"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Ying Wu asked tremblingly.

"Yan Luo from the underworld was waiting for me, destroyed my avatar, and hid my wisp of spiritual consciousness."

God Zangde wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, and said in a deep voice.

"Then what about Chen Hai?"

Ying Wu asked with her last breath of hope.

"I'm afraid it's more dangerous than good! Yan Luo discovered the soul-raising space I specially prepared for Hai'er. After my clone went down, Yan Luo didn't care about face at all, and his attitude was very tough. It seemed that he was not afraid of my revenge at all, so he directly attacked .”

After Zangde Shenjun finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to perform exercises to repair internal injuries.

And Yingwu fell to the ground and began to cry silently.

Because of this wave of operations by the nine Yan Luos, it was a cover for simplicity, allowing Zangde to blame Chen Haishenyun on the head of the underworld.

But even so, he couldn't take back his revenge openly. After all, he was the one who made a mistake first. The first-generation soul tree in the underworld was lost. It was indeed Chen Hai who stole it with his help, just to give him a chance to live, but now All failed, which made Shenjun Zangde extremely aggrieved.

God Zangde, who hastily repaired the internal injuries, punched the table next to him, and his face was so gloomy that dripping water made his originally handsome face lose his expression.

"Husband, you must avenge our Hai'er!"

Seeing that Zangde had interrupted her meditation, Yingwu wailed and threw herself into the arms of the god Zangde.

"I have written down this grudge, and I will pay it back one day."

Zangde Shenjun patted Yingwu in his arms, and said in a deep voice.

Immediately, he cast his gaze into the "Evil Cave" of the third heaven, and a venomous look flashed in his eyes.

Thirty Heavens
Zhiyan Shangshen looked at the divine book in his hand, nodded from time to time, stroked his snow-white beard, and showed a gratified smile.

"God, why are you so happy today?"

A girl who looked only eleven or twelve stood beside Zhiyan Shangshen and asked curiously.

"Of course there are good things! Soon, some old friends will return to the gods."

Zhiyan Shangshen replied with a smile.

"Are they great?"


"Has Zhizhi had a chance to meet them?"


Seven directions fairy world Western fairyland
In the Thunder Sea in the Far West, there was much more movement today than usual. The purple thunder in the center of the Thunder Sea was like water falling into a frying pan, churning non-stop, making the entire Thunder Sea turbulent.

Some immortals with poor cultivation could only curse and leave Leihai temporarily, and wait and see from the outside. They wanted to see who caused the whole Leihai to surge and forced them out.

After Jian Jian stabilized her cultivation base in the Immortal King, she slowly left the center of Lei Hai, walked through the long crack, and when she appeared at the entrance, she was surrounded by crowds.

"That's the most beautiful woman in the fairy world, Jian Jian, the fairy king of the Jian family?"

Immediately, someone said to his companions in disbelief.

"It seems to be! Really!"

The other party also responded with three breaths, and then replied, the tone changed from surprise to confirmation, and then to surprise.

"Immortal King Jian, you also come to Lei Hai to practice?"

A white-clothed fairy who claimed to be romantic and suave stepped forward slowly, and said loudly, cupping his hands.

"Yes, this place is very wonderful, and I have gained a lot."

He said with a simple smile, not unhappy about being blocked.

"Fairy Jian speaks softly, and she doesn't get angry when she hastily blocked her way. She has such a good temper!"

A female fairy in pink whispered to the little sister beside her, and the admiration and admiration in her voice couldn't be hidden.

This sentence also reached the ears of Xianjun who was blocking the way at the same time, which made the other party embarrassed for a moment.

"I have gained something in the sea of ​​thunder, and I am going to go back to retreat and take a step first."

After simply leaving these words, the person disappeared in front of everyone, leaving behind a group of immortals who wanted to get acquainted with her, secretly regretting.

Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion

The moment Jian Jian left Lei Hai, the third purple thunder hit the closed place of Western Immortal Emperor again, causing the unsuspecting Immortal Emperor to be slashed straight, his internal injuries aggravated, and his cultivation base began to decline .

Immortal Emperor Western had no choice but to grit his teeth and take out the ninth-grade elixir that he had prepared in advance, and threw one into his mouth to start the next round of restoration.

He had a feeling that the person who threatened him was nearby, but he didn't dare to look for it, not to mention that he was going through three declines and five calamities, even the unrepaired internal injuries made him lack confidence.

At this time, Western Immortal Emperor didn't know that both Junli and Yueluan had been missing for nearly a thousand years, Yueluan's soul lamp had been extinguished, which proved that he had fallen, and Junli's soul lamp was also in danger and very unstable.

The most troublesome one was Immortal King Xiyue of Daizhang Immortal Emperor's Mansion. The people he sent out to search searched the entire Western Immortal Territory, but they did not find any trace of these two people.

Not long ago, Yueluan's soul lamp was completely extinguished, so he had to use Junli's soul lamp as a guide to determine the location of Junli.

But the faint soul lamp showed that Junli was in the Western Immortal Territory, and in the Far West, and it happened to be the time to simply leave Leihai.

And Yinyue in the space sensed that someone was actually using the soul lamp as a guide. After confirming the location of Junli, she decisively threw herself into the embrace of the small box, completely blocking the high-ranking fairy king's investigation.

For this reason, the little box felt very happy for several days, and then the sound transmission told Jian Jian.

And the simplicity at this time happened to pass by the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion who came to look for Junli, and it was another perfect miss.

Southern Immortal Realm Picking Star Building

Xinggui immediately noticed that the stars above the Western Immortal Territory were moving. He immediately touched the ground with the star stick, activated the astronomical astrometer, and looked at the two emperor stars in the same starry sky.

A smile appeared on Xing Gui's face, and he was one step closer to his goal.

Eastern Immortal Domain Jian Family Land

Jian Jian returned to the clan land in a low-key manner this time, and went directly to meet the ancestor Qingjun.

"Want to come back?"

Ancestor Qingjun said with a smile, after seeing the simple cultivation, the smile on Junya's face deepened.

"Let the ancestor worry about it. I went to the Thunder Sea in the far west of the Western Immortal Territory to practice, and I gained a lot, and my cultivation base has also advanced. This time I want to stay in the family for a while, and I have something to discuss with the ancestor. "

After a brief bow, he said.

"Sit down and talk."

Immortal King Qingjun pointed to the chair on the other side and said.

After taking a brief seat, he first talked about his experience in Leihai this time. He only talked about Tazhuo, and did not mention the process of refining Chenhai and Yueluan's soul. The less people who know about this matter, the better.

"Because I helped the other party, I got a Flying God Pill as a reward."

Simply concludes.

"This is your chance. This elixir can be used when you are about to ascend."

Qingjun said with great relief that his children are so good that he doesn't need to worry about the resources for cultivation.

"Old Ancestor, I want to take this pill in advance."

"Why? You only have the cultivation base of the middle realm of the Immortal King. Taking this pill to forcibly ascend is not good for you."

Qingjun frowned slightly, disapproving.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry, I'm not trying to ascend ahead of time, but I want to use the power in the elixir to kill Zongzu!"

Babies, the third update is here, that's all for today.Feng Ling is going to pack and salute, and send her mother to go through the hospitalization procedures tomorrow, everyone should rest early after watching!See you tomorrow~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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