After receiving Jian Jian's summons, Jian Qingjun rushed over the fastest. He was quite helpless when he saw the Xianyuan power overflowing from Jian Jian's body.

The family has finally produced such an excellent junior, and he is basically in a state of not doing anything now, and in the end, he will ascend ahead of himself in the end, how embarrassing for him as an ancestor!

However, Jian Qingjun is also an old-fashioned fairy king, and he is only a short distance away from the Immortal Emperor Realm, so he immediately saw that something was wrong, a dignified look appeared on his handsome face, and he asked in a deep voice:

"When did this situation start for the Immortal Emperor? This doesn't look like a natural breakthrough!"

"The old ancestor's eyes are still sharp. It is indeed not a natural breakthrough. In fact, I have tried my best to suppress my cultivation. According to my cultivation speed, I have to stay in the Immortal Emperor Realm for 5 years, but now the same situation as Shoudian has appeared. .”

Simple and helpless.


As soon as Jian Qingjun heard the simple explanation, he immediately thought of the guarding palace of the Immortal Sword Sect who had suddenly risen. He was promoted almost without any stop, and then he ascended and left the Qifang Immortal Realm.

"From this point of view, the situation above doesn't seem very optimistic. If you ascend, you must be more cautious and see if you can find your clan brother Qingyue. At any rate, he ascended early, and he may be able to help you."

Jian Qingjun ordered immediately.

"Okay, I'll take it down."

Simple and neat answer, there is no need to be hypocritical at this time.

Then she took out two jade slips and handed them directly to Jian Qingjun:

"These are the two ice exercises "Ice and Snow Dance" and "Ice and Fire Jue" that I found from the Qianyuan Immortal World. After getting it, I have already completed the second half volume, which is very powerful and suitable for attacking. If the disciples in the clan have suitable spiritual roots and pass the test of character, they can pass it on to them."

Jian Qingjun took it immediately, solemnly put it in the storage ring, and said with a smile:

"Your two exercises are going to be reserved for the collateral disciples of the Jian family. If they know about it, they will definitely appreciate your hard work."

"Whether it is the direct line or the collateral line, they are all disciples of the Jian family, but the direct line has more burdens, so they enjoy the tilt of resources.

However, some people in the family are not satisfied. In this case, let them enjoy the same supply of resources, but they must also shoulder the responsibilities that the direct descendants need to bear, so that the direct disciples also have a buffer time. body, they will know the pain. "

Simply express your purpose very clearly.

"Okay, listen to you! In the ten thousand years you have been the Immortal Emperor of the West, some of the collateral disciples of the Jian family have moved here. They think it is more conducive to their development here, and I have not stopped them."

"It's okay, let them come, they might not expect me to ascend so quickly, the Eastern Immortal Realm is still the main family of the Jane family, and the foundation cannot be shaken."

Jian Jian has never intervened in the development of the family since he became the Immortal Emperor, and now that he is about to leave, he will not intervene, but only raised his opinions appropriately.

"I understand what the Immortal Emperor means. After more than 1 years of recuperation, the Jian family's direct lineage has gradually recovered, and there will be no faults in the family."

What Jian Qingjun said was very firm.

"That's good! One last thing"

With a simple smile, he raised his hand and held a sword in his hand. At first glance, it was the Moxi Sword, but upon closer inspection, he found that it was a copy of the Moxi Sword—Moxi Sword No. [-].

"I took away the 'Wheel of Destiny' artifact guarded by my family, and gave this silent sword I refined to my family. This sword accompanied me from the Lingyun Continent to the Immortal World. Ling, I hope to find a new owner in Jane's house."

Moxi Sword No. [-] trembled slightly in Jianjian's hand, as if he was very reluctant, he hasn't said goodbye to Boss Moxi yet!
Simple and loving caressing the sword body, took back the essence and blood that had been integrated into it, and told Mo Xi Sword No. [-]:
"I kept you in Jane's house, just hoping that you could continue to guard the family for me. After you find a better master than me, I'll be waiting for you in the God Realm!"

