Just saying these simple words made the Taohua eyes of the palace guard turn. He didn't think about it before, but now after such a point, he also reacted.

After being silent for a while, Shoudian said directly:

"I see. If this is the case, then I will go to retreat and break through."

After finishing speaking, he simply nodded to Zi Yinhe, then returned to the inner room in a flash, and began to formally retreat and break through.

At the moment when the closed-door restriction came down, both Zi Yin and Jian Jian could clearly feel that the speed of surrounding celestial energy pouring into the cave became faster again, and after they looked at each other, they left the cave guarding the palace.

This time, the two of them went to Ziyin's cave nearby, chatting and paying attention to the breakthrough of the palace guard.

"Immortal Emperor Jian, I have a hunch that if the Shoudian breaks through the Immortal Emperor Realm this time, his cultivation will improve faster!"

Ziyin said with a serious face.

"If it's as you guessed, it proves that matters in the God Realm are imminent, and that's why he, the new evil god, needs to ascend as soon as possible."

Turning the round fan in his hand simply and habitually, he said softly.

Ziyin seemed to have thought of something, his expression turned cold, and he said in a low voice:

"you mean"

"Under the God Realm is composed of countless fairy worlds like the seven fairy worlds. The evil spirit in the three thousand worlds is not purified by God. What do you think will happen?"

"Naturally, the more you accumulate, the more you accumulate."

"Yes, that's why I feel that Priest Siming did a great job. He not only saved a trace of Wang Ding's soul, let him reincarnate and rebuild, but also threw his natal evil knife into the lower realm, and the evil god's natal evil knife is The best artifact to deter evil spirits."

"Even if the evil god dies and the evil sword disappears, the God Realm should have other artifacts that can suppress evil spirits. It's impossible for such a huge God Realm to be unable to find even one such artifact!"

Ziyin took a sip of tea, and said following a simple train of thought.

"There must be some, but treating the symptoms but not the root cause, suppressing but not purifying, how long can they suppress? If it is really effective, they will not be so eager to advance the guard when they sense the breath of evil gods."

Jian Jian also took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and said softly.

"It should be that the last time the evil knife was combined, which drove his cultivation to improve, so he was noticed by the God Realm."

Ziyin said with certainty.

"should be!"

Regarding Ziyin's guess, he simply agrees. Last time, he wished he could hack the Shoudian to death, and now he is opening the door to facilitate the Shoudian's promotion as soon as possible. Are all gods so fickle?
There was a hint of sarcasm at the corners of the simple lips.

Two hours later, thunder rumbled from the forbidden land in the back mountain, and a robbery cloud formed instantly over the Shoudian's cave, as if it had been prepared long ago.

Jian Jian and Ziyin immediately left the range of Jielei, and then watched the fastest and shortest Thunder Tribulation in the Immortal Emperor Realm in history. Although the process was very short, the process was the same, and the guardian of the palace was himself. The phantom holding the evil knife dissipated after five breaths.

Shoudian flashed out from the collapsed cave mansion, his aura was that of a real fairy emperor, stronger than before.

At this time, Immortal Emperor Guixu also appeared in Immortal Sword Sect. In a flash, he saw the newly promoted Shoudian. He cupped his hands very magnanimously and said:

"Congratulations to Shoudian Junior Brother for advancing to the Immortal Emperor Realm! Now we have two Immortal Emperors in the Northern Immortal Territory."

"Senior Brother Guixu has won the prize, but my situation is not right!"

Shoudian also bowed his hands politely, but also bluntly said that his promotion was an abnormal promotion.

After hearing Shoudian's words, Immortal Emperor Guixu was stunned for a moment, looked directly at Jian Jian, and nodded briefly, indicating that what Shou Dian said was true, and motioned him to read it for himself.

Immortal Emperor Guixu turned his head and looked at the Shoudian carefully. After sweeping his divine sense, he also found the clue. The immortal powers in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain were flocking to the Shoudian, as if they wanted to push him to continue to advance. The Shoudian spread his hands helplessly. Then he was sent directly to his cave by Ziyin. After all, the cave guarding the palace had been turned into ruins because of the robbery.

Simple is responsible for giving a concise explanation to Immortal Emperor Guixu, and then concluded:
"Make a bet, at most 1000 years, the guard will ascend, and it will be before the seven of us."

"This is the first time I've heard of this situation. I just don't know if Shoudian's ascension is a blessing or a curse."

Immortal Emperor Guixu was also quite worried.

"Don't worry, Shoudian is an evil god. It's fine if he doesn't harm others. Anyone who wants to harm him must have that ability."

Simply said with a smile.

She knew in her heart that Shoudian was the reincarnation of Wang Ning's split soul, and after ascension, the god position returned, and he would only see it when he awakened all his memories!
The development of the matter is very close to the simple prediction. In the 980th year after Shoudian advanced to the Immortal Emperor Realm, he finally broke through the last shackles and successfully ascended to the God Realm, and he was earlier than the new Immortal Emperors.

"I'll be waiting for you in the God Realm!"

After Shoudian left such a sentence for Jian Jian, he was carried by the guiding light, slowly ascended into the sky, and finally disappeared.

"Simple, you really guessed it."

His younger brother ascended to the throne, and the Immortal Emperor Guixu would definitely send him off, so naturally he talked about the bet made thousands of years ago.

"That's what I guessed, because his promotion speed is too fast, which has exceeded the normal range. It makes people like me who can only advance to the first rank after a narrow escape are very jealous!"

Simply fanning the round fan in his hand, he sighed.

"You don't give up too much. You are the youngest of the seven of us and the strongest in battle. I think that if you ascend, you should be able to win the first place."

Immortal Emperor Shuyun also joked with a smile.

"Then, following everyone's auspicious words, Jian must work hard and not let everyone down."

Simple and smiling arched way.

The seven immortal emperors chatted for a few words before breaking up.

Next, the Seven Squares Immortal Realm entered a period of stability. The competition between the domains still existed, and there were conflicts from time to time, but as long as it was not too much, they would not intervene.

And 1 years later, Jianjian also ushered in the same situation as Shoudian. She didn't need to deliberately meditate and practice, her immortal energy was accumulating. , which made her feel a little bit about Shoudian's mood at that time.

Simple and helpless, she summoned Xiyue Immortal King and told him directly:
"You break through as soon as possible, I will ascend soon!"

Immortal King Xiyue was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and after seeing the simple overflowing breath, he stammered and said:
"Immortal Emperor Jian, it's been less than 2 years since you advanced to the Emperor Realm!"

"This Immortal Emperor doesn't want to ascend so quickly, but the situation doesn't allow it. I'm not sure how long I can stay in this world, so hurry up!"

Simple and helpless.

"Yes, Immortal Emperor!"

Xiyue turned around and left the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, putting the improvement of cultivation base in the first place.

On Jianjian’s side, he began to send letters to the Jian family and Xianjianzong in full swing, and then said goodbye to all the old friends, and also informed the other six big bosses by the way.

Babies, here is the last chapter!Fengling is going to rest, why does this A-type flow keep repeating!Head hurts again!Ascension to God Realm tomorrow!See you tomorrow~

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