Chapter 2051 Uneasy
Tazhuo looked at the magnified Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron, and the phoenix real fire that made him feel scorching hot, stepped back, came to Jianjian, and asked in a low voice:

"Fairy Jane, the things I lost are with that villain, won't they be burned?"

"Don't worry, with Lord Yan Luo here, you will be safe and sound, just wait patiently."

Simply and patiently comforted him.

Yan Luo is the highest state of ghost cultivation, if they can't even protect their souls, they will really sit on the position of the manager of the underworld for nothing.

Then she simply waved her hand, and piled up fairy crystals around the silver dragon cauldron to supply the consumption of the phoenix real fire. She is now in a state of being out of body, unable to provide the supply of fire-type celestial power to the real fire that recognizes the master, so she can only choose This most direct method.

The three masters Yan Luo were very convinced when they saw this simple and arrogant operation. Who told them to use soul stones instead of fairy stones or fairy crystals in the underworld.

With a stable supply of Phoenix True Fire, it wrapped the entire bottom of the Danding cauldron and began to heat the cauldron. The Yinlongding cauldron had already had the experience of refining half of Chenhai's soul, so it was quite familiar.

And at that time, the only simple cultivation base was Luo Tianshang Fairyland. Her current cultivation base is much stronger than that time, and the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron has reached its peak state after repairing and refining, so the time spent this time must be longer than that. It was much shorter last time.

Only then did Jian Jian take out his Yinyue mirror, and asked Yan Luo, the first hall, with a smile:

"Lord Yan Luo, I have taken a soul. The situation is a bit special. Her main soul is similar to this Chen Hai. It seems to be reincarnated and rebuilt, but somehow the Zerg took advantage of the loophole. Her soul was fused with the black beetle, and It also divides the soul into the lower realm, disrupting the way of heaven in the realm of comprehension."

After hearing this, the three identical faces turned to Jian Jian, and the three pairs of eyes stared at her at the same time, and the meaning expressed in the eyes was surprisingly consistent:
You really know how to pull hatred, and before you ascended, you have already let two reincarnated people from the God Realm fall into your hands one after another.

Jian Jian smiled a little embarrassedly, and then explained:

"Coincidence, it's all a coincidence! The sub-soul of Immortal King Yueluan entered the Lingyun Continent, and wanted to stir up wind and rain. I accidentally noticed something was wrong, so I tampered with her sub-soul in advance, and I will take the sub-soul After his physical body was wiped out, part of that strand of soul fled back to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm.

After I ascended, I faced off against the Zerg race again. This year, the Immortal King Yueluan repeatedly attacked me, causing me to almost fall. In the end, I was able to confirm her identity by relying on the soul-seed I left in the other party's soul-split. identity.

After I advanced to the Immortal King Realm, I decisively took down the other party. I wanted to destroy the other party's body and wipe out the soul, and this matter was over. However, the possessed soul chosen by the Zerg was a bit special, and it also came from the God Realm .

I also don't know the identity of this unlucky reincarnated goddess. If I directly refine it like Chen Hai, if I offend someone, I will bear the anger of the other party in the end. If I don't kill the mastermind behind the scenes, I will be hard-pressed. so."

Having said that, I simply offered a sweet smile and blinked my phoenix eyes for help.

"Fairy Jian, you want to directly refine that soul! It's just that if you do this, the body of the God Realm will be aware of it and will seek you to settle accounts, so you haven't done anything!"

Jiudian Yan Luo touched the black jade plaque on his waist, squinted his eyes, and explained his simple concerns with one word.

"What Master Jiudian said is very true. Because of this, I can only temporarily seal it in the Yinyue Mirror."

Simply and generously admitted.

"Let me first look at the soul of Immortal King Yueluan."

Yan Luo, the first hall, did not refuse, and said directly to Jian Jian.

Simply wishing for it, he immediately waved his sleeves and released Yueluan's soul. The moment the opponent left the Yinyue Mirror, it turned into a gray light group, ready to escape, but unfortunately, in the next breath, he was firmly held by Yan Luo, the first hall. caught in the hand.

"Tsk, I really merged with the Zerg race, and I thought that in this way, the separation is meaningless, and the whole soul is polluted. Even if you advance to the Immortal Emperor Realm, you will not be able to survive the divine thunder that ascends to the God Realm."

The answer of Yan Luo, the first hall, was very affirmative.

"Actually, I have been refining the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron for a period of time. I originally thought that I could refine the Zerg part, so as to return the Goddess' soul to its place. Now it seems that it is impossible to achieve."

Simple is also helpless. She originally wanted to save herself a favor, but after hearing Yan Luo's words, she had no choice but to give up this idea.

"It's impossible for you to take advantage of every good thing."

Badian Yan Luo smiled charmingly and poured a basin of cold water on Jian Jian.

"Jian understands, thank you three for your guidance."

Simply cup your hands in thanks, and at the same time re-seal Yueluan's spirit into the Yinyue mirror.

"Simple, I was originally a goddess who was reincarnated and rebuilt in the God Realm. You can't offend me. It's best to let me go!"

Yueluan put on a cute and pitiful face at this time, and said loudly.

Jian Jian didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and when the other party's soul entered the Yinyue mirror, he sent it back to the space directly.

Does she look that stupid?Let go of this ray of spirit, let the other party return to the God Realm, so that she can continue to embarrass her, and the problem must be solved from the root cause, otherwise she will be the one who is unlucky.

"Since this is the case, I'm afraid I'll have to borrow this space for a while longer. After all, this place is safe enough. Even if I refine the soul of the upper realm, it won't be discovered immediately."

Simply thought about it and said.

Even if it is discovered at that time, this is the space set up by God Zangde, and it has nothing to do with her and the underworld.

The three Lord Yan Luo immediately understood the simple intention, and they acquiesced in her actions.

God Realm 33 Heavens

Zangde Shenjun has always been a little irritable recently. Since the last time Chenhai's soul lamp was completely extinguished, this is the second time he has felt this way. To vent, he led the divine soldiers and generals to encircle him. So far, his divine power has not been fully recovered.

God Zangde happened to use this as an excuse to accompany Yingwu in his mansion during this period of time.

He had mentioned Chen Hai's situation to Ying Wu intentionally or unintentionally before, to keep the other party calm and not to be taken advantage of by someone with a heart.

Zangde is very confident, he has more than one back-up, no matter which one, as long as one of them succeeds in saving his son, his son is expected to return to the godhood.

But now it seems that he underestimated the means of the people from the lower realms, and now he is not sure whether his son has enough soul power to get out of trouble.
But in this special period of the God Realm, it is not easy for him to intervene in the affairs of the lower realm, so he can only wait.

Ever since Yingwu learned that her beloved son still had the hope of returning to the God Realm, she was determined. She knew that there must be a nail planted by God Zangde, so she pretended nothing happened and returned to normal.

But recently, she began to feel uneasy again, as if she heard Chen Hai's cry for help.

Yingwu became more and more upset, and wanted to find out about her lover, but she didn't expect Zangde to return to the mansion early in the morning.

 Babies, today Calvin will pass on a chapter first. My eyelids are fighting and I can’t open it. I’ll squint for a while, brew it by the way, and then continue to code when I get up.

(End of this chapter)

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