Chapter 2058 The Solution
"The fairy of the Tan Song family took a fancy to the aptitude of my former brother from the same sect, and wanted to make this fellow from the same sect who was trapped in a corner of the fairy world and was seriously injured as her male pet, completely annoyed the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect who went to look for him.

So when I left the corner of the fairy world and returned to the Lingyun Continent, I killed the two siblings of the Tan Song family. "

Said simply and indifferently.

"Yu Tao and Tan Song's family are not well-known families in the Western Immortal Realm, so they dare to be arrogant to the monks in the lower realm. If you kill them, you will kill them. If you do unrighteous deeds, you will kill yourself. Their reputation in the Immortal Realm is mediocre."

Patriarch Qingjun said in a low voice.

Obviously, the Jian family would not pay attention to this kind of low-level family, because they are not at the same level after all.

After listening briefly, he said with a smile:
"Don't worry, Patriarch, since I dare to do it, I won't leave a tail for them to find."

She still has this confidence.

"However, I think there are advantages and disadvantages to being blocked from the corner of the fairy world.

Before I left, it was already a collection center for the wreckage after the war between the fairy world and the Zerg. Naturally, there were also Zerg's fish that slipped through the net. In addition, the monks who went there to explore should be quite chaotic. If we want to help this place return smoothly, we must clean it up some.

Jian Jian resisted the urge to roll his eyes, sat down very gracefully, held the colorful snow lotus fan in his hand, and said with a bright smile:

"Yes! That's the only way to get it done once and for all. Besides, in the battlefield before, I have already unloaded one of Zongzu's legs. This time I am sure to take down the opponent completely."

Jian Jian had browsed the latest news jade slips while Ziyin was talking, and was fanning the round fan in her hand at this time, when she was asked for her opinion, she said straight to the point:

"The ancestor and I thought of going together."

Simply turning the round fan in his hand and said.

Ziyin said in a low voice, after all, the returned domain belongs to the Western Immortal Domain.

Simple yet confident.

Shoudian didn't think this was a good idea, otherwise those bugs wouldn't be wandering outside the battlefield.

Shoudian didn't think that Jian Jian would make fun of such a thing, then frowned, and directly stated the reason why he was not optimistic about it.

"To wipe out the Zerg completely?"

Immediately, he said to the Immortal King Shoudian with bad intentions:

Shoudian smiled ambiguously, and followed the simple words.

"Yes, simple and clear!"

Simply and directly showed his cards.

"This timing is ingenious. When we drove the Zerg out of the battlefield, the land where we fell returned. I couldn't help but think about it."

Northern Fairyland
The Immortal King Shoudian has nothing to worry about now, since he awakened the memory of the God Realm, he is not in a hurry to cultivate, instead he focuses on stability, and spends most of his time on self-cultivation and dissolving the remaining evil spirit on the evil knife.

"Yes, senior Ziyin."

Jian Qingjun immediately made a judgment and instructed carefully.

"I mean to kill the Zongzu directly! The Zongzu is annihilated and the Zerg has no leader. This is the best time for us to counterattack. After they are resolved, we will withdraw from the battlefield and let the corner of the fairy world return. It will not be so embarrassing. "

"Indeed, Jian Jian has never played cards according to common sense. Let's listen to what she has to say."

"Although it is risky, it is also the most effective method. It's just that all the dangers are on your body. If there is a slight difference, I'm afraid."


"It's indeed a bit out of date, but the most troublesome thing at this time is the Western Immortal Emperor, but he is in retreat, and the Xiyue Immortal King may not be able to make a decision."

After a brief exchange between the two, Jian Jian left the Eastern Immortal City of the Eastern Immortal Territory again.

"Okay! I am naturally happy to be invited by the number one beauty in the fairy world, and I will ask Fairy Jane to take care of her."

"The two of you are both Immortal Kings. Don't confront each other as soon as you meet. This time, you have important matters to discuss. After the discussion is over, if you have time, you can go to the arena to learn from each other, and you can also improve your sword and saber skills."

At this time, he was talking with Immortal King Ziyin about the return of a corner of the fairy world.

It is not surprising that Immortal King Ziyin would simply say that, after all, she had already revealed something when the Immortal King Ceremony was held.

"I don't dare to be the number one beauty in the fairy world. If the fairy king wants to see a beauty, he can look in the mirror himself."

"You want to use the medicinal power of the elixir to elevate yourself to the realm of a false god, so that you can activate your body protection artifact 'Wheel of Fortune' and completely strangle Zongzu."

"This time I went to the 'Lei Hai' in the Western Immortal Territory to practice, so I was promoted naturally."

"What do you think of simplicity?"

"From this point of view, your plan to kill Zongzu is about to be officially put on the agenda. This time is a good opportunity."

Immortal King Ziyin thought more long-term. The Jian family sent their precious disciple to the Immortal Sword Sect. If Jian Jian was really allowed to take risks alone and something happened, he would not be able to explain to Jian Qingjun.

Not long after, the three fairy kings gathered in the forbidden area behind the Immortal Sword Sect. Zi Yin and Shou Dian were deeply moved when they saw the simplicity of their cultivation base and promotion. The momentum of transcendence.

Simply stated my opinion.

"I have already sent a message to Jian Jian, and the Jian family should have received the news, let's see if she has any good suggestions."

Immortal King Ziyin asked directly.

"Based on your cultivation in the middle realm of the Immortal King, it seems to be a little worse."

"I say this with confidence. I helped a friend get a 'Flying God Pill' when I was training in Lei Hai."

The downside is the Zerg from outside the realm, who might invade the place as another lair for them. "

"That being the case, you should go to the Immortal Sword Sect first, learn about the latest news of the sect, and then make a decision. If necessary, you can ask Ziyin to go to the Northern Immortal Emperor to explain the situation. The Northern Immortal Emperor is from the Immortal Sword Sect."

"Shoudian Immortal King, if you want to get rid of the evil spirit on the natal evil knife as soon as possible, you can go to Leihai for a walk, the effect is very good."

The two agreed at the same time, and then they talked about the return of a corner of the fairy world.

Immortal King Ziyin was very happy to see the choking between the two, but he still coughed lightly, interrupting the confrontation between peach blossom eyes and phoenix eyes.

Simply respond immediately.

Simply looking at the gratified eyes of the two big brothers, who looked like an old father, she was a little depressed, and this is the only benefit of being old, then she cupped her hands and said:

"A corner of the fairy world must return, otherwise it will be too embarrassing. If you want to return, you must withdraw the battlefield built by the seven masters of the emperor. This will give the Zerg an opportunity. If this is the case, then we will solve the problem from the root. "

"it is good!"

Shoudian narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

Shoudian reacted quickly and immediately guessed the simple plan.

Shoudian squeezed the jade slip in his hand and said, he has some conspiracy theories.

"Senior Ziyin, my patriarch Qingjun also had the same concerns, so he asked me to intercede with you. It would be best to ask the Northern Immortal Emperor to cheer for me, and the Eastern Immortal Emperor would be invited by the patriarch. My side Please move the Devil Emperor and Demon Emperor just in case."

He said modestly with a simple smile.

"I didn't realize that Fairy Jian has a lot of connections."

Immortal King Shoudian was completely relieved at this moment, and laughed and teased.

 Babies, here is the second update, see you tomorrow ~ good night ~
(End of this chapter)

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