost cultivators will dissipate with the wind, and then turn into a mountain of soul stones A part of it, after being mined, becomes a soul stone for new ghost practitioners to practice.

The ghost attendant briefly introduced the situation in the underworld, and then turned to the direction of finding someone:

"If adults are looking for someone, the fastest way is to check the book of life and death, so that it will be clear at a glance.

Is this person alive?is it dead?Or reincarnation?Or did he do a ghost job?Or even turn into a ghost cultivator?It can be found, and then it will be more certain if the other party is in the area under the jurisdiction of Master Yan Luo, and then look for it. "

Babies, let’s pass two chapters first, there will be more before twelve o’clock!

I went to pick up the courier today, and I found a barber shop to have my hair trimmed. I also met a handsome guy with a height of 1.9 meters. He was very sunny and handsome. I was wearing a down jacket, and he was wearing a thin woolen coat. Instantly, I felt so young. !I zipped up the down jacket, wiped my drool and left!She just graduated and practiced, and I'm already an old aunt!Hey~ to my youth that will never return~

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