Only then did Mo Xi Jian No. [-] tremble, as he agreed to Jian Jian's entrustment from his former master.

Only then did Jian Jian put the Mo Xi Sword No. [-] into the sword box without sealing it, and handed it directly to Jian Qingjun.

"It's enough for the Immortal Emperor to give back to the family. Just take care of yourself after ascension, and the family will naturally develop well."

Jian Qingjun put away the sword box, and instructed in a low voice again, he really couldn't bear to part with such an outstanding junior.

At this time, Immortal King Ziyin also rushed over, and after meeting his old friend Qingjun, he looked at Jianjian, then frowned and said:

"Emperor Jian Xian, why is your situation exactly the same as that of Shoudian?"

"It's the same situation!"

Simple once again expressed his helplessness.

On the side of the Zongmen, only the refining method of the sea boat was left behind. Anyway, she is also a disciple of Qifeng Peak, so she left some inheritance for Qifeng Peak.

Then I met with my four disciples and gave Tianfeng, Tianchong, Tianmiao, and Tianyu a life-saving jade talisman, which sealed her three attacks, so that they could be fully recovered after encountering a strong enemy. retreat.

The four of them stayed in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to accompany Jian Jian for a period of time, and only returned to Xianjianzong when she retreated again.

Mo Kuo took Bi Shu from the Demon Realm to the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and was the third to arrive.

"Miss Moyue urgently invites me to come, but do you have something to order?"

Mokuo has always been calm, but at this time his face is also rarely heavy. After all, in the past, if Miss Moyue had something to do, she would send a message, or she would go to Moyue Mansion directly. The first time he was recruited to the Western Immortal Territory, it must be because there is a very important matter that needs him to do.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. I'm afraid I will ascend soon. Before ascending, I want to hand over the Demon Moon Palace to you. In short, from now on, you are the new owner of the Demon Moon Palace."

Simply said with a smile.


Mo Kuo didn't expect it, because of this, he didn't react for a while.

"I left the Demon Moon Palace at the bottom of Wanmoyuan to the Jane family, and the Demon City's Demon Moon Palace will be handed over to you."

"Mo Kuo may not be able to bear the responsibility of the Palace Master."

Mo Kuo immediately refused.

"I said you can take it, so you can take it! Don't refuse, you suffered a lot when you were young, but you also seized the opportunity to awaken your demon blood. This is your ability.

Over the years, you have been neither arrogant nor impatient, you have cultivated steadily, never slack off, and your mind is also calm. I can rest assured that the Demon Moon Mansion is in your hands. "

Simply waved his hand and said, Mo Kuo was not allowed to refuse.

Mo Kuo knew that this was Miss Mo Yue's trust in him, and he also secretly vowed to guard Mo Yue Mansion.

"Mokuo is under the command, and he must take good care of Moyue Mansion. Master, please rest assured and ascend!"

Next, Jianjian met with Tianli, Tianjun, Tianhong and Tianjian team one after another, and told her about her upcoming ascension. Apart from expressing surprise, everyone congratulated her, thinking that she was blessed by the heavens. Jian Jian wanted to roll her eyes, she didn't want to be favored, she just wanted to spend a few more days of leisure in the fairy world!
The last person to rush to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion was Qian Wanguan. He set off from the Immortal Immortal Realm immediately after receiving the news. He is a know-it-all now. If the powers of humans, demons, and demons want to find any scarce resources, they will come to him. The news is fairly well-informed, but I don't know why Immortal Emperor Jian is so anxious to find him.

Dear children, Feng Ling went to visit her mother in the main hospital today, met her doctor in charge, and talked about her condition.
Because I came back late, so the code word is late, today I will let the heroine ascend, don't worry, there will be an update before twelve o'clock!wait a minute~

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