Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2046: Leading the Snake out of the Cave 1

Chapter 2046: Leading the Snake out of the Cave 1
Yama of the Eighth Palace passed the news of the people behind the scenes luring Ta Zhuo to leave Fengdu City through the jade slips, and sent it back to the main hall of Yan Luo.

Yan Luo, the first hall, said to the remaining six brothers around him:

"They have already followed, you don't want to stay here any longer, go back and stare at your respective territories to see where their base camp is, the seventh will take care of the eighth's territory, and I will personally monitor the little nine's territory."

"yes, Sir!"

After the six brothers agreed, they left separately. Only Yan Luo, the second hall, walked at the end. After everyone else left the main hall, he asked:
"Brother, after listening to the analysis of Fairy Jian, I went back and thought about it, and felt that there were some loopholes. I remember that my brother said before that the culprit, Chen Hai, had already died, and you saw it with your own eyes. So what now? Surely, he is plotting against Ta Zhuo's living soul?"

The first hall Yan Luo threw down the book of life and death in his hand, and explained to his second brother:
"I've thought about this too. I said briefly before that the other party should have been separated before being thrown into the wheel of fate. That arrogant and selfish goddess Yingwu can think of letting her son get close to Goddess Siming. The reason why she wanted to pave the way for her son ahead of time was simply because she knew that her son's reincarnation and reconstruction would not go smoothly.

Even if she can't think of it, there is also God Zangde, don't forget, I have had contacts with God Zangde, this person is deep in thought, good at superficial skills, especially good at planning and planning, otherwise the evil god will not be so hopeless It was a big somersault, but because Wang Ning died, the God Realm is not having a good time now. "

A sarcastic smile flashed across Yan Luo's face.

"Brother means that when he brought Chen Hai to visit you in the underworld, he took the opportunity to leave a fragment of soul in the underworld at that time."

"It's very likely, because the first generation soul tree was lost at that time, and our attention was all on looking for the soul tree. He found an excuse to leave with his son. It seemed that he didn't want to get involved in the affairs of our underworld, but in fact his goal had been achieved. , to leave immediately.

After a simple reminder, I have already thought about how they let the souls exist in the underworld for a long time. "

Yan Luo of the first hall said with deep eyes.

"Brother, what you mean is that he used the soul bag of the first generation soul tree."

Yan Luo, the second hall, reacted very quickly, and immediately thought of the soul bag.

"Yes, when the first-generation soul tree was found, it was almost exhausted, and it was also infected by filth. It took us so long to let the soul tree take root again, regenerate the soul sac, and start to breed the soul again. The soul tree has been away from the underworld for so long, we don't know how many soul sacs are missing, he counted everything!"

The last sentence was almost squeezed out between the teeth of Yan Luo in the first hall.

The complexion of Yan Luo in the Second Temple was not much better, and he became more and more disgusted with the people of the God Realm.

"Whether it's simply for the Flying God Pill, or to prevent future troubles, or for other purposes, I will cooperate with her to the end this time. Since God Zangde dares to plot against me, I naturally cannot let him get what he wants .”

Yan Luo, the first hall, clearly expressed his attitude.

"Brother, don't worry, we naturally support you. This is not only a matter for the elder brother alone, but also concerns the entire underworld."

After Yan Luo, the second hall, said goodbye, he left Fengdu City and went to his own jurisdiction. Those dark tentacles had better not reach out to him, otherwise he didn't mind turning the whole territory upside down.

On the other side, because of her sensitive identity, Jian Jian did not follow Ta Zhuo, but waited for news in the Hall of Yama.

She was thinking, this time completely solved Chen Hai's troubles. After getting Ta Zhuo's Feishen Pill, she felt that with the help of Feishen Pill, she should be able to fully activate the wheel of fate, so that she could not borrow the power of other immortal emperors. , directly killed Zongzu.

At this time, a ghost messenger came looking for her with an anxious face. After meeting her, he bowed his hands and said:

"My lord, Lord Yan Luo asked the villain to tell you that Ta Zhuo disappeared after leaving Fengdu City, and the adults who followed secretly couldn't find him, so I ask you to take action."

Sitting simply and steadily, without getting up, with a calm face, he just said lightly:
"Tsk, I've lost even Lord Yan Luo. I'm not familiar with the place where I live. Where can I find it? If I go, it will only add to the chaos."

No intention of helping at all.

The ghost messenger looked anxious, and could only patiently explain:

"Master Yan Luo has already left one step ahead of time, and I asked the younger one to inform you. If the adult does not help, it would be inappropriate! After all, the living soul was brought by you. If it puts us adults in danger, how can this be done? "

Speaking of the latter, the tone of his voice seemed to be a bit blaming and simple.

The simple phoenix eyes narrowed and glanced at the ghost guard, then got up and said:
"Then I'll go see Lord Yan Luo first."

"Master Yan Luo has already left one step ahead of time!"

The ghost has an expression of lying to you to do something, which makes Jian Jian's teeth ache.

But she still went to Yan Luo Hall unhurriedly, and it turned out that Yan Luo, the first hall, was not there, and the ghost messenger who followed her also pouted, "I don't need to lie to you".

She just opened the mouth and said:

"Since Master Yan Luo asked you to inform me, he must have asked you to act with me, so you and I can go and find it together!"

The ghost was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"My lord, please wait a moment. I want to report to the captain, otherwise I will be punished for leaving without permission during the duty."

"Go ahead!"

Simply wave your hands casually.

The ghost messenger immediately met with his team leader and said that Mrs. Jane was going to take him out to search for someone. Without elaborating on the details, he just ran away, leaving the team leader frowning.

After losing sight of the other party, the captain of the ghost police touched the black jade card on his waist and sent a message.

Jian Jian took the ghost messenger and left Fengdu City unhurriedly. He stood at the gate of the city and looked left and right, but he didn't lift his foot. :

"My lord, what's the problem?"

"I don't know which direction to go, do you have any good advice?"

Simple show your hands.

"The young one met Lord Yan Luo at the gate of the city. I saw that the adult was going in this direction. If you look in this direction, you should be right!"

Ghost difference is not very sure said.

"Since you saw it, why didn't you say it earlier, which caused me to hesitate for a long time here. Maybe with this time, we will all catch up with Master Yan Luo."

Simply blamed.

The ghost messenger really had a mouth and couldn't explain it clearly, but just took a simple glance at it secretly, and then lowered his head to admit his mistake.

Simply looking at the aggrieved look of the other party, he chased in the direction pointed by the other party in a good mood, this time the speed was so much faster.

After a day and a night, Jian Jian came to an empty and desolate wilderness, then turned to the ghost messenger and said:

"It's enough to get here, I'm too lazy to go to a place too far away, now you can let your companion come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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