Chapter 2059 Prelude to Action 1
"Walking outside, Jian has naturally made a few friends. Otherwise, there would be no one who is willing to lend a helping hand when he is in trouble. Wouldn't it be sad?"

Jian Jian smiled and turned back. These words were a bit heart-wrenching. As for who was insinuating, who knows who is hurting.

This time the Palace Guardian Immortal King didn't make fun of it, but lowered his eyes and sighed secretly.

In fact, ever since the memory of the God Realm recovered a little bit, he has also reflected on why he fell into that situation at the beginning. In addition to the position of the evil god, his own personality and behavior also accounted for a lot of reasons. What's worse is that no one is even willing to stand up and speak for him.

And the only person who helped him was out of gratitude to him and out of morality. We are at a disadvantage.

Seeing the silence of the Immortal King Shoudian, Ziyin broke the awkward atmosphere with a voice:

"Simple, since you have already made a decision, the sect must support you.

I will contact the Northern Immortal Emperor as the guardian of the sect, and keep in touch with Qingjun at any time. As for your own contacts, you should contact them as soon as possible. If the four Immortal Emperors appear outside the battlefield, Zongzu will definitely be alarmed. The perfect time for you to get your hands dirty. "

She simply nodded, indicating that she also had the same idea before, and then communicated with Immortal King Ziyin about some details of the action and the specific time, and then returned to her cave in the forbidden area.

Demon Emperor's Mansion

The Devil Emperor immediately took the opponent's army.

After Mo Kuo received the simple summons, he immediately brought the message Yu Jian to ask to see the Devil Emperor.

Mo Kuo didn't understand what he said without beginning or end, but he knew it must be a very important matter, so he just quietly waited for the answer.

"Go back and tell Moyue, I will be there."

"Tsk, why don't you come from the Immortal Sword Sect, and you don't know that girl Jian is a Taoist cultivator?"

The Demon Emperor took the jade slip, swept his consciousness, and immediately sat up straight, with a smile on his face:
"I didn't expect that it was your master who could end this battle in the end."

Looking at it, Jiu Mu's teeth were quite gritty, but that was his own son, why there was Fairy Jian on the left and Fairy Jian on the right, and he felt that his son was raised for others.

"You are so good, no matter what you become, Fairy Jane likes you."

"Girl Jian is really daring to think and do, she has extraordinary courage and insight, my Yaoxianyu received her help, so I naturally have to repay this favor.

"Okay! Put away your sour expression, as long as Jiu Huan can practice with peace of mind, nothing else matters."

The six immortal emperors met in private and exchanged views on this matter.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang on the side was much calmer, apparently having received accurate information from Jian Qingjun.

"Lord Devil Emperor, this is a message from my master, let this subordinate deliver it to you personally."

The communication talisman on Jiu Shao's waist also vibrated twice. After reading the news, he turned around to meet the Demon Emperor without any hesitation.

The Northern Immortal Emperor was not angry either, and said with a smile.

What Jiu Mu could say was finished by others, so he could only say goodbye, and before his Baituan retreated, he had to get in touch with his father and son, so that the boy would not forget who was the most important person to him.

The Devil Emperor responded directly.

"Yes, Mokuo understands."

Jiu Huan still has deep resentment for his immature appearance after his transformation.

Jiu Shao squinted his fox eyes, and patiently explained to the baby of the white fox clan.

Jiu Shao glanced at Jiu Mu on the other side, and continued:
"Bai Tuanzi of your family has a good vision. With the help of Fairy Jian, the chance is better than that of your father. Besides, he is Mu Qiang, which is not a bad thing. In order to catch up with the example, he needs to pay more. effort.

What Jian Jian didn't know was that after she invited the Devil Emperor and the Demon Emperor, the Northern Immortal Emperor and the Eastern Immortal Emperor also gave clear answers one after another.

Since Jiu Huan (Bai Tuan) returned to the fox clan with his improved blood, Jiu Shao and Jiu Mu have been staring at the remaining bones of Jiu Huan's fusion with Huan Tianhu every day, making Jiu Huan depressed.

"At that time, you had just fused your sternum and fell into the impact of the bones' memories. How could we forcibly wake you up? If those memories affect your mind, wouldn't it be a waste of success and a waste of the magic sky fox that Fairy Jian bought for you? Bones."

Furthermore, in the eyes of Fairy Jian, Bai Tuan is at most a junior who can please her, plus a pet, there will be no other ideas, so you don't need to worry.

"If you don't tell me about it, I really don't know."


Among the seven great powers in the imperial realm, four of them have already agreed to this matter. The Southern Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor of the Central Territory naturally also know that they are both masters of the Emperor Realm. How could there be no contact with each other? Only the Western Immortal Emperor, who is trying to maintain his cultivation in seclusion, doesn't know.

Jianjian received replies from the Devil Emperor and the Demon Emperor one after another, both of whom expressed their support for her actions, which made her more confident about her next actions.

"Girl Jane's chances are so deep that even an old guy like me is envious."

"Yes, Demon Emperor."

Mo Kuo waited for the reply, immediately took his leave and left the Devil Emperor's Mansion, and passed the news to Jian Jian as soon as he returned.

"This Jane girl has a lot of face, and she actually invited you, an old guy."

After passing the simple message to the Demon Emperor, Jiu Shao respectfully stood aside, waiting for a reply.

The devil emperor said with a smile, after all, that devil dragon has made him covetous for a long time, but he has recognized the simplicity.

After finishing speaking, Jiu Huan didn't want to be urged by his ancestors, and went directly to retreat to refine the bones.

"Well, Jiu Huan also thinks so, then I have to work harder to cultivate, and one day I will definitely make Fairy Jane's eyes shine."

Jiu Shao continued to fool Jiu Huan.

The Northern Immortal Emperor raised his thick eyebrows and said to the Demon Emperor.

"Jiu Huan knows, but it's a pity to miss Fairy's ceremony! I originally planned to appear handsomely in front of Fairy Jian after I was promoted to another level."

Don't stare at me, I'm telling the truth. "

Xianjianzong of the Northern Immortal Territory

In the end, he fought hard according to reason, and only then did he win a chance to breathe for himself. When he learned that the simple fairy king ceremony was over, he was even more unhappy.

Jiu Shao, you can write back and tell Jian Jian, I will be there to cheer for her. "

Jiu Shao got an affirmative answer, and without delay, he sent the news after returning.

"From this point of view, the one who can replace the Western Immortal Emperor in the future is Jane girl?"

The Immortal Emperor of the Central Immortal Territory made it clear that the Western Immortal Emperor was not present anyway.

These big guys are not stupid. Before, the Western Immortal Emperor ignored the status and forced to death the former owner of the Zhaixing Building, the old man Zhaixing, which actually showed his weakness.

What's more, in resisting the Zerg invasion, the other party's actions made several big bosses look down on them, so after confirming that the person who was about to be replaced was the Western Immortal Emperor, no one warned the Western Immortal Emperor, while the Southern Immortal Emperor He also turned a blind eye to the behavior of star trails covering the traces of Xindi Star.

 Good afternoon, boys!Today, Fengling went to the business hall to do business, and bundled her mobile phone number, broadband and TV together. Because of the portability of the number portability, it was delayed, and she didn't start coding until she got home at six o'clock. Once the code is completed, upload it, and guarantee the amount of three chapters today!Thank you for your support!Comparing everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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