This question made Guikui a little stuck for a moment, then frowned, and began to consider the simple proposal, which was a planned action.

Simply go on:
"It's only been two days since I appeared in Lei Xingchi and went to Guihui City. If I'm too high-profile, it's only today. It's impossible for the people behind the scenes to plan all this today. The ghost escaped from hell, causing chaos, and it is not enough time to make sure that I am in Ghost Emblem City and mobilize so many old ghosts to besiege me at the same time.

If I were to be targeted by someone who cared about me when I appeared in the Thunder Punishment Pool, it should be possible to arrange the deployment one day in advance, but they didn't expect that I would go so soon instead of waiting for high news in the Punishment Hall. Ghost Huicheng, so the plan is not very perfect. "

Gui Kui now understood that Fairy Jian was hinting to him that she was almost besieged because the punishment hall leaked her news, and even some of them were plotting.

Jian Jian looked at Gui Kui's ever-changing face, knowing that the other party had understood her meaning, and immediately got up and said:
"I was shocked today, so I went back to adjust my breath first. As for how the old ghost will deal with it, I will not interfere. I just want an answer. This request is not too much!"

"Cough, of course!"

Gui Kui immediately cupped his hands and watched the slender figure simply leave before his face sank. He was pushed out to take the blame.

Jian Jian also had a gloomy face when she returned to the guest room. Before Ta Zhuo had any whereabouts, they didn't know who was watching them. It was really frustrating, but fortunately she could handle it with her current cultivation.

At this time, in an underground cave in Guihui City, a man with a dark body and his entire face hidden in a hood said gloomyly:
"How could it fail?"

"The living soul is very vigilant, and the ghost messenger in the punishment hall is also very generous to her."

The female ghost king in red before said with her head bowed.

"So many of you didn't take her down?"

The gloomy voice continued to echo in the cave.

"Both of them are very powerful, and they didn't let the ghost emperor who escaped get close at all."

At this time, the old ghost finally spoke out, and after a pause, he continued:

"My subordinates brought back the news that Gui Li and the others are all gone, thanks to that woman, I wanted to tamper with the things she bought, but she avoided them all!
And at that time, the woman seemed to have noticed that since she was able to strangle the ghost without a sound, she could naturally use the same method to deal with us, but she almost drew the ghost emperor to death in front of us, Obviously it was drawn for us to see.

Old ghost, I am sure, we are not her opponents, please think twice before making a decision. "

After finishing the last sentence, the old ghost lowered his head and remained silent.

There was a dull atmosphere in the cave, and after a while, a pleasant male voice sounded:

"Since you can't do it hard, why don't we take it slowly? She brought that stupid big guy to Youyou Tea House today, and she happened to hear me playing the piano. If I listen to it a few more times, I'm sure I can make her lose her mind for a while. When the adults take action, it must be foolproof."

"How many times does it take to listen to the piano?"

The man continued to ask.

"At least eight more."

"Okay, I'll find someone to help you create an opportunity, you take advantage of it."

"Yes, my lord!"

On the second day, when Jianjian went to see Guikui, he saw an elegant man in the side hall. This man was wearing a sky-blue body-cultivating robe, which set off his figure like jade, and was talking with Guikui.

Jian Jian's phoenix eyes flashed, this is the bagpipe player who appeared in Youyou tea house yesterday, but he doesn't know why the other party appeared in the punishment hall.

"Fairy, this is a friend of mine, he is honored as a bagpipe master, his piano skills are outstanding, it can help people consolidate the soul and reunite the soul, so he is highly respected.

Because you were frightened yesterday, I asked him to play a song for the fairy, which can relieve the exhaustion of the soul after the battle yesterday. "

Gui Kui immediately introduced the two, Bagpipe got up immediately, bowed his hands politely to Jian Jian, and said with a smile:

"Gui Kui exaggerated Feng Mou's ability. Before I entered the ghost realm, I was a luthier. Because I liked the rhythm, I was unfortunately buried in the fire when I rescued an isolated piano music, but the isolated piano music still protects me. Only then did I become a ghost cultivator with the melody."

Bagpipe politely explained.

"Really? Then I'm more interested in the solitary piano piece. When I have nothing to do, I can also play the piano for my own entertainment. It just so happens that I can communicate with the bagpipes."

She said with a simple smile, and immediately felt that the luthier's expression had changed slightly. Although it was only a breath, she was still captured by her.

"It's even worse for Feng Mou to make an axe."

Bagpipe said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, it's rare that Guikui is so thoughtful, and I will naturally not disappoint his good intentions."

Simply said with a smile.

Immediately after she raised her hand, a sword-shaped guqin appeared in front of her. With a simple flick of her hand, a series of thick piano sounds entered the ears of Guikui and bagpipes, and a melodious qin music slowly flowed from Simple's hands in the next breath. It came out and reverberated throughout the side hall.

And as the zither music gradually reached its climax, the bagpipe's eyes began to flicker, and it was full of struggles, trying to do something but unable to move the soul body.

Gui Kui, who was at the side, also noticed the clue, and turned his head to meet Ta Zhuo's staring eyes. He could only sit where he was, watching the bagpipes gradually lose their self-awareness.

"Who asked you to come?"

Jian Jian asked while plucking the strings.

"Ghost Chief invited me."

"What do you want to do?"

"Play the piano for the fairy."

"What about the purpose?"

"Hint the fairy with the sound of the piano, so that the fairy can lose her mind and let the master control you."

Bagpipe still unconsciously replied.

As soon as these words came out, Gui Kui's face changed, and he stood up from the chair directly, but Jian Jian ignored it and continued to ask:

"Who is your master?"

"The master is the master!"

"How is his cultivation?"

"Ghost Queen Realm!"

"Do you know who the other party's name is?"

Simply ask more specifically this time.

But he didn't wait for an answer, the expression on the opponent's face became ferocious, Guikui immediately dodged to the opponent's side, raised his hand to caress the top of the opponent's head, obviously wanting to search for the soul.

It's a pity that the next moment, the soul was struck by a simple sound of the piano, and disappeared in the side hall.

"Fairy, you."

"You brought this person into the Hall of Punishment, and you introduced me to him. Will you tell me the truth after the soul search?"

Simply plucking the strings lightly, said with a smile.

Although she didn't explicitly express her doubts, every word and every word showed that she didn't trust Guikui.

Gui Kui almost fell backward in anger, and after luck, he explained:
"It is true that I invited the person here, but I didn't take the initiative to invite, but someone recommended it. I just don't want the fairy to say that I am not good at the punishment hall when he meets Lord Yan Luo."

She laughed briefly, revealing her eight snow-white teeth. She raised her eyes to Guikui, and said mercilessly:

"Have you had a good time in the Hall of Punishment? The wandering soul who was escorted to prison managed to escape and attack me halfway! The ghost emperor who was supposed to be tortured in the eighteenth floor of hell escaped, with the purpose of devouring me! Now please come and appease me The person who planned to let me be controlled, do you think you are okay?"

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