Perhaps it was because the simple words were too merciless, which made Gui Kui's face turn blue for a while, but with the bursts of melodious piano sounds, Gui Kui regained his sanity, sat down resentfully, and then began to think about appearing from the simple A series of events that happened after that.

After a while, Gui Kui opened his mouth and said:

"After the fairy arrived in the underworld, she was followed by someone. The reason is clear to the fairy, but who is behind the scenes is still unknown, but there must be people from them in the punishment hall and ghost messengers."

For this answer, the simplicity is quite satisfactory, and then said:

"I suspect that your superior may not be able to pass my greeting card to Master Yan Luo."

Gui Kui didn't immediately deny it at this time, because he was not sure now.

"In two days, I will leave the Hall of Punishment. Obviously, you are no longer safe here. Instead of pinning your hopes on others, why don't I visit Master Yan Luo myself.

As for the number of ghosts with ulterior motives in your punishment hall, I don't know, I can only rely on you to find them yourself. "

He simply stroked his robe and said with a smile.

What else could Gui Kui say, he let others finish his sentence, he could only nod his head, and after seeing the two big men leave, he turned around to look for the subordinate who recommended bagpipe player to him.

After Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo returned to the guest room, the first thing they did was to let Ta Zhuo recognize the golden soul armor and soul ring. The weapons had been used before and proved to be no problem.

Before recognizing the master, Jian Jian carefully checked the three Horcruxes again, and after confirming that there were no marks left, he personally protected Ta Zhuo and let him complete the recognition of the master.

After wearing the soul armor, Ta Zhuo still felt it, touched the soul ring on his finger, grinned happily, and said to Jian Jian:
"Fairy, these things are very good, Ta Zhuo will definitely repay you."

"If you want to repay me, you must first protect yourself and obey my orders. The ghost cultivators here are not to be trusted."

"Ta Zhuo is not stupid, I only believe in fairies."

Ta Zhuo kept his ancestor's instructions in mind, and immediately patted his chest to promise.

Jian Jian also put on the lotus ring, put the black armor on her body after recognizing her as the master, and covered up the golden robe that her merits turned into, so that she looked similar to ordinary ghost cultivators.

Then he simply dropped the restriction and took out his live map. When he arrived at a new place, he must have an accurate map, otherwise he would be played by these old ghosts full of nonsense.

After the living map was upgraded, it became a star map scroll. After being simply unfolded, Xiaohuo was practicing cross-legged, and it was no surprise that he was disturbed. After opening his eyes and seeing his master, his little brows frowned, as if thinking that today's master was looking at him. Looks a little different than usual.

"Xiaohuo, I'm out of body now. I'm currently in the underworld. I've received a commission. The reward is the Flying God Pill. In order to ascend to the God Realm before I'm ten thousand years old, I'm going to fight hard. You will take over the underworld. The topographic map is supplemented."

He simply explained with a smile.

After hearing the simple words, Xiaohuo frowned tightly, and then a line of words appeared on his head:

"You can really toss! Wait!"

Immediately, Xiaohuo raised his hand and swiped to make the star map sink until the entire star map turned black. Then Xiaohuo sat cross-legged on it, and began to spread around the punishment hall, and supplemented the map. It took half an hour to map out the general terrain and orientation of the Nine Palaces Yama.

"If you need more details, I need to stay outside and add from time to time."

Xiaohuo opened her shining eyes, and this line of words floated above her head.

"Okay, no problem, I will put you in the soul ring, is it okay?"

Xiaohuo nodded coldly, and then landed on the star map again. Ta Zhuo, who was beside him, couldn't hold back for a long time, and asked curiously:
"Fairy Jane, is this your clone? Why is it so small?"

"This is a sharp weapon for me to walk outside. Without her, I can't find my way back. Xiaohuo is not my clone, but the spirit of the weapon."

While explaining briefly, he waved his sleeves and put away the scroll into the soul ring.

On the second day, Jian Jian didn't say hello to Gui Kui, and left the Criminal Law Palace with Ta Zhuo in a low-key manner, bypassing Gui Hui City, and went to the next city.

The place where the two of them are now belongs to the territory of the Nine Palaces of Yama, and his Yama Palace is located in the ghost (jiu) city, so the simple goal of this trip is very clear, which is to go to the ghost (jiu) city as quickly as possible.

On the third day after the two left, the people hidden in the dark received the news that the bagpipe's soul was gone.

"Why did the news come back only now?"

"Ghost Chief suspects that he has fallen in love with the person who set up the bridge for the bagpipes, and he is investigating the inner ghost in the punishment hall. This news only got out after losing two insiders."

The female ghost cultivator in red lowered her head and reported.

"Can you find out where they went?"


"Trash! If I let these two people escape and ruin my plan to ascend, you will just wait to contribute your soul power to me!"

The man hidden in the hood said viciously, then waved his sleeves, and swept the red-clothed female ghost Xiu out.

The female ghost's face was pale and frightening, she got up immediately after being swept out, left the cave here, and started to launch big ghosts and little ghosts, looking for Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo's whereabouts.

After the cave was quiet again, the hooded man turned around and sank into a cave wall, then went all the way down, walked through a narrow and long passage, and finally came to a space less than [-] square meters, with a nine-prism in the middle , on the pillar was a jade slip of communication.

The hooded man raised his hand and penetrated into a ball of soul power, activated the communication jade slip, and then entered a line of words:

"There is a glimmer of life, I hope you will keep your promise and help me ascend to the God Realm!"

After a line of words slowly dissipated, the man in the hood did not leave, but waited there.

An hour later, the communication jade slip finally made a movement, a bright white light flashed on it, and another line of words appeared:

"Help my son replenish his soul and send him away smoothly. I will welcome you in the God Realm!"

After seeing this line of words, the hooded man's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he left the dark room immediately.

In the darkness, a big net is slowly being opened, all of which are woven with lust for profit. Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo don't know that they have become the targets of each other.

The two of them hid their whereabouts, bypassed Guihui City, and met a married team on the way. It was supposed to be a festive event, but in the red sedan chair, the sound of women crying intermittently came out, covering the entire team. in a cloud.

"Miss, don't cry. If your lord sees it, it will not only implicate your family, but also implicate those of us who are sending off relatives."

The old matchmaker with the iconic matchmaker mole on the corner of her lip is trying to persuade her.

"But I don't want to marry that old ghost, and I still want to be his No.30 eighth concubine. What can I do?"

The woman in the sedan chair replied with tears.

"Fortunately, Lord Ghost Emperor can protect your family. This is what you said before, you can't go back on your word!"

The matchmaker raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

"I know, just just"

Before the woman could finish her sentence, there was a sudden burst of flying sand and rocks, and black mist instantly enveloped the entire procession of seeing off the bride.

Babies, I went to the hospital for an injection today. I came back late and was a little tired, so I slept for a while, so the code words are relatively late. Let me pass on one chapter first, and let everyone know that there are two more chapters before twelve o'clock!

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