Simply looking at Yun Yun in front of her with indifferent eyes, the positions of the two of them have been reversed at this time, she is the immortal emperor, and Yun Yun is the one who wants something.

Yun Yun suppressed the slight discomfort in her heart, smiled and cupped her hands and said:
"Congratulations to Fairy Jian for being promoted to Immortal Emperor! Becoming the new Western Immortal Emperor! You are the pride of our Lingyun Continent!"

Seeing the other party approaching her calmly, she simply felt a little bored. If she didn't know what happened to Han Pengfei, she might have dealt with it a little bit, but now that she knew, she didn't want this old aunt to take advantage of her.

"I heard from Shu Lang that you still have evidence of the Wu family's evil in your hands, so you came to see me."

Said simply and lightly.

Yun Yun seemed to feel a simple alienation, and immediately said with a smile:

"Yes, this was accumulated little by little after I attached myself to Miss Wu's family. When Pengfei came to join me, I brought him into the Wu's family and arranged for him to cultivate fairy grass in the medicine garden. Miss Wu family took a fancy to her, threatened my life, accomplished a good deed, and took away Pengfei's Yuanyang. Since then, I have hated the Wu family!
After helping Pengfei escape, I hibernated beside Ms. Wu and began to collect dirty news about their family. Perhaps it was because I donated my nephew and gained the trust of Ms. Wu's family, so some things would not deliberately avoid me , I can grasp so much news. "

After Yun Yun quickly explained, she presented a jade slip.

He simply didn't look at it, but said to Shu Lang who was beside him:

"Go and verify."

"Yes, my subordinates will go now."

Then Jian Jian took a closer look at Yun Yun. His appearance was the same as in the lower world, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes, and the fine lines appeared at the corners of his eyes. He no longer had the aura of being a Mahayana true venerable. It can only be said that the environment changes people.

"When I was in the Demon Immortal Realm, I met Han Pengfei. His natal sword was injured. In order to repair the Wushuang sword, he dragged his injured body to mine, and there seemed to be some discrepancies between what he told me and what you told me. Who should I trust?"

He said simply and lightly.

"This is impossible!"

Yun Yun immediately denied it, and then realized something was wrong, so she remedied it:

"When I sent him away from Western Immortal Territory, he was not injured."

"But when the young lady of the Wu family was injured and her cultivation base fell, didn't she want to find the cauldron and return to the Golden Wonderland? Han Pengfei became the best candidate, so they have been chasing after you. Since you are in Miss Wu's family By your side, you don't know, do you?"

Simple and not angry, he continued.

"Before sending Pengfei away, Miss promised that I would not make things difficult for Pengfei again, so she didn't tell me."

Yun Yun said immediately.

"You said a person who has disappeared, how did the Wu family grasp his whereabouts so quickly, and chased him all the way from the Western Immortal Realm to the Southern Immortal Realm, until Han Pengfei was seriously injured and forced into the Demon Immortal Realm."

Simply fanning the round fan, asked unhurriedly.

"I really don't know."

Yun Yun frowned, she felt that she shouldn't be here today.

"Why don't you know? You are Han Pengfei's great-aunt, and you are in the same line. With your blood as a guide, you will find him as soon as possible."

Jian Jian chuckled, thinking that Yun Yun was a fool, thinking that she was being fooled, she never believed her from the beginning, and Han Pengfei would not lie to herself.

Yun Yun's face changed at this time, and she immediately frowned and said:
"What the Immortal Emperor said is that if this is the case, they must have taken my blood essence without me noticing it, so that they can use the technique of drawing blood."

"Yunyun, can you look into my eyes and say what you said before?"

This simple sentence seemed to be magical, causing Yun Yun to raise her head subconsciously, and looked at the simple phoenix eyes, a blue light flashed in the phoenix eyes, and then she didn't know anything.

After simply reading Yun Yun's memory, she really wanted to take in her nephew at first, but since the Miss Wu family took Han Pengfei's Yuanyang, she has benefited, and her cultivation has broken through to the Great Luojin Fairyland in one fell swoop, and she has tasted After the sweetness, when the Miss Wu family needed a cauldron to heal her wounds, she thought of Han Pengfei with a single water spirit root.

It was her who was the aunt who put Han Pengfei into danger again, but because of Han Pengfei's escape, she lost the importance of Miss Wu's family, which made her most angry. This time she succeeded the Immortal Emperor, After cleaning up these families generously, she would come to them and surrender at the first time.

It can only be said that this is an absolute egoist who will give up everything for his own immortality and future.

When Yun Yun woke up again, she found that her cultivation base had been sealed, and Jian Jian ordered Kui Wudao:

"Contact the treasurer Qian in the Yaoxianyu and send this woman to Feitian Town, the territory of the Rat Clan in the Yaoxianyu, to dig the Black Mountain Stone. The time limit is 100 years."

"Yes, Master!"

Kui Wu responded immediately.

"You can't do this to me!"

Yun Yun roared.

"You really failed. For your own cultivation, you can even sell your own nephew. Even a child as good as Han Pengfei would rather die than have anything to do with you. You should also experience the hard work of mining! Take it down! If she beeps again, kill her directly!"

Simply waved impatiently.


Kui Wu turned his head and looked at Yun Yun fiercely, waiting for her to continue yelling so that he could slap the old aunt to death.

Yun Yun's body trembled, and she immediately shut her mouth. She knew that she had no chance to resist, and was dragged out of the Immortal Emperor's Hall. She regretted what she did today, but it was too late.

Simply sent a message to Han Pengfei in the Eastern Immortal Territory. At this time, Han Pengfei was handing in the task in the task hall. After reading the content, there was no disturbance in his heart.

The slightly raised corners of his lips still revealed his good mood. In this huge fairyland, there was still a friend who cared about his feelings and was willing to vent his anger on him. He was very content, and immediately replied directly:

"Thank you Immortal Emperor for saving her life!"

The round-faced female fairy on the side asked curiously:

"Brother Han, what's the good news? It's rare that you are in such a good mood!"

"It was a good friend who solved my knot for me, I am very happy!"

Han Pengfei put away the messenger jade talisman and told his companions.

"Brother Han, you'd better smile more, it's so pretty!"

The round-faced fairy immediately committed a nympho, but was suppressed by the remaining companions.

Looking at his companions around him, Han Pengfei didn't regret his original decision, he wouldn't fall twice in the same place.

Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion

After Jian Jian received Han Pengfei's reply, he knew that he had put it down, so he didn't pay attention to this matter any more, and was looking at the clean-up manual compiled by Shu Lang and Kui Wu.

"Tsk, it seems that these three families have a good way of collecting money, and many scarce resources have gone into their pockets. I really can't underestimate this old family of cultivating immortals."

Simply watch and talk.

"What the master said is, why don't we take advantage of this opportunity to hold an auction, first to let these resources flow, second, to increase the inventory for the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and third, to let people in the Western Immortal Territory know, you It’s not about keeping all the resources in your own hands.”

Kui Wu immediately suggested.

"Hmm! Your idea is very popular with me. You can handle it and ask the elders of the Jian family to assist you!"

Simple and straightforward.

Dear children, here is the last update of Fatty, Fengling took a rest, I don’t know if it’s because of using her brain, she’s getting headaches, everyone, go to bed early after watching, good night! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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