"Tsk, it's actually a living soul? You even swaggered into Guihui City, you are tougher than you imagined in the backstage!"

Said the sloppy old ghost king with a beard.

Jian Jian narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, stroked the golden robe on her body, and said with a smile:

"I still know two friends. I didn't expect that Guihui City is also a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Such a small store is actually run by the ghost king."

Tazhuo couldn't understand the two of them fighting, but just looked around, scanning the strange things on the surrounding shelves, and finally focused on the things randomly piled on the ground, seeming very interested in these things.

The sloppy old ghost king seemed to feel too tired to talk while twisting his neck, he stood up in a blink of an eye, waved to Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo and said:
"It's rare for two distinguished guests to come to the ghost shop. Naturally, the old ghost will entertain them in person. Follow me to the back shop to have a look. These are all tattered and not worth a few soul stones. After we complete the transaction, you can let your friend choose any two. Take the lead."

The old ghost waved his tattered sleeves and said generously.

"So, thank you very much."

Simply beckoned to Tazhuo, and the two followed the old ghost into a secret door. After leaving this secret door, there was a hole in the sky. The space here is four times the size of the front shop, about 400 square meters. Rows of shelves, there are not many things placed on them, but there are restrictions on them, obviously higher than the outside.

In one corner of the room was a set of tables and chairs made of soul-nourishing wood, which were very luxurious. After the old ghost invited the two of them to sit down, he waved his withered fingers, and several things flew onto the table one after another, landing on the table one by one. Simple front.

"This is a soul bracelet made of soul lotus as the main material. It fits your temperament very well. It can be used as a storage tool. This bracelet is bound to the soul. Even if you leave the underworld, you can still use it. If you have a If you unfortunately fall, the soul bracelet will completely dissipate with the contents inside, and it will never be cheap to your enemies."

After finishing speaking, the old ghost grinned, revealing a row of cold white teeth, which looked very strange.

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't talk nonsense, how could the fairy fall!"

Ta Zhuo glared immediately, and was not happy anymore. If the fairy fell, whoever helped him find something, wouldn't his trip be in vain!
Simple but very calm, he waved his sleeves to attract the exquisite soul bracelet, and looked at it carefully.

The old ghost looked at the simple and calm expression, his eyes flashed, and then he said with a smile:
"Just for example, I didn't expect your guard to care so much."

"It's okay, as long as the thing is good, I will choose it naturally."

With a simple smile, he put the soul bracelet by his hand, obviously deciding to keep it.

Immediately after, he took a fancy to another soul ring with a simple and atmospheric rock gray surface, and threw it directly to Ta Zhuo:
"Do you like it?"


Ta Zhuo didn't pick and choose, and responded directly.

"We want these two, let's look at the armor."

Said simply and calmly.

Guilao swiftly collected the remaining storage rings, and then waved his sleeves. This time, three sets of exquisite and compact armors fell in front of the two of them.

"These three sets of armor are high-level soul armor. They are black, gold, and purple from low to high. They can withstand a blow from the ghost emperor. Only the purple set can not only block the attack, but also rebound the attack. , just activate this function, and the armor will be scrapped.

These three sets of soul armor will be integrated into the soul body after recognizing the master. If the two of you have the ability to return to your physical body, this armor will still protect you and resist all attacks of spirits and souls. "

After a brief glance, he chose the purple soul armor for Tazhuo this time, while he chose the golden one, but gave up the most high-end purple armor.

The old ghost was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy to play cards out of common sense and would choose this way. He was about to lobby again, and simply said before the other party opened his mouth:
"Are there any high-level offensive weapons?"


The old ghost glanced at the two of them, waved his hand, and three more things flew over, namely a snake bone whip, a black saber and a gray ring.

Simply turned to Ta Zhuo and said:

"You choose a weapon you like."

Ta Zhuo froze for a moment, then grinned and said:

"Thank you fairy."

Sweeping his eyes over the three weapons, he picked up the most compact ring and put it on his middle finger, and then silver rings appeared on the four fingers one by one. At the moment Ta Zhuo clenched his fist, spikes appeared on the silver ring. , There is still a cold light shining on the spikes.

"Your guard is very discerning. Among the three weapons, this is the most harmful to the soul body. The poison on the spikes can slowly weaken the soul and lose its ability to attack until it finally dissipates."

The old ghost immediately explained, and then looked at Jian Jian, hoping that this distinguished guest could choose the same.

"Ta Zhuo, go to the front store and choose two things you like, and I will find you later."

"it is good!"

Ta Zhuo remembered his promise and left the back shop very obediently.

The old ghost said with a smile:

"My dear guest, what other news do you want to buy?"

"Where can the remnant soul be found?"

Simply ask straight to the point.

"What do you want to do? Absorb remnant souls to strengthen yourself? Or look for specific remnant souls?"

The old ghost was obviously well versed in the way, so he asked directly.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to give me accurate information."

Jian Jian raised his eyebrows and said neither soft nor hard.

"There is a big difference. If the ghost messengers encounter those remnant souls, they will take them away and send them to the Hall of Yama. However, there are also some ghost cultivators who privately collect these remnant souls for their own selfishness and use them to improve their abilities. Self-cultivation and trading can only be found in the ghost market."

The old ghost tugged at the hem of his ragged sleeve and said directly.

This is similar to the news that Jian Jian learned from the mouth of the ghost servant. It is not very useful. Moreover, Tazhuo's soul is not lost recently, but has been absent since birth. This is even more difficult, so this matter really needs to be asked by Yama Your Excellency.

"I am not satisfied with the news you gave."

Simply put.

"It's okay, you don't need to pay soul stones for this news."

The old ghost is rare and generous. Anyway, the five things this fairy chooses, he will definitely make a profit.

"Okay, let's pay the bill!"

Simply put.

The old ghost smiled and took out a black abacus, began to move the beads on it, and finally quoted a price:
"Guests come to our store for the first time, and there are many things to choose, and they are all high-end. I will give you a 960% discount. The total is 960 million high-grade soul stones. I will wipe off the change. Give me [-] million A high-grade soul stone will do.”

After speaking, he rubbed his hands together, looking at Jian with a smile.

Simple did not counter-offer, nodded, then raised his hand on the sleeve of his cassock, took off a golden bead the size of the tip of a little finger, placed it directly in front of the old ghost, and said with a smile:

"There's no need for change, it's the cost of the gadget Ta Zhuo chose."

The old ghost's face twisted for a moment, and finally he sucked the golden bead into his hand, and in the next breath, the golden bead turned into a golden thread, which directly entered the old ghost's body.

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