Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2048: Leading the Snake out of the Cave 3

Chapter 2048: Leading the Snake out of the Cave 3
"Little box, you continue to observe the soul box, if there is something wrong, you can put it away first, and I will send some ghost cultivators into the space, and they can't disperse their souls for the time being."

Under the cover of cotton candy, Jian Jian quietly approached another ghost king.

"The little box understands, Fairy don't worry, with me around, he won't be able to make any waves."

The little box replied confidently.

It took less than half an hour to send the eight ghost kings into the space, and all of them were confined by the soul box, and among these people there was no ghost shop owner, the old ghost head.

After collecting the marshmallows, he simply waved his sleeves to dispel the black mist. After glancing at one place with his phoenix eyes, he opened his mouth and said:

"Come out! It's no use hiding."

The old ghost, who had been hiding but never showed up, now loosened and tightened his clenched fists, and after a secret sigh, he could only show his figure.

"I've seen adults!"

"If you are a good shop owner, if you don't do it, you want to tear a piece from me to improve your cultivation?"

"Don't dare!"

"Why don't you dare? You have chased here from Guihui City. I don't need to say more about your idea!"

He simply stroked the black soul armor on his body, and asked displeasedly:
"What did you do with what you sold me?"


"Then how did you track it down?"

It was so simple that he didn't believe the nonsense of the other party and continued to ask.

"It was Sir's soul fragrance that attracted me here."

The old ghost can only answer honestly at this moment.

This is simple but I believe it. Ever since Fahua sacrificed his life to mend her spirit, she does have an elegant fragrance of lotus, but it's not obvious. I didn't expect this old ghost's nose to be so sensitive.

"Take me to the ambush site that you have discussed before."

Simple and direct order.


The old ghost hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said:

"There is a soul arresting array set up by the master. If you go there, it will be difficult to escape. His cultivation base is higher than yours."

"You don't have to worry about this, just take me there!"

When the old ghost saw it, he had no choice but to lead the way in front, and went to the ghost city (yue).

After entering Ghost Yue City, the old ghost turned his head again and said in a low voice:

"Master Jane, it's better for you to be more cautious. The master intends to absorb your soul power to hit the Ghost Emperor Realm and leave the underworld."

"I know it, but your master is a bit too whimsical! Lord Yan Luo is still here, even if he absorbs my soul power, he is only a ghost emperor at the beginning, how to leave the underworld?"

Simple, his expression remained the same, he kept walking, talking while walking.

"It seems that the master has an agreement with a god of the gods. As long as he completes the orders of the god, he can leave the underworld."

The old ghost still told what he knew.

A taunt flashed across the simple phoenix eyes, and then he casually said:

"You should worry about yourself first! Your master completed the task, and someone took him away, but you old ghosts who have contributed to it have to bear the wrath of Lord Yan Luo. What good will happen?

For the underworld, the fight between you is an internal conflict, but when it comes to people from the God Realm, it's different.

All of you are old ghosts of ten thousand years, you can't even understand this point!Otherwise, how did you get into the realm of the ghost king?
Or is it that your realm was given by that master, that's why you are desperate to complete his order? "

A few words of provocation finally changed the expression of the old ghost, and he didn't want to, but his cultivation base was not as high as others, and he was planted with a soul mark, so he could only be controlled by his master.

"I don't even want to be an old ghost, but I was planted with a soul imprint, where can I go? Even if I run away, the master will have a thought, and I will still end up scattered!"

The old ghost finally expressed his helplessness.

"You old ghost is really interesting. I bought things from the ghost shop, and I paid merit. It's easy to wear off the soul mark. Don't tell me, you even handed in this?"

Simply raise your eyebrows.

"I, I... I'm not willing!"

The old ghost was instantly embarrassed, he really hadn't thought about it.

Jian Jian just smiled and didn't say anything more, because he had already noticed a scrutinizing gaze.

"My lord, I saw that tall man who was walking with you entered here."

The old devil had a solid idea in his mind, he played a full set, and immediately pointed to the ambush designed by the master.

"Okay, I see, you go first! So as not to affect you!"

Jian Jian casually threw a soul stone to the old ghost, and walked towards a lifeless house.

The old ghost leader sent Jian Jian into the house, and then he gestured to the surroundings, and hid himself. He wanted to find a safe place, and while his master and Mr. Jian were doing it, he would rub off the soul imprint in his body .

After simply entering the gloomy haunted house, the door behind her closed automatically, but she didn't take a step forward, because in her eyes, this was not a house, but an open bloody mouth.

Does he look so stupid, so easy to deceive?
Simple and speechless, looking at the bloody mouth full of black smoke, I searched in the space, and found that my Buddhist artifact Xingyue Bodhi Bracelet is not at hand, it is still at the guardian fairy king, other things to deal with such evil spirits , it's a bit unsatisfactory.

In the end, she summoned Phoenix True Fire and threw it directly into the bloody mouth, letting Xiao Huo play freely.

Before the bloody mouth can close, Xiaohuo has successfully entered the belly of the ghost emperor. Seeing the darkness around him, Xiaohuo is very dissatisfied, and immediately spews out a string of flames to illuminate the surroundings everything of.

At this time, Jian Jian also grasped the soul-beating whip and went up to meet him. He had no intention of doing calculations, and now was the time to truly show his strength.

After a burst of black smoke billowed, the man in the hood showed his original shape, and the mansion also disappeared. The ghost cultivators in Yue Yue (yue) city felt threatened and started to flee in all directions. The fight spilled over.

"I'm already here, why do you have to cover up and don't even dare to show your face!"

Jian Jian retracted the whip that had failed, and said with a smile.

The hooded man's movements were a bit stiff, he was fighting with the real phoenix that rushed into his body, so he could only grit his white teeth and say:


"How can you be shameless? You want my soul power, but you also want the tower to be a vessel for the soul of Chen Hai, and you want to leave the underworld. It's a beautiful idea, but unfortunately it's just in the hands of God Zangde. A pawn!
As long as you complete the task, leave the underworld and enter the God Realm, it's time for your soul to disperse!
Let me guess, the other party promised that as long as you get things done, they will welcome you into the God Realm, then what?Will continue to shelter you?Or find an errand for you in the God Realm?

For an old fox like Zangde who has lived for 10,000+ years, will you leave behind you, a living evidence to prove his favoritism? "

While attacking with a whip, Jian Jian used words to deceive the other party, disturbing the other party's mind and delaying time by the way. She has not received the news that Ta Zhuo is safe.

 Babies, upload three chapters first, and then there are two more chapters, upload after coding!Fengling is going to make dinner first!see you later~
(End of this chapter)

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