Chapter 2057 Take a break
Jian Jian did not hide his thoughts, but directly told Patriarch Qing Jun:

"Some things change sooner or later. Before, I wanted to use the power of several immortal emperors to activate the 'Wheel of Fortune' to kill Zong Zu, but I ignored the wishes of these immortal emperors. I took it for granted.

If there are one or two people, it will be easier to handle, but if I want to persuade the seven masters of the emperor to help me, even if there are families and sects to assist me, it is still a bit reluctant, and the Western Immortal Emperor may not be willing to do it for me. I make wedding dresses, and I don't trust him very much.

During this trip to Thunder Sea, I had this opportunity, so I wanted to use this Flying God Pill to complete the previous plan. The Qifang Immortal Realm will temporarily keep the Zerg out, but those bugs like tarsus maggots still don’t give up , has pointed the finger at the Qianyuan Immortal Realm closest to us, and whether the Qianyuan Immortal Realm can withstand the invasion of the Zerg is still unknown. "

After finishing speaking in one breath, Jian simply looked at Patriarch Qingjun, hoping to get advice from his patriarch.

"You put the overall situation first in this matter, even if you can give up that Flying God Pill, I won't be able to stop you, but I still hope that you will consider it carefully. Even if you have the help of the elixir, it doesn't mean there is no danger, and it is face-to-face. To Zongzu."

Although Jian Qingjun didn't explicitly stop him, he still tactfully expressed his concerns.

"I know that the ancestor is worried about my safety, but my heart is not at ease, and I always have a sense of urgency."

Simplicity finally expressed his feelings.

"The sense of a fairy is the most acute. Since you have this feeling, then trust your own judgment!"

In the end, we could only use the traction force of the fairy world to build some passages so that this place would not completely sink into the cultivation world, and by the way, the news of the Zerg invasion would be transmitted to the lower world through this fallen corner, so that Xiaoqian World would be prepared.

Jian Qingjun finally let go of his mouth. Practitioners can sense the heaven and earth, and some sensitive people can naturally get hints from the heaven. He believes that simplicity is someone who is favored by the heaven.

He simply touched his nose and felt that he was really impatient, so he responded with a smile. Anyway, Zongzu was there, and he couldn't run away for a while, so he planned to stay in the family for a while.

Simply go back and ponder over the steps of killing the Zongzu, and then start the daily routine of seeing the younger generation of the clan.

"The small secret realm you left behind has been upgraded after the cultivation of the family, and can be used by the low-level immortals in the family to experience it."

In Jane's family, there are all children whose spiritual roots have been tested. The family gathers them together to enlighten them, and trains them, supporting these children to step into the avenue of cultivation, and better unite the power of the family.

Jian Jian, as the Jian family's cultivation base is the fastest to advance, the most resources, and the existence of the ceiling of combat power, she has naturally become a role model in the family and the most dazzling female fairy queen. Some elders have said in private that she will be The successor of Patriarch Qingjun.

Jian Jian used to be the master of the "Tongzitang" when he was in the lower realm, and this time he took a small task to teach a group of enlightened children in the clan.

Patriarch Qingjun looked at the back of Jianjian leaving in a hurry, with a gentle smile on his elegant face, he could tell that girl Jian was afraid that he would directly entrust her with the task of protecting the family. This was a kind of trust and a kind of Restraint is the simplest and the most restless.

"If you don't come to see me, I will also find you, and the news network of Jane's family also sent back news.

After briefly reading the news, he frowned and went directly to find Patriarch Qingjun.

Simple is a man of action, after talking about Qingjun Patriarch, he is going to go back to Immortal Sword Sect, and find Ziyin Immortal King to talk about it.

These children have become the most loyal supporters of simplicity since the first time they saw it.

With a sigh, Patriarch Qing Jun dropped the restraint and sent a message to the current patriarch.

There are those in the family who really admire Jian and regard her as the glory of the family. Naturally, there are also some who are not convinced and secretly compete. These are just clouds in Jian Jian's eyes, but she is more willing to learn from Jian's family.

From a five-year-old child who has just stepped into the journey of cultivation, to a high-level monk and fairy who is already the elite of the family, and a powerful fairy in the clan whose bone age is older than her but whose cultivation level is not as high as hers, as long as they are in the clan Those who are in the middle and have not retreated, they all look familiar in front of Jian Jian.

"You girl, you are really impatient! After leaving the family for so long, it's hard to come back. I just stay a few more days and meet the juniors in the family. They were all born listening to your legend. To you, the old ancestor But curious."

Now this corner has been pulled back, but because of the obstruction of the battlefield, it has not been able to completely connect with the previously disconnected place. "

Jian Jian listened and expressed his opinion, which made Qing Jun's ancestor nod frequently, and chatted about family affairs for two hours before Jian Jian left Qing Jun's place of cultivation.

Jian Qingjun said with a smile.

However, after Jian Jian was recognized by the wheel of fortune, Qingjun had the idea of ​​handing over the burden, and Jian Jian was naturally the No. 1 choice.

So this time he actually didn't want Jian Jian to take risks, but his junior has always played cards unreasonably, so he still didn't say anything to stop him.

"Old Ancestor, Immortal Sword Sect asked me to go back to the sect and said that the battlefield has changed. Is there any new news on the news network of the family?"

In order to make Jian Jian feel more belonging to the family, Jian Qingjun picked up the big events that happened in the family and started talking.

A year later, Jianjian received a message from the Immortal King Shoudian, telling her that the situation in the battlefield had changed, and asked her to go back to Xianjianzong as soon as possible.

At the beginning of the battle with the Zerg, a corner of the Immortal Realm was cut off and fell into the Lower Realm. Several masters of the Emperor Realm were building a battlefield at that time, so they failed to save it in time.

In order to show their faces in front of their ancestors, and to receive simple instructions, these children have worked hard to study and practice, and they are very introverted, which makes the elders who are responsible for the cultivation of the younger generation of the family very pleased.

It was only because he entered the battlefield one after another and got poisoned in the battlefield, so he went to the fairy realm to detoxify. In the end, he was seriously injured by Yueluan and fell into the black hole of the starry sky. He has not heard from him since then. When he heard the news, He was also frightened for a while, paying attention to the soul lamp every day, until the soul lamp stabilized, and then he let go of his hanging heart.

Jian Qingjun said with a smile, and handed over a jade slip at the same time.

Jian Jian immediately realized that it was the place where she went to rescue Tianjun. The fairy stone, fairy armor, elixir and Zerg carapace were all collected by her in the fallen corner of the fairy world, especially the news about the Zerg. The mainland has laid the foundation for resisting the Zerg invasion.

"I know here that I have been there before. After ascending to the Immortal Realm, I was able to successfully advance to the second level. I have enough immortal stones for initial cultivation, and I obtained resources from there."

Simplicity did not hide it, and told Qingjun Patriarch directly, and also mentioned a sentence by the way:
"In the corner of the fallen fairyland, the immortals who stayed behind fought fiercely. The Yutao family was pitted miserably. Finally, talking about the Song family's superiority, they also dreamed of becoming the new order builders in the corner of the fairyland. The monks in the world don't buy their account."

 Babies, I'm sorry!There may only be two updates today, because my mother was hospitalized, I was very depressed, but when I got home, I found that there was still a problem with the network, and I started coding after reporting the fault and repairing it. I am very sorry!Thank you for waiting~
(End of this chapter)

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