After Jiu Huan saw the simple nod, he immediately jumped up, and his figure instantly became bigger. Nine snow-white fox tails covered the entire battlefield, and then Jiu Huan's figure slowly disappeared, and the next moment, his head almost occupied the entire partition The starry sky behemoth in space appeared in everyone's sight.

With a neighing sound, the starry sky behemoth, which was struggling to attack the isolated space, fell silent in an instant, and knelt down obediently.

The simple thing to wait for is now, she released the marshmallows to help Jiuhuan make the illusion more real, and after completely suppressing the remaining thirteen starry sky behemoths, she disappeared beside Jiuhuan.

This time she still started the round of the wheel of fate, because all the thirteen starry sky behemoths gathered together, which saved her a lot of energy. A golden wheel flashed across everyone's eyes, and the thirteen starry sky behemoths were harvested instantly , blue blood splashed out.

At the moment of being beheaded, they were still neighing and roaring. They didn't understand why the ancestors punished them like this. Unfortunately, before the blood turned black, they were simply collected.

At this moment, Jiu Huan's limit had also been reached, and he fell instantly, turning into a shrunken version of the nine-tailed white fox. He was simply caught in his arms, his breath was a little weak, obviously exhausting all the demon energy in his body.

"Jiu Huan, you performed very well this time, the task has been completed, you should rest well, I will send you to Jiu Shao's side."

Simply patted Jiu Huan's head, and comforted him with a smile.

Jiu Huan obediently rubbed his simple palm, then fell into a deep sleep and began to recover.

With a flash of simple figure, he came to the side of Jiushao Demon King:
"Jiu Huan made a great contribution this time, reducing our casualties, remember to go back and reward him."

"At least he didn't fall into the blood of Huan Tianhu, this is what he should do."

With a proud expression on his face, Jiu Shao carefully took Jiu Huan, and directly pulled him into the sleeve robe.

The giants in the battlefield disappeared, and the risk was reduced, but at the same time, it also allowed the Zerg to concentrate all their attacks on the people in the Seven Squares Immortal Realm.

After this time, Jian Jian didn't make any more moves, and the big bosses did the same. They just watched the battle between the immortals and the Zerg, which belonged to them.

In the 980th thirty-one thousand and 340th year of the Seventh Immortal Realm, the Seventh Immortal Realm once again faced the Zerg. This time, it took ten years to eliminate all the bugs trapped in the isolated space by the powers of the seven emperors, and once again brought the Zerg race back to life. Misfortune is kept out of bounds.

Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion

Jian Jian didn't expect that the crisis would be resolved so quickly, and she had harvested almost all the starry sky behemoths. Except for the four that were swallowed by the Zerg, she put away the other complete starry sky behemoths.

Before returning to the Western Immortal Territory, she left a hair for every immortal emperor. This is the result of everyone's cooperation. Without the support of the other six people, she would not dare to start the wheel of fortune without hesitation.

She kept one head for each of the seven domains, as a reward for the outstanding immortals who fought against the Zerg, and everyone was happy. The rest of her unceremonious income space might be useful after she ascended.

And not long after the battle ended, Mo Ran, who had been retreating for a long time, also ushered in his ninth-level tribulation thunder. Although he missed the battle with the Zerg, he successfully entered the ninth level, and then he came to Jian Jian's side and never left After passing the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion, he could feel that the master was about to ascend.

"Mo Ran, you don't have to guard me, I still have a while to ascend, you go to meet Fei Cui and say goodbye to them all."

Simply smiled and said to Mo Ran.

"Yes, Master!"

Mo Ran thought about it, and felt that it was necessary, so he left Western Immortal Territory to meet his sister and bid a final farewell.

After that, she didn't practice much. She just admired the flowers every day, sipped tea, and then studied the alchemy technique that Zi Yu had always despised. She lived a very comfortable life.

"Hey! The good days will be gone at some point, enjoy every day if you can!"

Simply sighed.

"Aren't you worried about what will happen after you ascend?"

Finally, Liu Chuan couldn't hold back, and asked aloud.

"It's useless to worry! Fortunately, the guard has already gone up first. He is my ally. Let's go to the pier and see the situation!"

Simply thought about it and said.

Because of her unconventional promotion, Liu Chuan and Zhima were worried to death, but they didn't dare to say too much, they were afraid that their master, who didn't play cards according to common sense, would directly lose his cultivation and get on the same line as Tian Dao .

"You guys think too much, it's not easy for me to cultivate to this day, why bother to abuse myself just for one breath, he let me ascend in advance, I just ascend, it's like entering a new journey, the 33rd heaven of God Realm is waiting Let's conquer it!"

"The layout of the fairy is still big, and we are narrow!"

Sesame blinked her little mung bean eyes, and immediately offered a rainbow fart.

Liu Chuan has no way to refute, this kind of thing can only be taken one step at a time.

In the second thousand nine hundred and eighty thirty-one thousand four hundred and twenty-eight years of the Qifang Immortal World, the weather was sunny and sunny, and Jane ushered in her own Ascension Thunder Tribulation.

In the Qifang Immortal Realm, old friends and friends who could make it to the Western Immortal Realm gathered in the Western Immortal Realm, and while watching Jian Jian cross the tribulation, they respectfully sent her to ascend.

The lightning strikes are very relaxed and friendly. Every time the previous lightning strike is almost resolved, the second one will be dropped. The whole process seems to be unhurried, tense and relaxed, until the last thunderbolt fall.

Simply opening her eyes, a golden light flashed in her eyes, and then her advanced celestial phenomenon was formed, a beautiful goddess, with a smile on her lips, looked at the beings in the fairy world with warm eyes, then turned around and flew straight into the sky.

The colorful rays of light will simply cover it, and slowly take it away from the Seven Square Immortal Realm, and congratulatory sounds come from below:
"Congratulations to Immortal Emperor Jian for ascending to the God Realm! Live the same life as heaven and earth!"

"Congratulations to Demon Moon Demon Emperor for ascension to the God Realm! Live the same life as heaven and earth!"

"Everyone, see you in the God Realm!"

With a simple smile, he bid farewell to everyone, and then waved his sleeve robe, leaving his own blessing to the Seven Squares Immortal Realm again, and then quickly climbed up along the guiding light, leaving the Seven Square Immortal Realm completely.

Although Jian Jian has ascended, the legend about her has never disappeared in the Seven Squares Immortal World, and a million years later, some immortals will accidentally reap the blessings she left behind, and she has also become the most famous in the history of the Seven Squares Immortal World. The most legendary fairy emperor or devil emperor.

Jian Jian didn't know how long she had stayed in the ascension passage, and when she opened her eyes again, she had already fallen into a huge hot spring pool, and a faint white mist filled the water above the pool.

"Ask the Ascendant to convert his divine power!"

A mechanical sound entered Simple's ears.

Simple and immediately understood that this place is the same as the Huaxian Pond in the fairy world, which is used to transform the immortal energy. She immediately sat cross-legged and began to follow the guidance to transform the immortal energy in her body. When he got up, especially the Moxi Sword and Moyue Zhan hanging above it trembled a little restlessly.

(To be continued)
Babies!Congratulations to the heroine for ascending to the God Realm!Celebrate with flowers!See you tomorrow~

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