"Shenjun, the matter of the 'Evil Cave' has been resolved? Why are you back at this time? But you were injured?"

Yingwu's face was soft and fair, and she greeted her with a worried face and said.

Another reason for her recent uneasiness is that there is a loophole in the "Cave of Evil and Viciousness". The gods who were inspected will find out that it almost caused a catastrophe.

As for the old guys from the God Realm, one or two of them hid far away, and only pushed out their own gods. Yingwu felt resentful in her heart, but she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only prepare the god armor for Zangde, Some healing potions, and watched the other party go to the third heaven where the "evil cave" is located.

During this period of time, she worried day and night that her husband would be affected by the evil spirit, so she was unavoidably irritable.

Yesterday, she went to the Hanging Garden of the Thirteenth Heaven where she was to relax, but she overheard a conversation between two goddesses, which made her even more worried.

"This time the 'Cave of Evilness' has an accident, why did everyone recommend God Lord Zangde to lead a team to suppress it?"

"You ascended late, and I don't know the reason for this. The reason why the 'Cave of Evil Sinister' was sealed instead of purified was because after the death of the evil god, the new evil god was not born and returned to its place.

No one can purify the evil energy accumulated in the three thousand big worlds and the three thousand small worlds. The God of Purification can only temporarily seal it and arrange divine soldiers and generals to guard it. "

"But what does this have to do with God Zangde?"

Goddess B asked.

"In the legend, the evil god looked at the god's death, and there is the handwriting of the god Zangde."

Goddess A whispered.

"This little girl really doesn't know, can you explain it to me?"

The other party's expression of knowing some kind of secret immediately aroused the curiosity of Goddess B.

"It is said that the evil god Wang Ning and the goddess Siming love each other, but they have not pierced the tulle. However, the son of the god Zangde seems to be called Chen Hai. At a banquet held by the [-]th Heaven in the God Realm, he was very fond of Si Ming. Priestess fell in love at first sight, and began to pester Priestess Commander."

Goddess A was very excited, and began to talk about the gossip she had learned.

"Let me guess, this Priestess Commander only had Wang Ning, the evil god, in her heart, so she rejected the God Son of Chenhai. The other party was not reconciled, so she asked his father, God Zang De, to come forward and make Wang Ning disappear completely. , so he has a chance."

Goddess B immediately began to make wild guesses.

"It's not very different from what you guessed, but the god Zangde's attack is ruthless enough. I don't know how to do it. The evil god Wangning was affected by the evil spirit generated by the unpurified three thousand worlds, and he lost his sanity directly. All the people in the evil god's palace were beheaded, and they made a big mistake.

It happened to be discovered by the inspecting priest, and he was caught. Wang Ning also confessed to what he had done. In the end, he was sentenced to be removed from the godhead, sent to the pillar of destroying gods, and received nine thunderbolts to destroy the gods. In the end, the god died .

This incident took place 30 years ago, but it was a major event second only to the Battle of the Gods. After all, it involved a god with a title. Disappointed, he went to the front line of the battle of the gods, and died soon after. "

Goddess A said regretfully.

"It's really a pity that when people are in love with each other, they are so close to the door. Some people don't know each other. If he uses legitimate means to pursue and fight for it, as long as he is sincere, he will win the opponent and the Priestess Commander. respect.

But he used such an unappealable method, and he still borrowed the power of his parents, which is indeed a bit embarrassing!In the end, it was nothing more than fetching water from a bamboo basket. "

Goddess B shook her head and said in a low voice.

"The instigator, Shenzi Chenhai, was taken lightly. Under the plea of ​​God Zangde and Goddess Yingwu, he was reincarnated and repaired. So far, the three people involved in it, two gods, only Chenhai is expected to return to God. bit."

Goddess A also said with emotion.

"Sister, do you think that Shenzi Chenhai can really return to his throne smoothly?"

Goddess B asked suddenly, holding the flower basket in her hand.

"It should be possible! After all, people have parents to escort them, it's just a matter of time."

Goddess A picked a bright red peach blossom, raised her eyebrows and smiled, then changed the subject:

"Okay, just listen to it as a story. We'll go back as soon as we pick the flowers, and we have to clean the palace!"

"Sister, don't worry, I didn't waste time, the flower baskets are already full, let's hurry back to the Flower Temple!"

The two goddesses held hands and quickly left the Hanging Garden with a small and exquisite flower basket.

After the two left, Yingwu stepped into the garden, but at this time her mood was even worse than before, she raised her hand to pick a white camellia, put it under the nose and gently sniffed, then moved her fingers slightly , directly turning the camellia into powder.

Yingwu returned to her mansion in a restless mood, and the four servants who followed her bowed their heads in silence, trying to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible.

And after Yingwu left, the two goddesses who had chatted about the secret before came back to the Sky Garden. The two looked at each other, and the goddess who raised the topic before said:

"Sister, what do you think the goddess Yingwu will feel when she hears what we say?"

"I don't care how she feels! Since you dare to do it, don't be afraid of being said. The relationship between the owner of our Flower Temple and the priest of command is very good. Because the priest of command has died, she will look down on God Zangde even more. This time, we recommended him to block the 'Cave of Evil Violence', thanks to the help of our flower gods."

"This time it's because we were presumptuous at the entrance of the Temple of Flowers. Yingwu knew that she was not welcome, so she didn't dare to go to the Temple of Flowers. If we encounter it elsewhere, we should be more cautious."

Goddess A reminded.

"Sister, don't worry, I remember, naturally I won't embarrass the Palace Master, let's go back and report to the Palace Master now, and make her happy."


This time, the two goddesses of the Flower God Temple left completely.

Because of what Yingwu encountered in the Sky Garden, she remained in a depressed mood until Zangde Shenjun returned to the mansion, and only then did the opening scene begin.

Yingwu stepped forward and took off the cloak of Zangde Shenjun, and thoughtfully brought him tea to soothe his throat, and was not in a hurry to wait for the answer.

"The loopholes in the evil spirit cave were temporarily blocked and sealed again. I arranged for the rest of the people to clear the scattered evil energy."

Zangde God Fengshen is handsome, [-]% similar to Chen Hai, except for a deep wrinkle between his brows, which makes him look unusually serious.

At this time, he replied to his wife's words, frowned and put down the teacup, and after deliberating for a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Recently, I've been a little restless. I feel very bad. It seems that something bad has happened. Do you feel similar to Yingwu?"

"Ah! I have it too! I've been worried that it's the god, you are not leading the team well"

Babies, Kavinka is very good today, try to write another chapter.

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