Because Qian Wanguan is connected to the circulation of resources in several domains, it was not without family coveting before, especially the Sanxian League. It is comprehensive, never offends anyone, and does not give these people a chance to make trouble.

So for so long, some people could only stare blankly. If Jian Jian ascended, Qian Wanguan would definitely be affected, so Jian Jian summoned him.

"Emperor Jian Xian, Lao Qian came here as soon as he received your message, what orders do you have?"

Qian Wanguan bowed and saluted before asking.

"Don't be so serious, it's a good thing, I may ascend to the God Realm soon!"

Simply shaking the round fan in his hand, he smiled and said to Qian Wanguan.

The current Qian Wanguan's bearing is also extraordinary, with the top-level dark golden fairy robe on his body, and his cultivation has reached the middle of the Xuanxian. The speed of cultivation is not fast, but it is not slow.

After hearing the simple words, he was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, and then a little depressed, but he still cupped his hands and said:
"Congratulations to Immortal Emperor Jian for gaining a glimpse of the path to ascension, which makes me and other cultivators feel ashamed. My old money is convinced!"

"Treasurer Qian is still so good at talking."

After listening briefly, he pursed his lips and smiled, then continued:
"I'm looking for you because I'm about to ascend. I'm afraid you have to share some of the big pie of resource circulation among the three clans. This is good for you and everyone."

"Don't worry, the Immortal Emperor. After leaving the Immortal Emperor's Mansion today, I will start to handle this matter. The goods from the Demon Immortal Realm will still be handed over to the Yaozu, and the supply from the Demon Realm will be handed over to the Demon Emperor's Mansion. How to distribute them will be studied by themselves. As for the five domains of the human race, the immortal emperors of each domain are in charge."

"You have already thought about it."

Simply said with a smile.

"The resource channel has been opened up and smoothed out, and there is no need to spend any more thought, and there is no challenge. The old money has long wanted to be withdrawn.

Just in time for the Immortal Emperor's ascension to end, I can also go to retreat and break through. Now Laoqian has defined Ascension God as his next goal. It was unthinkable before, but now thanks to the Immortal Emperor, Laoqian has also saved Enough cultivation resources, it's time to concentrate on cultivation. "

Qian Wanguan didn't have any reluctance to give up. It is the way of a really smart person to retreat bravely.

"That's good. Then you take my post and go to the Jian family in the Eastern Immortal Territory to be a guest elder. If you are interested, you can help the elders take care of the family's property. If you want to practice with all your heart, you can just retreat directly. .”

Jian Jian smiled and promised that she would naturally take care of those who are capable.

"Thank you Immortal Emperor for taking care of me, this is enough! Qian is very grateful!"

Qian Wanguan responded immediately, and then handed in the resources for this period of time, and also talked about his encounter with Kuang Dao.

"That kid encountered a strong enemy during his training and was seriously injured. Only then did he think of me as a master. He dragged his injured body to find the shop in Luming City. Fortunately, I was patrolling there, otherwise I would have missed it. Fate."

"How is he now?"

"The injury has healed, so we escorted the resources back and forth between the Yaoxian Realm and the Southern Immortal Realm, saying that they were used to offset the healing pills."

Qian Wanguan shook his head helplessly.

"It's okay, at least pay the debt according to your ability."

Jian Jian mentioned Qian Wanguan a few more words, and the other party left the Immortal Emperor's Mansion in a hurry. He had to finish everything before Jian Jian ascended, and the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for him.

The other immortal emperors were aware of such a big movement in Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion. The first one to come this time was Immortal Emperor Guixu. When he saw Jian Jian, he immediately showed a helpless expression:

"You are also being promoted by the way of heaven, and you are not far from ascending!"

"Hey! I didn't expect to be envious of Shoudian before, but now it's my turn!"

"It's a good thing!"

"I still want to stay in the Qifang Immortal Realm for a while longer, so that I can live a life without fighting and killing."

Simply pinching the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

"This wish is a bit dangling for you, you are the God of War of the Demon Race!"

Immortal Emperor Guixu joked.

Before the two of them could say a few words, Immortal Emperor Hei Xiao also arrived.

"Guixu, you arrived before me! Simple, are you really preparing to ascend? Did you see the opportunity to ascend?"

Hei Xiaoren arrived before the sound and asked with a smile.

"Almost! I can't suppress my cultivation even if I want to suppress it! Heavenly Dao is giving me too much face!"

Simply complained again.

"Hehe! This is the first time I've heard people say that they despise myself for advancing too quickly!"

Hei Xiao waved his hands, and after sitting down, he felt carefully that his cultivation in the middle stage of the Simple Emperor Realm seemed to be breaking through again.

"Tsk tsk, so people are more popular than people!"

"We are not envious of this, we should practice hard and improve our cultivation level slowly!"

Immortal Emperor Guixu also said with a smile.

After the other six bigwigs visited Jianjian, they all knew about her situation, and there was nothing to envy and envy. If this kind of situation soars, they don't know what they will encounter!

After simply arranging all the follow-up matters, she directly announced the retreat. This retreat will last for 300 years. Originally, she wanted to continue the retreat, but she sensed energy fluctuations outside the realm of the Qifang Immortal Realm. In order to be stable in the late stage of Emperor Realm, he broke through and left.

At the same time as Simplicity, there were six other big bosses. After the seven gathered in the starry sky, they discovered the source of abnormal energy fluctuations.

A group of starry sky behemoths are being besieged, and they are besieged by Zerg. Both sides regard each other as their own food, and the group of Zerg is obviously very hungry. The starry sky behemoth drowned.

And the starry sky behemoth did not show any weakness. It swung its elephant trunk, rolled up these insects, put them into its mouth, and began to chew them wantonly. eat.

Because the starry sky behemoth kept eating to provide energy for itself, a layer of light shield also flashed on his gray-black outer skin, and the Zerg couldn't break through it all at once, and the two sides fell into hand-to-hand combat.

"There's no end to this swarm of bedbugs!"

Hei Xiao's face sank, and the dimples on her lips disappeared, obviously disgusted to see these bedbugs again.

"Didn't you find it? These bugs are obviously less than before, and there are not many types, but they are more sturdy. They must have been wandering in the starry sky for a long time, otherwise they would not attack the starry sky behemoths."

Simply squinting her phoenix eyes and said.

"Simple, what do you mean?"

The elegant Shu Yun Xiandi asked.

"Since they're here, we can't let them go. If we let them get the benefits, it will attract more bugs!"

Said simply and decisively.

"Exactly what I want!"

Guixu has already held the natal sword in his hand.

"Don't worry! Let's discuss the countermeasures. If we rush forward so rashly, what if the starry sky monsters attack us together!"

Immortal Emperor Shuicheng couldn't stand Guixu's impatience, and immediately raised his hand to stop him.

"We also imitated the predecessors of the immortal emperors, and jointly created a battlefield space, directly enclosing them all, and then closed the door and beat the dog!"

Mo Qian's calm voice came.

Babies, because some friends strongly demanded to have a fight with the giant starry sky beast, Feng Ling added this small bonus. This is the last battle of the heroine in the fairy world, so watch and cherish~
Don't be afraid, the story of God Realm will follow, please continue to support and subscribe~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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