The priest, who was casually recording with a jade pen, felt the breath of the artifact, looked up, and saw that the wheel of fortune was in the simple palm, immediately changed his face, and saluted respectfully:

"Please forgive me for being stupid, I don't know if the Commander-in-Chief will return to his throne, so I will welcome you far away!"

Now that the hidden identity has been revealed, Jian simply raised his hand and closed the wheel of fortune.

"You're welcome, then I."

"Siming Mansion is in the No.12 Chongtian. The official has changed your identity badge for you, and you can go all the way to No.12 Chongtian's Siming Mansion."

This time, the other party directly changed a purple jade token, and after re-registering their identity, they handed it over to Jian Jian.

"Please ask the commanding priest to inject a little divine power into the jade card. After verifying your identity, the jade card will also be a passable jade card."

She simply nodded and injected a bit of divine power, and then a bright light flashed on the purple jade tablet, and she hung it on her waist, which was considered to have passed the identity verification, proving that she was the new commanding priest.

"Priest Commander, please, you can now go to the Commander's Mansion of No.12 Chongtian."

The priest respectfully pointed out the direction to the simple.

At the back of the main hall, there is a passage, which is obviously possible to leave here.

"It's work!"

After thanking her simply and politely, she entered the beam of light, and she was led away by the beam of light, leaving her original place.

After watching Jian Jian leave, the priests of Feisheng Hall turned back to the main hall.

"My lord, was that the new Commander just now?"


"I didn't expect the commanding priest to return to his position. Now there is a good show!"

Another subordinate said in a low voice.

"She is not the commander of the previous generation, but the new priest of command."

The priest shook his head, waved his hands directly and said:

"Okay, don't gossip like that! Go do something!"

"Hey, we haven't got anyone who should come, and there's nothing we need to do except for the priest who just left!"

The two little priests complained in a low voice, and then left the hall.

The purple jade card on Jian Jian's waist was flickering, leading her directly to No.12 Chongtian, when she left the passage, the guards checked the identity jade card again, and then let her leave.

Simply raising her eyes, she saw that the surroundings were too quiet, without even a single person, and it was really vast. She clicked her tongue twice, and then, under the instructions of the wheel of fortune, she walked for seven days before arriving at Siming Mansion.

Looking at the closed door of Siming Mansion in front of him, he simply walked forward slowly, and brought the wheel of fortune close to the gate, and then the gate opened suddenly, and the words "Siming Mansion" also flashed a gleam of light, and the whole Siming Mansion looked like As if coming back to life, the palace lanterns were lit up, the flowers and plants in the mansion revealed their fragrance again, and all the doors were slowly opened to welcome the return of the master.

The news of Si Ming's return to the throne also spread throughout the entire God Realm in an instant. Everyone who should know knew it. The only one who was really happy was the Flower God. She was happily circling on the ground, and then told the maid beside her:
"Get ready, I'm going to visit Si Ming."

"His Royal Highness, wait a minute, don't be in such a hurry."


"I heard from the priest of Feisheng Temple that this is the successor of the Siming Mansion, not the original Siming."

The maid said in embarrassment.

At this time, Huashen seemed to have calmed down, and sat back on her swing again, sighed and said:

"I forgot! She has already died"

Mouth is endless regret.

"Your Highness, don't be sad. After the new Siming has sorted out the affairs of the Siming Mansion, it's not too late for us to visit again. Maybe the new Siming still has the same temperament as you!"

Another maid immediately comforted her.

"Okay! I listen to you."

The flower god raised his hand to hold a white magnolia flower in his hand, his eyes were full of nostalgia.

After Jian Jian entered the Siming Mansion, he released Liu Chuan, Sesame, and Mo Ran.

"This will be my new mansion from now on. I haven't figured out yet what I, the Commander-in-Chief, will do, but don't worry, let me spend a few days in a clean life, and you can choose the place yourself!"

Simple and generous waved his hand.

Liu Chuan rooted his real body in front of the Siming Hall, and then stretched out rows of small willow trees, decorating the entire garden.

Sesame is still attached to the simple earlobe, and it is called to guard the master nearby, while Mo Ran turned into a human body, turned the front hall and backyard, and turned into a miniature dragon after finding no problems. Simple on the wrist.

The first day was spent simply getting acquainted with the entire Siming Mansion. After the sun rose and the stars set, she went back to the courtyard behind the Siming Hall, slept soundly, and thought that someone would visit, but in the end she waited for nothing. No one disturbed her, so she lived her leisurely life behind closed doors.

Three days later, there were two goddess servants, pushing each other and knocking on the gate of Siming Mansion.

"Who is coming?"

Jian Jian didn't even show his face, he just asked for the identity of the person who came.

"Reporting to Priest Siming, we are assigned to take care of Siming Mansion for you."

"Then you guys are a bit late, I have been in the throne for three days, you guys go!"

Simple and natural, I could see the reluctance of the two of them, so I sent them away directly.

"The priest forgives the sin. Our sisters were late in receiving the notice."

The two immediately pleaded guilty.

"There is no need to accuse me. Go back and tell your superiors that I don't need additional people to take care of it. It's not that I deliberately make things difficult for you."

Immediately, he waved his sleeves and sent the two goddess attendants away.

Two days later, someone knocked on the gate of Siming Mansion again, and at that time Jian Jian was basking in the sun on the top of the temple.

This time someone came to visit, and they put on a good posture, shouting and hugging, and brought eight god attendants.

Simply frowned, and asked quietly:

"Who is visiting?"

"Priest Commander, please open the mansion to welcome the goddess Yingwu from the thirteenth heaven to visit."

The goddess servant who came to knock on the door said directly.

Jian Jian rolled her eyes indecently, she didn't remember any relationship with this Yingwu goddess, why should she greet her?She didn't want this goddess to come in at all.

She dawdled for a long time, and when she got back to the main hall, she opened the door of the mansion. She didn't intend to greet her at all, and just waited in her Siming Hall.

Ying Wu's footsteps were a little eager. After she entered the Hall of Siming, she saw the Si Ming sitting above him. He had nothing in common with the previous Si Ming. The current Si Ming is so beautiful, and his eyes are full of indifference. Looking at her is also very strange.

"Are you the new commander?"

Ying Wu still didn't hold back, and spoke first.

"Yes, I don't know why Goddess Yingwu saw me?"

This old woman has been looking at her with scrutiny since she entered the hall, as if confirming something, all she can think of is the old man of the former commander, and an old man with a normal relationship, otherwise the other party would not be like this kind of attitude.

Yingwu saw that the other party's attitude did not seem to be fake, and after she had stabilized her mind, she opened her mouth and said:

"I would like to ask the commanding priest to perform his duties and find a reincarnated descendant for me."

"Oh? I wonder which junior of yours?"

Asked with a simple smile.

"My son Chen Hai!"

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