After simply becoming the Western Immortal Emperor, he directly transferred Shu Lang, Kui Wu, and Jian Tianyi, and demolished the courtyard used by the Western Immortal Emperor, Junli's temporary residence, and the forbidden area behind the mountain. , remodeled.

In simple words, a newcomer must have a new look, and she doesn't like the arrangement of the former Immortal Emperor!The reason is very powerful.

In private, she told the two of them:
"These places dig three feet, beware of what they leave behind, I don't want to take the blame for them."

"Yes, Master!"

The two of them took the young disciples of Jian's family, and they really dug three feet into the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and they really found something. After Jian Jian received the news, what he saw was a secret room. There are piles of skeletons, and most of them are women, and there are a few fresh corpses among them, which have not decomposed.

The simple face is a bit dark, and I performed time retrospect in this square space, and found that these are actually furnaces, and they are the exclusive furnaces of the Western Immortal Emperor. After being sucked dry, they piled up here to fend for themselves.

"Old man, you actually used this method to strengthen your cultivation!"

Everyone in the excavation didn't know what expression they should put on. They didn't expect that the former Immortal Emperor of the West, who appeared to be beautiful on the surface, would actually do such a dirty thing in private.

"Master, a total of forty skeletons and some ashes were excavated. The previous ones should have been burned."

Shu Lang cupped his hands.

"These are also burned, fill this place up."

Simple and direct instructions.

As for the news of the discovery of the bones of the furnace tripod, she did not block the news, and the Western Immortal Emperor is not hers, so why should she cover up for such a person, and from this she can see that the existence of the Luanfeng Tower must have been acquired by the West. Immortal Emperor approved.

Otherwise, the Tang Duo family was making such a big fuss, and the Western Immortal Emperor would just order the Tang family to close down and compensate the Tang family. He wanted to calm things down. If he didn't resist, he didn't know how many women would be sent here!
This news swept through the entire Western Immortal Territory like a whirlwind, and then Jian Jian, the new Immortal Emperor's order was also spread to thoroughly investigate the matter of the furnace cauldron, which immediately made the whole Western Immortal Territory privately involved in this matter tighten their tails , for fear of being picked out by Immortal Emperor Jian, this one is really going to exterminate the clan.

This is also due to the fact that Shu Lang and Kui Wu, two loyal subordinates, "unintentionally" talked about Emperor Jian's behavior in the Demon Realm.

"Extermination of a family is a trivial matter. If the master is not kind, destroying a city is a matter of lip service. It is just that the master does not want to hurt innocent people, so he is lenient."

Shu Lang said lightly.

"Shu Lang, don't talk nonsense. Is the master the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong? It's just that some families are too self-righteous, and they want to defy the Devil Emperor. Naturally, they have to learn some lessons."

"Qui Guan Shi said so!"

The two sang together, and when they came to inquire about the family that the new Immortal Emperor likes, they were dumbfounded in an instant, and went back to check whether their descendants had done anything too extreme, so as not to really hit someone on the knife edge.

A month later, the new Immortal Emperor's Mansion was completed, Jian Jian then summoned all the family patriarchs and sect heads of the Western Immortal Territory, as well as representatives of the Sanxian League.

"My new Immortal Emperor, there are many unclear points, I hope to encourage you in the future, but you don't want to fool me, I don't understand, it doesn't mean that other Immortal Emperors don't understand, I will ask them as a junior, and they will definitely give me advice of."

Sitting briefly at the top, twirling the Butterfly Marigold fan in his hand, he said in a gentle tone.

"Don't dare!"

The people below immediately stood up and saluted.

"Sit down and talk! Don't be so polite!"

Simply pressing the round fan lightly, pushed everyone back to their seats, and then said:

"Regarding the matter of Luanfeng Tower, how is your investigation going?

When I first ascended to the Immortal World, I was secretly stunned and sent to the Luanfeng Tower. They wanted me to become a furnace. After leaving the Luanfeng Tower, and even taking away the fairy stone veins buried in the Luanfeng Tower, why have I become the Immortal Emperor, and this Luanfeng Tower has turned from bright to dark? "

Simple continued to ask with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, several of the family heads immediately sweated. It turned out that this was the one who destroyed the Luanfeng Tower at the beginning. Can it be said that it is a big boss?As soon as they ascended, they got into a fight with them in the Western Immortal Territory. The most important thing is that they escaped smoothly, and now they will settle accounts in the form of an immortal emperor.

Looking briefly at the silent Patriarchs and Sect Leaders, some of them have ghosts in their hearts, some have nothing to do with their own affairs, and some are simply kept in the dark. They are looking around to see who is most likely to be involved.

"You say now that I can let you off for now, but if I say something, you won't have any room for maneuver."

Simply fanning the round fan in his hand, he said in a neutral tone.

After a long while, there was still no one to respond, and they waved the fan simply and helplessly. Among the people present, three patriarchs were directly photographed on the ground.

"Immortal Emperor, spare me!"

"I gave you a chance, but it's a pity you didn't take it well!"

Jian Jian waved the round fan again, and the three patriarchs disappeared in an instant, and she lazily ordered:
"Shu Lang!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"All those who participated in the three families were wiped out, all the resources of the family were confiscated, and filled into the Immortal Emperor's Mansion."


"Be sure to explain the reason when you kill, otherwise people will think that I am too domineering, and let Mo Ran fight for you."

As soon as the simple words fell, Mo Ran, who was entrenched on her wrist, fell instantly and turned into a human form. After receiving the order, she left with Shu Lang.

"Okay, let's move on to the next thing, about resource monopoly"

Simple and easy to move into the second topic, everyone here has put away all the fluke psychology, this one really knows how to do it, and doesn't care if you are a veteran family, in her eyes, the only way to help the Western Immortal Territory The family that develops and the family that hinders the development of Western Immortal Territory.

At the same time, the three families suffered the blow of almost extermination. Even the ancestors were not the opponent of the dragon, and Shu Lang listed their culpability, obliterated those who participated in the furnace business on the spot, and confiscated the family members. resource library.

After Shu Lang left, these people rushed out, wanting to find someone to help, but it is a pity that they are self-inflicted and can't live. These three families have always been high-profile and domineering, and they have long been outraged by the public.

It was only because of the support of the former Western Immortal Emperor that everyone dared not speak out. Now that the new Western Immortal Emperor has liquidated them, everyone is secretly applauding. Who is willing to help such an unprincipled family.

Among them was the Wu family, the family that Yun Yun was attached to, and the family that had cheated Han Pengfei.

Seeing that the Wu clan's situation was gone, and knowing that the new emperor was simple, Yun Yun immediately licked her face and went to visit the Immortal Emperor's mansion, saying that she still had evidence that the Wu clan was in trouble, and she was willing to hand it over to the emperor for execution.

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