Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2083: First Arrival in the God Realm

Simultaneously ascension to the God Realm, the No.12 Mansion of Commander in the God Realm rises slowly, and the mansion that has been dusty for a long time will welcome his new master. At the same time, the Mansion of the God of War, the No. A burst of rumbling sound rose slowly.

No.30 Chongtian Zhiyan Shangshenfu

"God! God! A powerful god has returned!"

The little god attendant Zhizhi ran to Zhiyan Shangshen's side in a hurry, talking about the latest news he had heard.

Zhiyan Shangshen didn't seem surprised, he just stroked his snow-white beard with a smile, and asked cooperatively:
"Which powerful god is it?"

"I know I heard that the God of War of the No.20 Yachongtian has returned!"

Zhizhi stared at her big eyes and said excitedly.

Ever since she followed Zhiyan Shangshen, she had only heard of the name of the God of War, but she had never actually met this God of War, because the other party died during the battle of the gods.

"Oh, really? Let me see!"

Zhiyan Shangshen raised his finger, pinched it lightly for a few times, then said with a smile:

"If Xiaozhi wants to meet the new God of War, it may take some time."


"She doesn't even know that she is the new God of War, how can she return to her position!"

Zhiyan Shangshen stroked his snow-white beard and said with a smile.


Zhizhi was very surprised, there are still people who don't know their god position?

No.20 Although the God of War mansion in Yachongtian has been fully raised, the God of War mansion has not been opened and is still closed, as if waiting for the arrival of the master.

No.20 Fifth Heaven Evil God Mansion

Holding a black crystal ball in Shoudian's hand, he was purifying the evil spirit in it. After the whole crystal ball turned into a transparent crystal color, he casually put it into the tray beside him.

"Lord Wang Ning, the Siming Mansion has risen again, but the little one has not seen the Siming Priest."

The attendant next to him put down the tray and carefully reported.

"No hurry, just pay attention, I will visit her in a few days."

Shoudian, now should be called the evil god Wangning, he has completely awakened the memory of the gods, but he has not deliberately let go of the memory of reincarnation and reconstruction, so he still remembers his old friend and ally in the lower realm.

Jian Jian soaked in the hot spring water for nine days. In addition to transforming the immortal energy around her body into divine power, she also restored the power of divine weapons to Moxi Sword and Moyue Zhan. However, she was careful not to use the two ancient When the weapons are released, only the transformed divine power is infused into the two weapons through the Yin-Yang Taiji plate.

In addition, Sesame, Moran, Liu Chuan, an immortal Gu, a magic dragon, and an immortal plant were also ascending with her, and it was not convenient for them to transfer their divine power in a fair manner, so they simply sank into the bottom of the hot spring, Part of the transformation spring water was directly brought into the space.

Fortunately, the entire hot spring is very large, and the water level did not drop due to the simple swallowing. On the ninth day, when Jian Jian jumped out of the spring, he felt his whole body was full of strength, and the things he saw became more and more clear in his eyes. , You can even hear the sound of the wind dancing in your ears, and your nose can smell the fragrance of flowers from thousands of miles away.

Simply throwing a cleansing spell on himself, he followed the guidance and left the open-air hot spring.

Out of the shelter, two divine attendants held new cassocks, stepped forward respectfully and said:
"I'll change clothes for the goddess!"

"There are two of you."

Simply smiled and nodded, raised his hand and sucked the new robe into his hand, turned around, and put on the new robe.

Looking at the white robe without any decorations on his body, Jian Jian didn't like it very much, and felt a little dull. As soon as he thought about it, the robe on his body changed to a different color. The light blue robe looked much better than before.

He simply raised his hand and hung his favorite pendant on his chest, and then the little silver armors came out in full force, forming a simple pattern, which instantly became the decoration of the master's new robe, but let the two little gods on the side look at it. stunned.

"Where to go next?"

He straightened his sleeves briefly and asked with a smile.

"Goddess, please."

The elder of the two responded immediately and entered a white hall with Jian Jian.

"Please wait here for a while, the goddess. The priest will register your new identity, and then issue the pass jade token, and you can leave here."

After the two servants finished speaking, they respectfully left the hall.

Simply looking at the empty hall felt a little helpless, it's great to be a god, and she can sneak away at any time, whoever told her to be a newcomer is not a big shot, so she found a place to sit cross-legged very patiently, and began to try to mobilize the energy in her body. Divine power, let it circulate around the body, adapting to the new power.

After a whole day, only three people returned to the main hall in a hurry, and the leader was still asking the two people around him:
"We have been waiting at the ascension passage, how could we miss it?"

"The subordinates don't know either."

Both men shook their heads.

"Priest, did the other party come up early, so we missed it?"

Another immediately suggested new possibilities.

"It's impossible. Even if the other party ascended ahead of time and didn't register in our Ascension Palace and receive the identity jade badge, he can't move a single step, and he can't even leave this heaven."

Another subordinate immediately retorted.

"Then there is only one possibility, the opponent hasn't ascended yet!"

"What do you say about the Divine Palace that has already appeared?"

There are new problems.


The little priest who was asked didn't know how to answer.

As soon as the three of them stepped into the hall, they found Jian Jian, and immediately stopped talking, and Jian Jian also opened his phoenix eyes, smiled slightly and arched his hands at the three of them:

"The little girl is simple. She just flew up and was brought here for registration. I don't know."

The rest of the words were not finished, but the leading male priest had already understood, and then returned to the table, took out a blank jade tablet, and began to record.

"When will God fly?"

"Ten days ago."

"Seeing that your cultivation is in the Goddess realm, you can only choose a place to practice in the first to tenth heaven."

The priest said without raising his head.

"Excuse me, priest, is there any particularity to this?"

asked simply and politely.

"Of course there is a difference. The 33rd heaven in the God Realm, the higher the level, the more abundant the divine power, and the better the cultivation environment."

The fast-talking little priest said immediately.

"If the little girl wants to go to the Ten Heavens, what should she do?"

Simply keep asking.

"It's unlikely, unless you are a god who has a god position to return to, or has an old friend who ascended before you, and he is willing to guarantee you, he can let you go to the tenth heaven, but even so, you You can only start from a small god servant."

Another little priest explained absently.

After listening to it briefly, she nodded, and she understood what she meant. Without a backer and no friends, she could only climb up from the lowest level. Unexpectedly, the God Realm is also a place with strict hierarchy.

She didn't really want to disturb the guard. After all, the two belonged to secret allies. After a brief thought, she raised her hand to reveal the wheel of fortune, and then continued to ask politely:
"The Wheel of Fortune has recognized the little girl as the main one, so can I be regarded as the returned Goddess of Destiny?"

Divinity Classes:
God attendant: the lowest level, many little gods who have just ascended;
Divine Soldiers and Generals: The cultivation level of the soldiers and generals of each heaven in the God Realm rises step by step, and the magic soldiers and generals guarding the No.30 third heaven are the most powerful;
Son of God and Goddess: generally a child born in the God Realm;

Gods: gods with gods, such as evil gods, such as commanding orders;
Divine Monarch: Has its own mansion and guardian territory;

God King: the actual right holder of each heaven;
Shangshen: in charge of a special field, such as Zhiyan Shangshen is a prophet, in charge of prophecy;

Gods: Basically not born, they are gods that have existed since ancient times;

Master of Primordial Origin: The ultimate big boss, the founder of the existing order.

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