The general situation of the underworld mentioned by the ghost servant gave Jian Jian a preliminary understanding of the operation mode of the underworld. As for the suggestions for finding people later, it was not very useful. After all, she was not really looking for people, but looking for a soul. This difficulty Much bigger than looking for people.

"If what is lost is a soul or a soul, where should I find it?"

Simply keep asking.

"Huh? One soul or one soul?"

The ghost attendant was obviously a little surprised. Not all souls cannot be reincarnated. Even after entering the reincarnation pool, after being reincarnated as an adult, depending on what kind of soul or soul is lost, they will either be stupid, unresponsive, or even die young.

After this kind of wandering soul enters the underworld again, its soul power will be weakened, and it will slowly disappear while waiting for repairs. Unless Master Yan Luo takes action to repair the other party's lost soul or soul, this will not weaken and dissipate.

As for where to find it, you have to ask the high-level ghost messengers. After they collect such incomplete souls, they will send them to the Hall of Yama.

The ghost servant only knows so much, so he explained a general idea, and then looked at Jian Jian longingly, waiting for her reward.

Although there is not much useful information, it is simple and not stingy. He took out a top-grade fairy stone and handed it to the ghost servant.

The Ghost Attendant was a little disappointed, he couldn't use this thing, and it wasn't worth it to exchange it for soul stones.

"What? Not satisfied?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Don't dare, it's just that if you exchange this fairy stone into a soul stone, you will lose a lot."

The ghost waiter immediately explained.

After a brief thought, she remembered that when she was wounded in the lower realm, she had received the "Soul Condensation Pill", which should be more valuable than the Immortal Stone, and immediately beckoned, took the Immortal Stone back, and handed over the pill bottle.

The ghost waiter opened the pill bottle, took a breath, and immediately smiled happily to put it into his own soul ring, but was snatched by ghost chief halfway, and replaced it with three light blue soul stones.

The ghost servant was startled, took the soul stone, and immediately left the guest room without even daring to lift his head.

"Fairy, the few words the ghost attendant said are not worth rewarding with such a precious pill, please take them back."

Gui Kui said politely.

Just now when he went to Ghost King's Mansion to deliver a name post, his immediate superior had an impression of this fairy named Jian Jian, and told him that he was a good entertainer, so he went to the Hall of Yama to deliver the post in person, which is why Gui Kui is so polite.

"No need, you just keep it. I don't have a soul stone on me, so I will give you this elixir. I will trouble you during this time."

Simply said with a smile, if you seek help from someone, you will naturally give some benefits.

Perhaps it was because the pill was so rare, Guikui hesitated for a moment, but still accepted it, but took out 100 yuan, which was more powerful than the soul stone that was exchanged for Ghost Attendant before, and pushed it in front of Jian Jian.

"Fairy, Guikui has the audacity to accept your elixir, but it is too expensive. Please accept these soul stones. They can be used in the underworld. This is a 100 yuan middle-grade soul stone."

"Okay, then I won't be polite, it just solved my urgent need."

Simply waving his sleeves to collect space, decided to buy a soul ring for his own convenience.

"Guikui, is there a market or shop near here? I want to visit tomorrow."


Gui Kui glanced at the simple and silent Tazhuo, and then explained:

"Fairy, you can be regarded as the underworld where the spirit and soul leave the body, and your merits and virtues are added to your body. Like you, it is easy to be targeted by ghost cultivators with malicious intentions.

There are quite a few ghost kings who are on errands in the underworld, but there are still some ghost kings and ghost emperors who have achieved success in cultivation, and they don't even bother to join the Yan Luo Palace. will be tracked, you see"

"It means that I am more attractive than the soul stone, and everyone wants to take a bite?"

Simply laughed and joked.

"Let's do the math!"

Guikui's eyelids twitched, and he replied somewhat stammeringly.

"If I encounter this kind of attack, I should fight back, it should be okay?"

"It is possible, but this will weaken the strength of Yiyu, Lord Yan Luo will be unhappy if he finds out."

Gui Kui explained dutifully.

"It's okay, as long as you can fight back!"

Said simply and indifferently.

Gui Kui felt that this person is really a brave man with a high level of art, and it would not be of much use if he continued, so he directly changed the subject:

"Leaving the Hall of Punishment, there is a ghost town nearby. There are ordinary ghosts and ghost cultivators in it. Fairies can go and have a look."

"Okay, thanks for the reminder."

Only then did Gui Kui take his leave and leave the guest room.

On the second day, Gui Kui continued his errands, and Jian Jian left the Hall of Punishment with his follower, Ta Zhuo, and headed straight for the nearest ghost town.

The sky in the underworld is always dark, oppressive and suffocating, as if it will collapse at any time, black gas floats in the sky from time to time, and there are some wandering souls whose souls are almost transparent, floating in the same direction uncontrollably , and then disappear completely.

At the same time, many gloomy eyes with malicious intentions fell on Jian Jian, the golden doll, and Ta Zhuo, the living soul with damaged soul.

Jian Jian had told Ta Zhuo to follow him closely, and continued to move towards the ghost town while being vigilant. When the two walked to a deserted place, they were surrounded by a group of black shadows.

A female ghost in red came out more and more, stared at Jian Jian with blood red eyes, looked up and down, then stretched out her scarlet tongue and licked her lips before she spoke:

"It's been many years since someone like you has appeared in the underworld. You don't even recognize a ghost master, and you just come out and walk around like this. It's really cheap for me, ghost Li (li)!"

The voice of the other party was rough like a male voice, and it sounded very creepy.

He simply rubbed his ears, and following the principle of asking if he doesn't understand, he said:

"How do you know that I didn't recognize the ghost master as a support? How can I have no support if I dare to walk outside alone?"

Perhaps it was because the simple attitude was too calm, Gui Li hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jian Jian from top to bottom, and then said:

"Hmph! Don't be bluffing, you don't have any mark of ghost king or ghost emperor on your body, don't try to lie to me!"

Jian Jian lowered his head, looked at the golden robe transformed into the golden light of merit and virtue, and touched the golden thread on his wrist after thinking for a while, but he couldn't bring his storage bracelet and obsidian bracelet In the underworld, only the wheel of destiny was integrated into her soul, and was brought in together.

The golden thread seemed to sense the call, and flickered for a while, and then a circle of golden ripples centered on Jian Jian and Tazhuo, spreading around.

"Fairy Jane, they are all scared!"

Ta Zhuo looked at the group of ghost cultivators who were standing still, and immediately said loudly.

After a brief glance around, they found that the ghost cultivators surrounding them seemed to have been immobilized, and even their expressions were frozen on their faces.

With a flash of simple phoenix eyes, he tapped his toes and jumped out of the encirclement lightly. Ta Zhuo followed suit and jumped out, and asked without giving up:

"Fairy, can I punch them?"

"Let's go! Don't be so violent. Peace is the most important thing for us. I have already persuaded them to let us go, so don't waste it!"

"However, they seem to be a little reluctant."

"No, didn't you see that they didn't stop us again?"

"Oh fine."

The two had already walked away, and the ghost cultivators in the circle were completely annihilated at this time, disappearing without a trace.

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