Chapter 2045 Be careful to verify 2
Simple here has reached a cooperation with Lord Yan Luo, Yan Luo of the other eight halls also moved, and quickly began to search for the hidden soul, and started to search from the year when the soul tree disappeared, because the workload was very heavy. The eight Yan Luo lords became visibly irritable, and showed their ferocious faces from time to time, which made all the ghost officers on duty tremble with fear, for fear that there was something wrong with them. Well, it will be swallowed by Lord Yan Luo.

Ta Zhuo was lucky enough to see the true face of Yan Luo in the first hall, so frightened, he hurriedly searched for Jianjian and asked to leave this dangerous place. After being questioned, he stumbled and revealed the reason.

"Don't worry, Lord Yan Luo is a ghost cultivator, but at their level, he has cultivated a physical body from scratch, but he is used to the previous state of ghost cultivator, and it will be revealed occasionally when he relaxes.

Just pretend you didn't see it, after all, they are doing their best to help you find the lost soul, so don't worry about it so much. "

After simply waving his hands to appease Tazhuo, he continued to think about how to refine Yueluan's soul without knowing it.

On the other side, the old ghost couldn't find Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo's whereabouts, so he had to go back and report:

"My lord, those two living souls bypassed Guihui City and disappeared on the only way to the ghost city."

"How can it be so coincidental?"

The hooded man asked in a deep voice.

"I followed the soul fragrance of one of them to follow there, and then completely lost track."

The old ghost's head drooped even lower.

"I just received the news that the Heishan Ghost Emperor and the Baisi Ghost Emperor who were entrenched there were fighting each other. In the end, both were injured and disappeared completely. This incident even alarmed Lord Yan Luo in the Ninth Palace, but when he left, he was followed by two people. personal."

The voice of the man in the hood came again, but the old ghost did not raise his head, but still bowed his head and replied respectfully:

"My lord guesses that the two people who left with Lord Yan Luo are the two missing living souls? The old ghost will go to the vicinity of Yan Luo Hall to investigate."

"Quickly go back, I want accurate news! This is what you are always good at, don't let me down again!"


The old ghost left the cave and headed straight for the ghost town. He was thinking to himself all the way, that this time the matter was very difficult, and he had a bad feeling that this time it would make him fall into a place where he could never recover.

With this trepidation in mind, the old ghost head arrived at the ghost town. After arriving here, he began to secretly contact his companions.

Jian Jian took Tazhuo and hibernated safely in the Yama hall for a period of time, until Yan Luo, the first hall, and Yan Luo, the second hall, came to find them together.

"I didn't find that soul!"

Yan Luo of the second hall said straight to the point.


He simply raised his eyebrows and asked.


This time it was Yan Luo, the first palace, who replied.

"You mean that soul has not dissipated, nor has it been reborn, nor has it been repaired by adults, it just simply disappeared."

Simply translated.

"That's pretty much what it means."

"That's a bit bad. It should be that the people in the dark made an early move to intercept this soul, just to lure Ta Zhuo to the underworld."

Simple show your hands.

"Yes, we were also careless. After all, it is a soul, which is not worth mentioning to thousands of souls."

Yan Luo, the second hall, sighed.

"This also proves that the dark forces have infiltrated the Yan Luo Palace. Without their cover, the first-generation soul tree would not be stolen so easily, and the disappearance of that soul would not be discovered by anyone."

Simply put it bluntly.

"It was precisely because they had succeeded at the beginning that they continued to lie dormant. They failed to let the nine adults find out the clues. They did not act again until the time was right. This time, the goal was Ta Zhuo."

Simply, regardless of Yan Luo's ugly face, he directly expressed his own analysis.

"What can you do?"

Yan Luo, the first hall, asked.

"Lead the snake out of the hole! Then catch them all in one go, don't give these people another chance, completely let the souls of these traitors disperse, and don't let the tentacles above continue to extend to the adults' territory."

"Okay, but you and Ta Zhuo must be separated, otherwise those people won't make a move."

The first hall agrees with the simple proposal, even if they know it is a trap, those people will jump out.

"Okay, everything will be arranged by Lord Yan Luo."

Simple hand in hand.

At present, the purpose of the two parties is the same, and they are allies. She is willing to trust each other, but she still needs to make preparations.

Jian Jian lightly raised his hand, bounced a marble-sized merit ball into Ta Zhuo's body, and told the other party:
"Your soul was hidden by the bad guys, and even merged with other spirits, but because I was by your side, these people didn't dare to act rashly, so the search for your spirit has never progressed.

After all, we are living souls, and we can't stay in the underworld for too long. In order to find that soul faster, you have to temporarily separate from me and follow that trace of guidance to find your soul. Will help you handle it properly, are you willing to believe me? "

Ta Zhuo frowned, digested the simple words, thought for a while, scratched his head irritably, and finally said:
"The ancestor said, let me listen to you, and I will do what you say."

"Okay, let me tell you the specific steps."

Smiling simply, like a wolf grandma who lures a little sheep, she began to arrange and deploy Ta Zhuo's actions, watching the second hall Yan Luo twitch her mouth.

"Brother, although what this girl said is not pleasant, it is also true. Although we found some inner ghosts back then, we have not found out the nail behind the scenes. This is why our nine brothers have been following you since you found the first soul tree. Reason for personal care.

In this operation, we must kill the grass and roots, and we must never let go of an inner ghost. We would rather kill the wrong than let it go, and completely cut off the other party's tentacles. "

"You're right, that's why I said God helped me wait!"

Yan Luo, the first palace, showed a cold smile. Back then, he made them feel ashamed and threw them into the Three Realms. This time, he will make the other party completely lose their beloved son.

The old ghost did not find the whereabouts of the two in the ghost city. When he was at a loss, his companion who had been hiding in the first palace Yan Luo's servant sent news that the two living souls that the master was looking for were in the ghost city at this time. The center of the underworld is commonly known as Fengdu Ghost City.

The old ghost rushed to Fengdu immediately, and secretly verified the authenticity of the news, and he found that the tall guard Ta Zhuo was actually doing business alone, so he immediately sent the news back.

After the man in the hood got the news, he suppressed his excitement and immediately led people to disperse and rush to Fengdu. Even though he knew it was a trap, he still had to try it. Once the soul fusion was successful, half of his mission was completed. As long as the other party leaves the underworld smoothly, his ascension will be in sight.

At this moment, Ta Zhuo was shopping for soul-raising beads in a shop, when suddenly his spirit fluctuated, a familiar feeling disappeared, he subconsciously chased him out, and then left Fengdu City following the familiar feeling .

"Tsk tsk, it's finally done!"

 Babies, here's the last update!Rest early after watching!See you tomorrow!good night~
(End of this chapter)

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