The old ghost did not expect that he would be careless. At this time, the golden light of merit entered his body, and a layer of black mist visible to the naked eye overflowed from his body. The filthy atmosphere was swept away.

Only then did Jian Jian caress the golden robe of his merits and virtues, and said his farewell with a smile:

"It seems that the ghost king is very satisfied with the reward I paid, so I will leave now."

It seemed that the old ghost didn't mind betraying himself at all.

The old ghost wants the soul stone, but the golden light of merit can purify his soul and make his future path of ghost cultivation smoother. He wanted to use the purple soul armor to stay behind, but he didn't choose it, which was all his calculations It was all in vain, and it was really hard to tell.

Jian Jian at the door suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and asked the old ghost:
"Does the ghost king know ghost Li?"

The old ghost's eyes flashed, then he nodded and said:

"Occasionally they come into my store to dispose of things."

"Then I'm afraid your store will have one less purchase channel in the future."

Shaking his head simply and regretfully, he went directly to the front shop through the secret door, the old ghost tasted this, suddenly had a bad feeling, and rushed out immediately.

Ta Zhuo in the front shop is being entangled by two female ghost cultivators at this time, which makes him very upset. These two ugly monsters have been drooling at him since entering the ghost shop, and shamelessly said that they want to double repair with him. He won't be fooled. His ancestor told him that these people are just coveting his cultivation, and he must not let these people get close.

When Ta Zhuo saw Jian Jian, he immediately dodged and hid behind her. However, his figure was too tall and strong, and the Jian Jian was slightly petite, so he couldn't hide him at all.

Simply glanced at the two ghostly female ghosts, and asked Ta Zhuo:
"Is something ready?"


Ta Zhuo responded immediately.

"Then let's go! The kid is still waiting for us outside!"

Seeing the simple moment, the two female ghost cultivators immediately stopped seducing Ta Zhuo. They exchanged a look, but did not step forward to entangle them. They were very afraid of this living soul wearing a golden robe.

Ta Zhuo and Jian Jian came out of the ghost shop, and saw the kid waiting for them squatting in the corner.

"My lords, I have chosen something, where do you want to go next?"

Seeing the two people coming out, the little ghost immediately got up and greeted them.

"Little ghost, are there any food and drink sellers here?"

After thinking for a while, he asked.

"Yes, there is, but the cost there is very high. If you don't have tens of thousands of low-grade soul stones, don't even think about it."

The kid reported dutifully.

"It doesn't matter, you can still drink green tea."

With a simple and generous wave of his hand, he decided to see and see.

"Yes, two adults, please come with the kid."

Immediately, the little ghost came to his senses, and led the two of them out of the alleyway, back to the main road, and walked towards a bustling street.

The old ghost looked at the backs of the three of them, and thought flashed in his eyes. Behind them were the two female ghosts. At this moment, one of them was saying respectfully:

"Master Ghost King, Ghost Li and the others were killed. When they were ambushing outside the city, they were caught in a pot. The person who came back will tell me."

"say what?"

The old ghost frowned and asked.

"It is said that it was done by a woman wearing a golden robe, and they didn't see clearly how the other party made the move, the one in the store just now."

The female ghost reminded with some uncertainty.

Only then did the old ghost understand what the words before Jian Jian left meant. They were both a threat and a warning. It was his ability to eliminate so many people in full view without anyone being able to see the clues.

"In the future, if you meet and walk around, those two people are not something you can provoke and offend."

The old ghost warned the two directly, and then waved his hands to let them leave.

The little ghost led the two of them to a three-story mahogany shop with a "Yuyou Tea House" hanging on it, and he greeted inside as before:

"Shopkeeper, a distinguished guest has arrived."

The moment the words fell, a clever low-level ghost cultivator came out of the shop, bowed and said:

"Two distinguished guests, please!"

The little ghost is still going to find a place to wait for the two adults, it can be seen that it is not easy to earn these five soul orbs.

"Give that little devil some food and tea, count it on my account, and find a place for him to wait."

A simple and rich mouth said.

"Yes, the little one knows, and the adults are kind."

The guy immediately responded with a smile.

Such a generous guest will definitely have a lot of rewards. He directly led the two of them to the small cubicle on the second floor, and asked politely:
"You two adults, what do you want to use?"

"We were recommended by the little ghost. What are the characteristics of your store?"

After simply sitting down, he asked directly.

And Ta Zhuo was standing at the window, looking down, not caring what kind of tea he was drinking.

"My lord is right to come to my tea house. Our soul tea is a good thing. It is made from the leaves of the soul-cultivating wood and brewed with the water of the underworld. It has the effect of nourishing the soul and strengthening the soul. The ghost cultivator who comes to the store will definitely order a cup, do you want to try it?"

"Yes, two cups."

"Okay, I'll make a note of it, my family's dim sum is also very good, there are red powder paste, seven emotions and five bitterness dim sum."

The little guy kept saying the names of the dim sum, and in the end he simply ordered four dim sum with nice names.

The young man cheerfully went to serve tea. At this time, the melodious sound of the piano sounded in the teahouse, which seemed more elegant. Jian Jian asked the man specifically, and the young man explained with a smile:
"This is the bagpipe player specially hired by the store. His music has the effect of soothing the soul. He only plays here for half an hour every day, and he has to go elsewhere. It is very difficult to hire.

Some ghost cultivators often riot because they are eager for quick success and quick profit. It is because they listened to the qin music that they eased up a little. Therefore, the business of our Youyou Tea House has been good, and no one dared to make trouble. "

The guy immediately crackled and said a lot.

Jian Jian narrowed his phoenix eyes, and immediately understood what it meant to be a ghost cultivator eager for quick success, because at this moment, many ghost cultivators surrounded by black mist gathered in the lobby on the first floor, and they were relying on piano music to suppress the black energy.

After the buddy served soul tea and four snacks and left, Ta Zhuo said:

"Fairy, there's something strange here."

"what happened?"

Jian Jian didn't move the things on the table. At this time, she was checking every snack, so she asked casually.

"Someone is coming here, are they following us?"

Tatsuo asked suspiciously.

Jian Jian raised his head at this moment, walked to the window, and followed Ta Zhuo's line of sight. Sure enough, some ghosts in black robes were walking towards this side. Although they were very concealed, Ta Zhuo could still see them. .

"Is it because of the piano sound?"

asked simply puzzled.

Ta Zhuo didn't understand, just shook his head, and then the mountain shook, and black smoke came from the direction of the punishment hall, and it was pouring towards Guihui City.

Babies, two watches are here!There will be an update before twelve o'clock!

Yesterday was the worst holiday I had ever had. My mother had to wait for a bed to be hospitalized for an examination. I had an operation the year before last, and the reexamination results showed that the chocolate cyst had recurred again, and I had to start injections again!Hey~

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