Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2049 Flower Blooms 2 Branches 1

Chapter 2049 Two Flowers Bloom 1
Although Ta Zhuo seemed to be buying soul-cultivating beads, he was always vigilant about his surroundings. When he was drawn by that familiar breath, he knew that this was the time that Fairy Jian said, so he followed his heart and followed the breath. All the way left Fengdu City.

As the place where he walked became more and more remote, Tazhuo was a little uneasy. The absence of Fairy Jian made him feel very insecure. He hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist the familiar breath. He chose to listen to Fairy Jian commanded to move on.

Tazhuo walked all the way to a very remote city. The city gate here was wide open. There were no ghost guards patrolling, and no old ghosts who paid the city fee. He stepped into the city gate without hesitation this time.

The moment Ta Zhuo stepped into the city gate, the entire city was like a wave, rippling, and finally disappeared slowly. When the last piece of the city wall disappeared, two light spots flashed into it instantly.

After Tazhuo entered the city, he continued to walk along the quiet street. The doors of the shops on the main street were all open, as if they were ready to welcome customers at any time. Through the doors, you can see that there are all kinds of treasures on the shelves in the store, but there is no shopkeeper. And guests, it seems like everyone left in a hurry.

Ta Zhuo touched the back of his neck, quickened his pace, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion who summoned him.

The words "City Lord's Mansion" hung high above the gate. This time the gate was closed tightly. Ta Zhuo stepped forward and raised his hand and gently pushed the gate, and the gate opened slowly.

This time, Ta Zhuo didn't go in rashly, but instead poked out his divine sense, and slowly filled the entire city lord's mansion. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure standing with his back to the chief seat, as if he had sensed his divine sense. Knowing that, he turned around immediately.

"Ah!" Ta Zhuo let out a brief exclamation, and then stopped talking.

"I finally waited for you!"

At this time, a thick male voice entered Ta Zhuo's ears, which was the same as his voice, just like the man who spoke, with the same body shape, the same appearance, and the same aura as him, it was this man who had been talking to him all the time. call yourself.

Tazhuo's figure flashed, and he came to the hall of the City Lord's Mansion. Looking at the person with the same eyebrows and eyes as himself, he frowned and asked:

"You summoned me?"


"Why do you look the same as me? I don't remember being separated!"

Ta Zhuo still has this common sense.

Tazhuo on the top showed a slight smile, and said a little excitedly:

"Because I am the soul that was forcibly separated from your body. I am a part of your soul! I am what you have been looking for. Only when I return to the original body can you advance to the Immortal Emperor Realm."

Ta Zhuo, who was lowering his head, was skeptical, but continued to ask:

"Fairy Jane said that there will be a nasty guy pretending to be my soul, how can I believe that you are not the illusion of that despicable villain?"

A look of impatience flashed in Tazhuo's eyes, but he immediately returned to a dazed expression and said:

"Since you have responded to my call, it proves that you are my main soul. If I am pretending to be another soul, how can I summon you, and you can verify it!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and released a breath that was familiar to Ta Zhuo. This breath seemed to have found its home, and flew towards Ta Zhuo actively. Without him being prepared, it merged into his soul.

Ta Zhuo immediately touched his body and felt it for a while, his eyes were clear for a moment, and then he frowned again.

"Now you should believe me? I have been trapped in this lonely city for a long time, waiting for the arrival of the main soul. Although this city trapped me, it also protected me so that I would not be swallowed and dissipated , finally waiting for you."

"Since you are my soul and have never seen me, how do you know what I look like, and you have become the same as me?"

Ta Zhuo continued to ask, and he counted in his heart. This was the third question that Fairy Jian had set for him in advance. If he met someone exactly like himself, he could just ask them in order.

The other party seemed to be very patient, showing a simple and honest smile:

"I am you. I am what you imagined me to be."

"Then what should we do next?"

"You just need to relax and call me back, and I will naturally call accordingly and return to my position."

Tazhuo at the top finally showed a smile.

"Okay! I'm ready, come on!"

Ta Zhuo took a deep breath, opened his arms, and said to the superior.

Ta Zhuo at the top showed a smile that was bound to win, and then turned into a ball of light, rushing towards Ta Zhuo.

The accident happened at this moment, and a white net wrapped the light group firmly in it.

The two masters Yan Luo who were following Tazhuo showed their figures. Nine Palace Yan Luo grabbed the soul net in his hand, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and looked at the light group that was rushing left and right, and said maliciously:
"No wonder it was able to hide under our noses for so long. In order to preserve this ray of spirit, a space was actually created here."

Badian Yan Luo stared at the light ball with a pair of all-black eyes for a while, and then said:

"Ninth brother, it's a bit tricky. In order to win the trust of Ta Zhuo, this guy actually integrated the lost soul of the other party into his soul."

"I'll immediately notify Big Brother and Fairy Jian to come here quickly. This place is great! It saves us from building the space ourselves, and it also makes them speechless."

Jiudian Yan Luo said a little excitedly, stroked the black jade tablet on his waist, and spread the news.

"You can't do this to me, let me go! Do you know who my father is?"

Guang Tuan found that he could not break through the siege, and immediately started clamoring.

"Of course I know, except for that dirty villain Zangde, who can give birth to you, a wicked thief!"

Jiudian Yan Luo didn't show mercy at all, and revealed the identity of the other party's father in one word.

As soon as these words came out, the light group suddenly stopped struggling, as if a little unbelievable, and then continued:
"Now that you know, don't let me go. If something happens to me, my Father God will definitely avenge me. You will never have peace in the underworld!"

"Hmph! He also needs to have that ability. Now that he is too busy to take care of himself, how can he pay attention to your son who is about to die? Besides, this is the space that your father God built for you. What does it have to do with the underworld if you are buried here?
Don't forget, we haven't settled the account of you stealing the first generation soul tree! "

Badian Yan Luo stuck out his scarlet tongue, licked his lips, and said with a strange smile.

Ta Zhuo on the side could see clearly, his tall body trembled subconsciously, and slowly moved back. Fairy Jian had explained that Master Yan Luo must not offend.

On the other side, Lord Yan Luo immediately disappeared from the main hall of the Nine Halls of Yama after receiving the news.

But Jian Jian immediately stopped the wrangling with the other party, instantly strengthened his attack, and after communicating with Xiao Huo, a move of "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens" completely ignited the hooded man's soul from the inside.

The man in the hood screamed, unable to stand the phoenix's real fire, turned into a ball of fire and rushed towards Jian, as if he wanted to die with the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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