After Yingwu finished speaking, she kept staring at the expression of the new commander, but the other party didn't show any superfluous expressions, and just asked routinely:
"Please Goddess tell Si Ming, Chen Hai's birthday, and the time when he will reincarnate and rebuild."

As soon as Hualuo raised his hand, he summoned the wheel of fortune.

After simply calling out the wheel of fortune, he turned his gaze to Yingwu, waiting for the other party's reply.

Yingwu didn't find any clues, so she could only report Chen Hai's birthday and reincarnation time, and wait for the result.

Simple and pretentious, he began to mobilize the wheel of fortune. The nine wheels kept flickering, but there was no point of intersection. It seemed that the person Yingwu said did not exist at all.

"Goddess Yingwu, are you sure the date you gave me is accurate? Why does the wheel of fortune show that there is no such person? Are you testing me?"

Simple frowning slightly, asked a little unhappy.

"Impossible, I'm not wrong, how could I remember my son's birthday wrongly."

Ying Wu shook her head and said, her expression became a little ferocious.

Simple is keeping calm, raised his hand and tapped on the wheel of fortune, and then the wheel of fortune began to reverse, until the time of reincarnation provided by Yingwu, the wheel of fortune stopped.

"I reversed the wheel of fate to confirm that the reincarnation time you said was indeed reincarnated and rebuilt, but this person has already disappeared completely.

And judging from the time, it was something that happened when the former Priest of Command was still alive. I, a latecomer, don't know much about it. Please understand, it's not that I deliberately questioned the goddess. "

The simple and sincere apology made Goddess Yingwu really unable to speak out to blame, so she could only ask again without giving up:

"Si Ming, how can you be sure that he has died?"

"His aura has completely disappeared from the wheel of fortune, and there is no way to track it down. Besides, to put it bluntly, his disappearance is self-inflicted!"

Simple still explained patiently, but the last sentence was too heart-wrenching.

"No! It's impossible!"

Ying Wu's face changed instantly when she heard these words, and the coercion belonging to the goddess attacked Si Ming, who was at the top.

The simple phoenix eyes narrowed, the Moxi sword in the dantian was already ready to move, and the wheel of fate directly blocked her, dispelling all the coercion.

"Goddess Yingwu, you and I have never met before. Today is the first time we meet. Do you think it is necessary for me to deceive you? Besides, the person who handled this matter is not me, but the former commander. You are If you are angry, you can’t take this anger on me! How wronged I am!”

With a simple expression on how could you be so unreasonable, he immediately took out a silk handkerchief from the sleeve robe and began to wipe the corners of his eyes, obviously thinking that he had been greatly wronged.

"Priest Commander, can you guarantee that what you said is true?"

A thick male voice came from behind Yingwu, causing her to pause before turning around and saluting:

"God Lord!"

Jian Jian received a notification from Liu Chuan a long time ago, and knew that this person had been watching the scene incognito. At this time, by wiping the corners of her eyes, she had already seen the person coming, and she was surprisingly familiar with him. She was five points similar to Chen Hai who had completely disappeared. The identity of the other party was confirmed in an instant.

"Si Ming swears that everything he said is true and there is no deceit. If there is a lie, I will immediately fall out of the twelve heavens."

Jian Jian immediately raised his hand to swear, with an expression of swearing, without deceit.

The moment the rules of the Dao of Heaven fell, Si Ming was still sitting firmly at the top, which made the god Zangde who knew the inside story and the goddess Yingwu who didn't know the situation at the same time confirm that this Si Ming was not lying.

"So, we interrupted!"

Zangde Shenjun took Yingwu's hand, said goodbye very simply, and left Siming Mansion.

"Master, what do you think these two people are here to sing together?"

Zhima waited for the Zangde God to disappear before opening his mouth.

"What else can I do? Come and test me! See if I am the reincarnation of Si Ming, who returned to his position after recultivation!"

Jian Jian had put away all his expressions at this time, and said sarcastically.

"Tsk, it's really a narrow road to Yuanjia! I didn't expect to meet this unlucky couple as soon as I ascended."

Sesame immediately spat out.

"I always have to meet. How do you feel when I see you today?"

"Goddess Yingwu is nothing to be afraid of. You have to be careful about that Zangde God. His current cultivation level is higher than yours. If you encounter it, you have to be careful."

Sesame cocked her little tail, and immediately sent a sound transmission.


With a simple wave of his sleeves, the door of Siming Mansion was closed again.

Zangde Shenjun took Yingwu back to No.13 Chongtian, and after entering the mansion, he showed displeasure and said:
"Yingwu, why are you so restless? Who asked you to meet Si Ming?"

"I'm not reconciled, I just want to confirm whether that bitch has returned to his position!"

Ying Wu gritted her teeth and said.

"When she verified her identity in the Ascension Palace, I knew that she was not the former Commander, she was just the new owner chosen by the Wheel of Fortune."

"However, you heard what she said. She said that Chen Hai committed a crime of his own accord! How can I swallow this breath!"

Yingwu's tears couldn't stop flowing down again.

"But she didn't lie, otherwise she wouldn't have the guts to swear, and we have nothing against the new commander."

Zangde Shenjun rubbed the center of his eyebrows tiredly, his expression was a little cold.

Temple of Flowers

A purple-clothed maid hurriedly went to see His Highness the God of Flowers, and after saluting, she opened her mouth and said:

"Your Highness, just received the news that Goddess Yingwu went aggressively to the Siming Mansion of the Twelve Heavens, and then returned to the mansion together with God Zang De."

The flower god was cultivating a white magnolia flower. Hearing the maid's report, he immediately stopped the spell in his hand, turned his head and asked:
"What did they do?"

"I don't know about this little one. I only heard that the couple stayed in Siming Mansion for half a cup of tea."

"These two old things are not just here to bully Si Ming! No way! I'm going to have a look!"

Seeing that she couldn't find any specific news, Huashen decided to come and see for herself.

At the same time, the Evil God's Mansion also received the news. After Wang Ning read the news, his peach blossom eyes narrowed, and then his figure flickered, and he was also ready to meet the new commander.

After seeing off the unlucky couple, Jian Jian was about to continue his career in the sun, when he saw a group of beautiful goddesses landed in front of Si Ming's mansion.

This time, Jian Jian showed up in person, opened the door of the mansion, and asked politely:
"I don't know which goddess came to Siming Mansion as a guest?"

"My Goddess is the current Goddess of Flowers!"

After her maid announced her family name, Hua Shen walked out of the sedan chair, and said to Jian Jian with a smile on her face:
"The God of Flowers is here to visit Priest Siming! Just call me Huaer!"

"The flower god is so delicate and beautiful, like a delicate flower, it really deserves the title of the flower god!"

Said simply with a smile on his face.

But Hua'er's eyes turned red when she heard this, because when she first became the God of Flower, that Si Ming also praised her name so tenderly.

Babies, today is the start of the God Realm Chapter. There are some card texts. There are only three chapters today. Fengling will brew again!See you tomorrow~

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