The six people present all used to guard the rear of the battlefield, and Jian Jian changed his identity twice and entered the battlefield to kill the Quartet and severely damage the Zerg. Therefore, as soon as this opinion came out, everyone unanimously approved it. After deliberation and coordination, the seven people The assembly message was sent to each domain for the first time, and then disappeared in place.

Within the seven directions fairyland

The news of the assembly of the Seven Realms arrived almost at the same time, and the people in the Seven Realms immediately took action, because the immortals who participated in the Zerg War before had basically grown up and became the pillars of the family and sect. Although the tense atmosphere infected Looking at everyone, but everyone didn't panic at all.

After receiving the order from the Immortal Emperor himself, it took only three days for the Seven Regions to assemble a large number of immortals, and then, with an order, quickly lifted off on a high-level warship and rushed to the designated place.

At this time, outside the realm of Qifang Immortal Realm, Jian Jian and the seven of them have teamed up to build a new isolated space, enclosing the starry sky behemoths and Zerg.

Both parties seem to have noticed their actions, but because they are at the critical moment of tearing each other, they can't be distracted. At least the starry sky behemoth has no time to pay attention to them for the time being, maybe they don't pay attention to them at all, and the Zerg has always been greedy. , unexpectedly a wave of giant black beetles attacked the seven of them.

None of the seven people took these worms seriously. The simple Moyue Zhan flew out from the dantian, and a stream of light flashed by. After rushing for a distance, it fell apart completely.

"Hei Xiao, you go to pick up people into the isolated space first, we will find a way to light the fire for both sides, let them fight more fiercely, it is best for both sides to lose, and then we will finish."

Simply said to Hei Xiao on the side, she is now the highest among the seven, so she has become the decision maker.

"it is good!"

Without saying a word, Hei Xiao disappeared into this space to meet the warship from the Seven Fangs Immortal Territory.

"We are a group of three, each other's horns, don't love to fight, just light a fire!"


Everyone had no objections, and quickly divided into groups, simply grouping with Demon Emperor Moqian and Immortal Emperor Shuicheng, and Immortal Emperor Guixu with Demon Emperor Huanyi and Immortal Emperor Shuyun. Disappeared in place.

Jian Jian led the two of them to stare at the largest starry sky behemoth. He was obviously the most comfortable. While sweeping the Zerg, he fed things into his mouth with a great appetite.

"It's an iron wall!"

Shui Sheng said via voice transmission.

"As long as there is a hole in his body, the Zerg can squeeze in, and the devil energy can also be sent in."

Mo Qian's eyes were heavy, and at the same time, he also sent a voice transmission.

The simplicity is to stare at the short tail of the starry sky behemoth. She thinks that going through the back door may have a chance of winning, so she tells her plan, so that Mo Qian and Shui Cheng don't know how to cooperate.

"I'm in charge of the attack, Shui Sheng, you are in charge of drawing out the blood of the starry sky behemoth with the power of the original source, so that the Zerg will increase their siege on him, Mo Qian, you take the opportunity to send in the original devil energy, disrupting his attack, is it clear?"

Assign tasks simply and directly, this time the two nodded at the same time.

The Guixu on the other side has already made a lot of noise, breaking up the bugs in the densest place, and also attracted the attention of this giant starry sky beast. Jian Jian narrowed his eyes and said:

"It's now!"

Immediately, the Moxi sword shot out, turning into a giant gray sword shadow, and severed off the short tail of the starry sky behemoth.

Because the attack was too fast, the starry sky behemoth was unprepared, and it only had time to raise its nose and howl, turning its body like crazy, trying to see who dared to attack him.

And Shui Cheng's water magic has been activated, drawing out a piece of blue blood from the starry sky behemoth's wound, and Mo Qian's black magic energy penetrates into the starry sky behemoth's body at the same time.

The splashed blue blood turned black after a while, but it still attracted more crazy Zergs. At this time, Mo Qian also manipulated that ray of magic energy to swim in the body of the starry sky behemoth, Start to destroy the other party's viscera.

The raging swarm of insects submerged the starry sky behemoth again. This time, the starry sky behemoth's resistance became smaller and smaller, and finally fell to the ground, obviously its defense had been breached.

"I didn't expect the starry sky behemoth that broke through the defense to be so fragile!"

Simply muttered in a low voice.

"Don't be careless, this kind of giant starry sky monster claims to swallow everything, it's not that easy to deal with!"

Shui Sheng was very cautious and reminded immediately.

"Let's go to the next one!"

In this way, the two groups ignited fires everywhere, making the battle between the Zerg and the starry sky behemoth more intense, almost to the point of endless death, and the battlefield is also expanding. Group attack.

At this time, Hei Xiao had also rolled up the first batch of warships that arrived, and entered the isolated space, where there were many old acquaintances, this time even Jiu Huan came, and he stood beside the Jiu Shao Yao King, Looking at the starry sky with a serious face.

As the clan of the current demon emperor, the raccoon beast clan naturally sent an elite team. The moon is among them, and Jade can be seen among the dragon clan. Brother was not the first batch to enter the battlefield because of his lack of cultivation.

The leader of the Jian family is Jian Kui, and this time Jian Qi is also on the list.The leader of Immortal Sword Sect is always Tianli, and the simple four proud disciples are among them. Moyu is led by Mozhi this time, and Huaman, Moang, Moyang, and Moli are all among them. Xinglou has sent disciples this time, it is said that they are Xinggui's big disciple named Xingyu.

"The personnel are already in place!"

Hei Xiao immediately sent a voice transmission.

"Siege in batches and start beheading the Zerg and starry sky behemoths. We are responsible for sweeping the formation!"

Simple ordered immediately.

Hei Xiao nodded, flicked his sleeves, and all the warships were in place quickly. First, a wave of Yuanli cannons attacked to break the stalemate between the two sides, and then the immortals from the Seven Squares Immortal Realm swarmed out and began to strangle the Zerg.

With a flash of simple figure, he came to the dying giant starry sky beast, stroked his wrist, activated a golden wheel, directly cut off the opponent's head, then waved his sleeves to store it in the storage ring, and then his figure changed Shan went to the next star beast.

Only after half of the starry sky behemoths on the battlefield were killed did they realize that their biggest enemy was not those dark bugs, but those tiny human races.

"Roar" A shout penetrated the entire battlefield, as if summoning their companions to leave immediately, the remaining thirteen starry sky behemoths turned over, shook off the Zerg and human immortals on their bodies, and began to attack the isolated space, obviously they knew Trapped myself.

After seeing this situation, Jiu Huan whispered something to Patriarch Jiu Shao, flicked nine fox tails, and came to Jian Jian:
"Fairy, I'm already at the eighth level. I can create a phantom of the ancestor of the starry sky behemoth to frighten them. You can take this opportunity to deal with them, but you only have one chance!"

"Okay! You can start!"

Jian Jian has absorbed the power of the stars to supplement his loss, and has enough immortal power to start the wheel of fortune again.

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