"Simple, you left in a hurry after you advanced in Demon Realm last time. After this matter is over, you can go to Demon Realm to stay for a while."

The devil said with a smile.

"What the devil emperor said was that he was promoted last time in a hurry, and then rushed to the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion in one go. This time, Jian invited everyone to visit the Demon Moon Mansion."

With a simple smile, he cupped his hands and extended an invitation to the six big brothers.

"Devil Emperor, don't bully Xiao Jianjian. She is only a fraction of your age. How dare you ask her to invite you?"

Northern Immortal Emperor said carelessly.

"Of course I'm sorry, maybe in the future I will hand over the Demon Realm to her!"

The Demon Emperor replied with a smile.

When everyone heard what the devil said, they immediately became interested. The Southern Immortal Emperor was the first to speak:

"Devil Emperor, have you sensed the opportunity to ascend?"

"Well! When Zongzu fell, I sensed it, how about you?"

The Demon Emperor raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Me too!"

The Immortal Emperor of the Central Domain said immediately.

"I have the feeling too, but it's not very obvious. It will probably take a while."

Northern Immortal Emperor also agreed.

Immediately, apart from Jian Jian, the newly promoted immortal emperor, the other six great powers in the imperial realm all talked about the successor, so she could only be the background board, nodding in agreement from time to time.

After the gossip was over, the seven people watched the last batch of immortals withdraw from the battlefield, and then they stood in seven directions and began to extract the power of space.

A golden light flashed in the simple eyes, and the entire battlefield was like a cocoon composed of thousands of silk threads, and the seven immortal emperors were drawing their own power, the black one belonged to the devil emperor, and the golden one belonged to the northern immortals. Emperor, the green one belongs to the Demon Emperor, and the yellow one belongs to the Southern Immortal Emperor.
The remaining white silk thread should belong to the Western Immortal Emperor. In fact, because of his fall, the power that constitutes the battlefield has been gradually weakening. It is only because of the maintenance of the other six powers that it will not collapse in an instant.

After simply seeing clearly, it is not to take back this power, but to pop out its own gray power of chaos, directly destroying all the power belonging to the Western Immortal Emperor, so as to achieve the goal of opening the entire battlefield.

After half an hour, the six immortal emperors withdrew their respective powers, and Jian Jian also destroyed all the power left by the Western Immortal Emperor, and the entire battlefield disappeared. Slowly start to rise.

With a simple sweep of consciousness, the corner of the fairy world that I thought was very big at the beginning is actually not as big as I thought, especially after the joint cleansing of all the great powers, now the immortals above and some who came here to experience Monks are lucky.

The sound of "rumbling" spread throughout the Western Immortal Realm, and the once lost corner returned to the Immortal Realm, which made the surviving people very happy, and finally returned to the Immortal Realm.

After finishing the matter, Jian Jian fulfilled his promise and directly invited six big bosses to the Demon Moon Mansion at the bottom of Wanmo Abyss.

Jian Tianyi brought the disciples of the Jian family and the half-demons who stayed behind in the Demon Moon Mansion, and respectfully invited all the big bosses to the mansion.

Looking at this gorgeous and elegant mansion, all the immortal emperors are a little sour, especially the devil emperor:

"Moyue, I didn't expect that your real wealth is here. No wonder you don't often go back to the Demon City's Mansion of the Demon City."

"Senior laughed at me. At the beginning, I was plotted against by someone, and I was sent directly from the central fairyland to Wanmoyuan. The Zerg just wanted to put me to death. However, Jian still had some skills that were not put on the table. Xiu, this is the only way to survive safely in the Demon Realm.

But this is indeed the place where I made my fortune in Demon Realm. In order to appease the spirit of Wanmoyuan, I gave up all my merits and sent them away, otherwise I would not get these benefits. "

Simply smiled and explained in a polite manner.

"It's really rare to be bold and careful. You deserve these."

Immortal Emperor Dongfang smiled and made a simple clearance.

"Besides, as far as I know, there seems to be a simple credit for the discovery of Zerg monsters and Zerg puppets in the Demon Realm, right?"

Northern Immortal Emperor also added with a smile.

"Look at you one or two, it seems that I want to make it difficult and simple, and it's just a sentence of emotion."

After the Devil Emperor sat down, he said with a smile.

Jian Tianyi personally served refreshments for the big brothers, and then retreated respectfully.

The seven chatted for a few sentences before getting to the point:
"Simple, we just said that we sensed the opportunity of ascension. We were not joking. After the war, all six of us old guys sensed it."

"Yes! So in the future, we will ascend one after another, and the successors of our Immortal Realm have already been selected, and the Seven Fang Immortal Realm will depend on you in the future."

"When we old guys ascend, you will be the oldest, and you will have to take care of them more in the future."

Simply listening to the explanations of the big brothers, she felt quite a sense of desolation, she could only smile reluctantly, and then said:

"In the battle against the Zerg, all of you are heroes. It is because of your existence that the Immortal Realm of the Seven Directions has the confidence to fight the Zerg to the end. Therefore, it is absolutely no problem for everyone to ascend, but don't be too fast. The Immortal Emperor is only less than two months old, so let me have a period of adaptation!"

"Haha! I thought you were fearless, but I didn't expect you to be timid sometimes."

The devil said with a hearty smile.

"It's nothing more than guarding a domain. If it's a domain, of course Jian will be timid."

Simply put, straightforward.

"You have heard it all, don't fly up all at once, at least wait until the simple fairy emperor ceremony is over."

The Northern Immortal Emperor immediately agreed.

"That's natural!"

"Of course!"

"That's a must!"

In the 980th and 460th, [-]th and eighth years of the Seven Directions Immortal Realm, Jian Jian, the new emperor of the Western Immortal Realm, held a grand and solemn Immortal Emperor Ceremony in the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

According to the immortals who were lucky enough to participate in the grand ceremony, Immortal Emperor Jian, as the only female immortal emperor in the Qifang Immortal Realm, truly has both strength and beauty. Supporters, in addition to people from the fairy world who congratulated that day, high-level powers from the demon and monster races participated.

Jian Jian, dressed in a complicated magnolia robe with dark patterns on a white background, slowly walked from the sky, accompanied by flying magnolia petals and the melodious sound of fairy music, attracting the attention of the audience, as if seeing a luminous body coming out of the sky. Came from the sky and fell into the mortal world.

The Northern Immortal Emperor presided over the succession ceremony, while the Eastern Immortal Emperor personally put the Immortal Emperor's crown on her head. The other four emperor realm powers showed up one after another, proving that it is easy to become the new Western Immortal Emperor. They approve.

In particular, Xing Gui, the proprietor of the Zhai Xing Building in the Southern Immortal Territory, summoned Immortal Jian's star in public, which proved her legitimacy. When she dared to ask about the former Western Immortal Emperor, Xing Gui just kept a cold face. Eight characters returned:

"The virtue is not worthy, it has already fallen!"

He just blocked everyone's mouths. So far, he has simply and smoothly succeeded the Western Immortal Emperor, and started the all-round transformation of the Western Immortal Territory.

Boys, Fengling's fever has subsided, but she just has a cough, and she has a headache in the morning, so she lay down, and got up in the afternoon to type, and strive for two more chapters!The Immortal World chapter is coming to an end!

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