"It's Chen Hai!"

"Chen Hai!"

Zangde and Yingwu looked at each other and said their son's name almost at the same time.

Confirming her guess, Yingwu's face paled instantly, with tears in her eyes, she grabbed the wrist of Zangde Shenjun, and said incoherently:

"How, how? We must have guessed wrong! Didn't you say that you have already made two-handed preparations? The soul lamp was extinguished before, just to confuse some people, now"

Zangde Shenjun frowned even tighter, he raised his hand and patted the back of Yingwu's hand, comforting him:

"I've left behind in the underworld, but at this juncture, neither of us can act rashly, let me think about it"

Ying Wu gritted her teeth. Chen Hai is the only heir of her and Zang De, and he is also talented. If they hadn't calculated that the other party would perish on the battlefield of the Battle of the Gods, they wouldn't have done so many things to keep Chen Hai safe. .

"Husband, why don't you let my clone go down and have a look."

"No, it's easy to be recognized when you go down."

Lord Zangde shook his head.

The two hadn't discussed the reason yet, suddenly Qiqi's heart trembled, as if he had lost something very important.

"My son!"

"Chen Hai!!"

This time, the two of them were very sure that Chen Haishen had died, because the bond in their blood disappeared in an instant.

"Who! Who killed my son!!"

Zangde's roar echoed throughout the mansion, accompanied by Yingwu's cry.

These were all blocked in the barrier, and did not disturb the other people in Thirteen Heavens.

Simply this time, it took only ten years to completely refine Chen Hai's soul, and after getting Zi Yu's affirmative reply, he recruited the soul protected by Yan Luo, the first palace, from the Silver Dragon Cauldron.

After asking Master Yan Luo, who stayed behind in the first hall, to check, he confirmed that there was no fragment of Chen Hai's soul left, and then simply ejected that soul into Ta Zhuo's body.

Ever since that soul was separated from the Silver Dragon Cauldron, Ta Zhuo has been staring at it steadfastly. This is the very important thing that the ancestor said that he lost.

So when he simply bounced Yipo back into his body, he took it very calmly, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to fuse the Yibo who had run away from home.

Waves of divine and soul power spread from Ta Zhuo's body, and that soul merged smoothly.

Only then did Jian Jian turn around and take out her Yinyue Mirror. This time it was Yue Luan who was thrown into the Silver Dragon Cauldron. She also specially instructed Zi Yu:
"Slowly refining, don't even leave the dross."

Zi Yu immediately understood the simple meaning, closed the cauldron lid with a "snap", and the Phoenix True Fire burned vigorously again.

After five breaths, the Yinlong Cauldron began to tremble slightly, and the simple consciousness could see clearly that Yueluan's spirit was rampaging inside the cauldron, trying to escape, but it was a pity that it was doing useless work, and finally Yueluan's face turned ferocious like a ghost , began to yell, but couldn't reach Jian Jian's ears.

Another quarter of an hour later, the Silver Dragon Cauldron returned to calm, suspended steadily on the Phoenix True Fire, and entered the process of refining Yueluan's soul. From the Dharma-ending Era to the cultivation world, and then to the fairy world, she finally crushed the so-called heroine.

At this time, Yan Luo, the first hall, said:

"That old ghost was frightened by you, so he directly gave up his wealth, lost his cultivation, and took the merit grains he exchanged from you to reincarnate."

He was taken aback for a while, then smiled and asked:

"How long ago was this?"

"When you came here to join us."

"The action is quite fast, is there nothing left?"

A simple guess is that after she killed the hooded man, the soul imprint planted by him disappeared, and the old ghost acted immediately after he was free.

"I left a jade slip, which is the alliance that the old ghost can touch. There are many entrenched in the territory of the ninth younger brother, and they have been arrested one after another. Being hung up by the one in the God Realm, he was willing to do things for others.

I have dealt with all these betrayers, those who should be reincarnated, and those who should be scattered, but a few old ghosts in the list are missing. "

Shoudian Yan Luo stroked the chess pieces in his hands, squinted his big eyes, and said to Jian Jian.

"Look at my memory. At that time, I indeed took in a few old ghosts, those who ambushed me with the old ghost head. In order not to alarm the ghost emperor hiding behind the scenes, I reluctantly took those old ghosts away. .”

Simply patting his forehead with his jade fingers, he took out his soul box with a wave of his sleeve.

The moment he saw the soul box, Yan Luo's eyes widened, and his voice became louder:
"You have a good chance! Where did you find the treasure, it is actually the treasure of the underworld."

"I bought it from the Demon Immortal Realm of the Qifang Immortal Realm, and I couldn't open it at all. I was blind at the time, and I didn't see the refining materials of the soul box, so I put it away as a decoration. This time, it was because of those old ghosts. Only then did the soul box move."

simply explained.

Then he waved his sleeves and opened the changed soul box. The green-faced ghost king came out first, followed by the red-clothed female ghost king. After leaving the soul box, the ghost kings all had undecided expressions, and their faces were as pale as paper. .

After a brief glance, I found that the souls of these ghost kings were extremely weak, and their cultivation base had fallen into the wandering soul state, which could be regarded as returning to the pre-liberation.

"The soul box has not been nourished by the soul for a long time, and it directly absorbed the cultivation of these ghost kings, but it has saved me trouble."

The first hall Yan Luo laughed, then opened his bloody mouth wide, rolled his scarlet tongue, and took all the weak soul into his belly.

Simply averted his eyes directly, not wanting to see the scene with hot eyes.

Anyway, he is also the boss of the underworld, how can he be so unreserved!Simple inner madness.

The soul box in my hand is much more transparent than the first time I saw it before. Because of the nourishment of the soul power, the veins on the soul box became more and more clear, and there was a dark green light spot in the black. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it. found.

The pattern on the cover of the soul box became more and more clear. On it was a carving of the first-generation soul tree, and each branch contained a newly bred soul, waiting to enter reincarnation.

Simply separating out a touch of consciousness and branding it on the first-generation soul tree on the cover of the soul box, the contract relationship was immediately formed. After accepting all the information of the soul box, she was very sure that this time she really picked up a treasure.

This soul box can not only store the soul, ensure that the soul will not disperse, cultivate and strengthen the soul, the most important thing is that it can replenish the remnant soul. Of course, this requires the support of a large number of soul stones, but this is equivalent to the soul bag of the first generation soul tree, although It cannot create something out of nothing, but it can regenerate the remnant soul.

Back then in the Zerg War in Lingyun Continent, she sacrificed her soul and killed the most powerful black beetle. Fortunately, she had the power of Lord Yan Luo to bless her, otherwise her soul would be scattered on the spot.

Even so, she had slept for a hundred years to cultivate her soul. If there was a soul box at that time, she would be able to repair her battered soul as long as she stayed in the box for ten years.

But it's simple, just after thinking about it, he waved his sleeves and put the soul box back in the space, and the good things should naturally be hidden.

"Fairy Jane, I have fully recovered! Thank you for your help!"

Babies, the third watch is here!Feng Ling is working hard!See you tomorrow~

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