After simply chatting with my ancestors for a while, I went directly to retreat, and those invitations and invitations were handled by the family.

The first thing to do in the retreat was to take out the Yinyue Mirror, because Yinyue told her through the sound transmission that the Western Immortal Emperor's spirit was especially unwilling to give up. After meeting with Junli's spirit, he directly devoured Junli's weak spirit, ready to break through The seal of the Moon Mirror.

"Fairy, this old guy still doesn't give up, he actually wants to devour me too!"

Yinyue complained immediately.

After listening briefly, his figure flashed and he also entered the Yinyue mirror.

Jian Jian, who entered the Yinyue Mirror, saw a white mist in front of her eyes. As she walked, the mist dispersed one after another, giving way. When she came to a mountain wall, she happened to see the Western Immortal Emperor struggling to break free. chains, and one of the chains has been broken.

The Western Immortal Emperor's condensed soul also proved his strength. After seeing the simple face clearly, he struggled harder and cursed at the same time:

"Ignorant child, you actually ruined my practice, and I will not share the sky with you!"

"Hmph! I will return this sentence to you on behalf of Wu Yi who has passed away! You old man! You are the one who is bad at his practice, and Wu Yi is the one who is at odds with you!"

When it comes to hating people, simplicity has never lost.

At the same time as the words fell, the Soul Beating Whip was already in her hand, and Jian Jian dropped the whip without hesitation, hitting the opponent's face.

"People say you don't slap people in the face, but for a scum like you who is selfish to the bone, I want to slap you in the face!"

The sound of "cracking" whips echoed throughout the Yinyue Mirror, making the Western Immortal Emperor howl again and again.

And Yinyue also showed her figure at this time, standing beside Jianjian, she looked very relieved and said:
"Fairy, whip him a few more times, at least make his soul weaker by two points, I must treat him well!"

The simple backhand whipped three more times, even though it was only three times, it had the effect of three hundred whips, and Immortal Emperor Xixi's spirit immediately dimmed.

"Thank you Fairy for taking the timely action. I was careless before. I wanted to put the two of them into the same illusion, so that they would be tortured again in the same place. I didn't expect to be noticed by this old guy. He took advantage of my unpreparedness. , directly devoured Junli's soul, and only then did he have the strength to compete with me."

Yinyue obediently stood aside, admitting her mistake to Jian Jian.

"Yinyue, as long as your enemies don't lose their souls, you can't relax at all. This kind of pious person is most afraid of death. He will do anything to survive. Besides, he was originally a master of the Immortal Emperor Realm. , even if there is some moisture, but the spirit cannot be faked.

We were able to take him down so quickly, not only because he was affected by the three declines and five calamities, but also because the other six emperors were present, and because the Zhaxinglou was willing to endorse me, I occupied the right time, the right place and the harmony of people. , overwhelmed him in momentum, and was able to take this old man down in one fell swoop.

If it is about fighting alone, I am sure, but I will pay more. Now that he is in your hands, you have to be more cautious. I don't want my weapon spirit to be replaced by someone one day. "

"Yes, Yinyue has written it down, and the same thing will not happen again in the future."

Yinyue immediately promised.

Seeing that his soul had weakened by two points and he was no longer struggling, Immortal Emperor Xi simply waved his hand, handed the whip to Yinyue, and ordered:
"Don't even think about sending him into an illusion to be tortured. Those things that are not painful to him are still effective if they are directly whipped with the soul whip. They can't be left behind for a day, understand?"

"Yes, fairy!"

Yinyue bowed to receive the whip, and when she turned around, she saw that Immortal Emperor Xixi, who was pretending to be dizzy, trembled unconsciously, making him realize immediately that this old guy was still pretending, and then his figure flashed, When he came to him, he waved the Soul Beating Whip and whipped it up.

The pain in the soul made Immortal Emperor Xixi unable to pretend to be dizzy anymore, he could only let howls overflow from his mouth, and the soul began to show signs of fading.

Jian Jian expressed his satisfaction with Yinyue's operation, and then he left Yinyue mirror with a flash of his figure, crossed his knees and closed his eyes, and officially entered the stage of consolidating his cultivation.

In the year 890, 820 of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, the Zerg race was particularly restless on this day. When they fought with the immortals of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, they seemed to be affected by something, and they began to neigh, and finally turned into mourning. Even began to withdraw quickly.

Jiu Lao took a sip of wine, seeing this situation, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and immediately ordered:
"Prepare to fight back. No matter what happens inside the Zerg, it must be a terrible thing, and even affect their operations. We must seize this opportunity."


The fairy kings of the Thirteen Continents took their orders and left.

Afterwards, the entire Qianyuan Immortal Realm came out in full force, and carried out a large-scale strangulation of the entire Zerg race that was blocked.

On the Zerg side, they had no intention of fighting. The Zongzu fell, and they had no strong backing. At this time, they panicked a lot, and wanted to leave with their own group, so as to preserve their own strength to the maximum extent.

In this way, the Zerg's attack was like a pan of loose sand, unable to stop the Terran's counterattack at all. After being dispersed for the first time, they began to scatter and be chased and intercepted.

In the year 890, 830 of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, the Zerg races outside the realm were completely strangled, ending the Zerg War that lasted for more than 1000 years.

Bei Minghan stood on the bow of the spaceship, looking up at the entire starry sky, watching his juniors cleaning up the battlefield, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, wondering if that beautiful fairy has returned to his hometown smoothly, is it because of them What did you do to bring this war to an end so quickly.

"Third Elder, the battlefield has been cleared, when will we return?"

Bei Mingzhi reported in a low voice.

"Return immediately!"

Bei Minghan waved his hands.


Immediately, the spaceship turned around and sailed towards Nether Continent, and they were the last group to return.

So far, Qianyuan Immortal Realm has also successfully shut out the Zerg race, so that the scattered Zerg race can only struggle to survive in the boundless starry sky. Without the protection of the Zongzu ancestors, they cannot break through the realm and leave this world again. They all slowly went to destruction, especially after they encountered a starry sky behemoth.

The starry sky behemoth used the Zerg as an energy replenishment station, and followed their whereabouts all the way. The last black beetle also became the ration of the starry sky behemoth, and completely disappeared from this piece of starry sky.

seven fairyland
After retreating for a month, Jian Jian received a message from six other emperors, inviting her to untie the space isolation of the battlefield, so that a corner of the fairy world could return to the western fairyland.

Jian Jian, as the current Western Immortal Emperor, naturally did her part, so after receiving the news, she immediately left Jian's house and joined the six big brothers in the starry sky.

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