A thick baritone voice came, it was Ta Zhuo who had returned to his place, and the other party was smiling and thanking Jian Jian.

At this time, Ta Zhuo's eyes were clear and firm, and the trace of foolishness on his face disappeared without a trace, as if he had changed into a different person.

"Tazhuo, you are fully alive now, how do you feel?"

asked simply curiously.

"I feel that the fog in front of me has completely dissipated. The truth that was difficult for me to understand before can now be figured out."

Ta Zhuo smiled for simplicity.

"The soul he lost is the soul of wisdom, so the lack of intelligence will not affect his practice."

Yan Luo, the first hall, gave an explanation.

"I see!"

Both Ta Zhuo and Jian Jian said they were educated.

Then he said with a simple smile:
"Ta Zhuo, I have fulfilled my promise and found the soul you lost. Now it's time for you to pay me."

"Naturally, we, the Cave Rock Clan, have always kept our promises, but the elixir is in my storage ring, and my body is still in custody with Fairy Jane!"

Ta Zhuo said with a light cough.

Simply nodded, and then turned to the first hall Yan Luodao:
"My lord, I will take care of the body of little friend Ta Zhuo temporarily. It is appropriate for the soul to return to its place here, or"

The first hall glanced at Tazhuo, and dropped a word on the chessboard, and then said:

"If you want to borrow a way from the underworld and go back to where you are, it's not impossible, just"

Ta Zhuo immediately understood Yan Luo's meaning, cupped his hands and said:
"Before I came, my ancestors told me that if my trip goes well, I can find that soul, and go back smoothly, I must repay the noble person who helped me."

"it is good."

Yan Luo, the first hall, responded directly and nodded to Jian Jian.

Only then did Jian Jian wave his hand, and took out Ta Zhuo's body from the space. Although it was not taken care of by Xiao Gushen and the others, it was also cultivated in a place with abundant celestial energy, so the body was not damaged and the celestial energy was abundant.

Yan Luo, the first hall, waved his hand directly, and sent Tazhuo's soul into his body.

I saw a light gray halo of immortal power belonging to the Dongyan tribe flashing across Ta Zhuo's body. Just after five breaths passed, Ta Zhuo opened his eyes. After turning over and standing up, he moved his slightly stiff body. Only then did I solemnly thank Jian Jian and Lord Yan Luo.

Then Ta Zhuo handed over a specially made elixir bottle to Jian Jian, and also offered a top-grade fairy stone for storage ring:
"The elixir is the promised reward, and the fairy stone is the fee for the fairy to buy the soul ring, armor and weapons for me."

After listening briefly, she showed a satisfied smile, took the fairy stone, and then opened the elixir bottle. The fragrance of the elixir was very attractive, but fortunately she resisted it, and directly put the elixir bottle into the lotus soul ring middle.

Ta Zhuo took out a sealed gray box again, and respectfully presented it to Yama, the first hall:
"My lord, this is the original power of my cave rock clan."

"Tsk, your ancestors are quite willing."

Yan Luo knew that this was a good thing, as long as it involved the source, it was something that could not be met, so after accepting it happily, he drew a circle and built a passage to leave:

"This channel can help you return to the fairyland where you are."

"Thank you Lord Yan Luo!"

After Ta Zhuo bowed his hands and thanked him, he turned to simplicity:
"Fairy Jane, we will meet later! See you in the God Realm!"

Immediately, Ta Zhuo couldn't hide his excitement, stepped into the black channel vortex, and disappeared in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

With Ta Zhuo's departure, the passage slowly closed and finally dissipated completely.

Yan Luo, the first hall, opened his mouth and said:

"This Tazhuo is also a reincarnated person from the God Realm, otherwise his soul would have been assimilated by Chen Hai's soul long ago, and it would be impossible for him to persist until you brought him to find him."

"No wonder! I have guessed before that ten thousand years is enough time for Chen Hai to fully integrate that soul, so I told Ta Zhuo not to act rashly even if he meets that soul."

"Although I don't know why, there are so many reincarnated people from the God Realm gathered around you, but what you have done has helped some people and hindered some people. Be careful after ascension."

Lord Yan Luo smiled inscrutablely, and listened simply and his heart was fluctuating. The last time Lord Yan Luo spoke to her in such a tone was when she returned to the Soul Tree in Lingyun Continent.

That time Lord Yan Luo bestowed the flower seal of a Bana flower to help her keep her fascinated, what was it for this time!
"Master Yan Luo, what you said has no beginning and no end, and Jian is very disturbed. Can you express it clearly?"

Jian Jian immediately offered a smiling face and asked.

"The secret cannot be leaked!"

Yan Luo, the first hall, used the common language of the magic stick to directly dispel the idea of ​​simply asking the bottom line.

Simple and helpless, I can only suppress my restless mood and start to concentrate on playing chess.

God Realm 21 Heavens
Inside the magic lamp hall, four god attendants were cleaning the entire palace, and two outside the hall were tending the garden. Suddenly, the whole palace began to shake without warning, and slowly sank, and the god attendants in the hall also all In the next breath, he was sent out of the magic lamp hall.

The movement here immediately alarmed the divine soldiers and generals who were patrolling nearby, and they rushed to the magic lamp hall immediately.

"It's not good, the lamp god Shuoyue God has passed away!"

The god attendants immediately judged the cause of the palace mutation.

"How could this happen without warning!"

"You forgot, Goddess Shuoyue was reincarnated and rebuilt, leaving only her body in the lamp hall."

"But even if the reincarnation fails to rebuild the ascension, it will not immediately die!"

"Unless her reincarnated soul completely dissipates"

"But as a goddess with the same lifespan as heaven and earth, even if the soul is attacked, as long as there is a fragment of the soul, she can practice again. How could that be?"

All the gods were discussing, and they all speculated that Shuoyue had suffered some irreversible attack, and couldn't even keep her own temple.

The God General who rushed over frowned and watched the Temple of the Magic Lamp slowly sinking, which meant that the God of Light, Shuoyue, had passed away, and the Temple of the Magic Lamp would be closed until the next God of Light was born.

"You go to the Hall of Divine Servants to re-register first, and the palace will be reassigned for you, please leave quickly!"

The voice of God spread into the ears of every God Attendant.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately after the servant took the order, he left the magic lamp hall that had turned into a flat ground.

It took ten years this time, and Ziyu Yinlongcauld completely refined Yueluan's soul, following simple instructions, leaving no dregs behind.

Simply put the depleted and gray immortal stone into the space, and took back his Silver Dragon Cauldron and Phoenix True Fire, then took out the Yinyue Mirror and asked directly:
"Yinyue, what happened to Junli's soul?"

"Fairy, Junli's spirit has been weakened because of restraining Yueluan's spirit, but it's still too early to dissipate. I have already let him fall into a constant cycle, experiencing the fall of Fairy Wu Yi over and over again, to wear down his spirit. force."

Yinyue finally waited until this day, so naturally she would not let go of the opportunity to torture Junli.

"Well, as long as you're happy, but prevent him from escaping and seal him in the mirror forever."

"Fairy, don't worry, he has no body, so he won't be able to make any waves!"

Yinyue replied confidently.

As soon as the Yinyue mirror was collected, Yan Luo, the first hall, appeared in front of Jian Jian:
"You must leave the underworld now, the avatar of God Zangde has come to the underworld."

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