Jian Jian was a little surprised. After thinking about what he said just now, there was nothing excessive about it. It was just an ordinary greeting for the first time, and it was just a compliment on the name of the Flower God.

"Don't blame the Goddess Commander, my Highness Huashen thought of the former Goddess Commander, so I was just a little emotional."

The maid on the side explained in a low voice.

"It seems that I have been honored by my predecessor, otherwise I would not have had the chance to know the God of Flowers."

He simply smiled and adjusted the atmosphere.

At this time, Hua'er had calmed down, raised a slightly embarrassed smile, and said:


"You can call me simple, so that I can be distinguished from my predecessor."

Simple and very understanding.

"Simple, I am good friends with my former Si Ming, but when she had an accident, I couldn't help her. This is the eternal pain in my heart. I didn't expect that my farewell to Si Ming would become a farewell."

Hua'er said lightly, then remembered the purpose of this trip, and said immediately:

"I heard that Lord Zangde and Goddess Yingwu came to visit you, can you make things difficult for you?"

"Thank you for the flower god's concern. They just came to find me to understand the reincarnation of their son Chen Hai."

Simply said with a smile.

"Hmph! They must know that you are back, and they came here to test you."

Hua'er snorted, and immediately understood the purpose of the two of them.

After listening briefly, she curled her lips into a smile, and didn't say much. Everyone is a smart person, and she can understand, let alone those who are familiar with Zangde and Yingwu.

"The two seniors met me for the first time, and I just did my duty to clear up their doubts. As for how much, I don't know, after all, I am not the former Commander."

Explained with a simple smile.

"I know, I knew it when I saw you."

Hua'er waved her sleeves, and pushed a pot of budding magnolia flowers in front of Jian Jian.

"This is my meeting gift. I just cultivated a magnolia flower. I hope you like it."

"Thank you for the flower god's gift, I like it very much."

Jian Jian felt that Hua Er was very kind, and the gift was delivered to her heart.

"When I was in the Immortal World, I was identified by the Magnolia flower."

After a brief search in the space, he also gave Huashen a brocade box in return, and said with a smile:

"Jian didn't know that the Flower God was visiting today, so the gift was prepared in a hurry. I hope you like it."

After the flowers opened, they saw a Dingfeng Bead the size of a baby's fist, and immediately smiled and said:

"It's simple, you have your heart, I like this wind-fixing bead very much."

Although this fixed wind bead was simply captured in Heifengao in the realm of comprehension, it has always existed at the bottom of the box because it was old enough. The ones she sent out before were all centuries and millennium. Keep it, it's saving face for her today.

After all, Jian Jian and Hua Er met for the first time, and they both left a good impression on each other, and then Hua Er left. She came here only to ensure Jian Jian's safety, whether she was bullied, and to meet the new commanding priest by the way.

"Simple, my flower temple is in No.13 Chongtian, if you have time, you can go to my place and have a sit."

Hua'er smiled and proposed an invitation, and the maid at the side immediately presented a Hundred Flowers post, which was considered a very formal invitation, after all, Jian Jian couldn't go to No.13 Chongtian alone without an invitation.

"Thank you for the invitation of the God of Flowers. I will definitely go to visit and see the most beautiful Temple of Flowers in the Thirteen Heavens."

Jian Jian accepted the post with a smile, and personally sent the flower god away.

After the flower god left, Wang Ning turned into a god attendant and came to visit.

Jian Jian is still wondering why it's so lively today, it's fine if there are no visitors, but once the visitors come, they can't stop.

Looking at the god attendant with peach blossom eyes in front of him, he simply raised his eyebrows and asked, shaking the round fan in his hand:
"I don't know which god you come from, what's the matter in my Siming Mansion?"

"Congratulations on the return of the Commander Priest. I am here to congratulate on behalf of the Evil God Palace."

The other party lowered their eyes and cupped their hands.

"I am not familiar with the Cthulhu. He must have come here for the former Commander. Jian is very sorry. I am not the former Commander. Please tell your Lord Cthulhu."

Simple still said unhurriedly.

"Okay, I'll take note of it, little one."

"But what else is there?"

Simply keep asking.

"This is a famous post from my evil god. If you have something to do, you can go to the 25th Heaven for help."

A black domineering evil knife post floated in front of Jian Jian.

Simple and impolite, he just waved his sleeves and put it away.

"Can you tell me about the situation in the God Realm? Your evil god has been forced to ascend for so long, but you have figured out the reason."

Simply keep asking questions.

"Thank you, Commander Priest, for your concern. My evil god caused the riot in the 'Evil Cave'. The gods have no ability to continue to suppress it. They can only let him ascend in advance. The purpose is to purify the evil spirit accumulated in the Evil Cave."

The other party still replied respectfully.

It's easy to understand, it's not very different from her guess, but I didn't expect that the God Realm temporarily sealed up the evil spirit of the Three Thousand Realms, plugging this loophole, but in the end it was still due to the long-term failure to purify it. The breath accumulated too much and finally exploded, no wonder he was so anxious to let the guard fly up.

"Is the crisis over now?"

Simply keep asking.

"My lord has said, don't worry! This is not an evil spirit formed in a day. His cultivation base is not high, so he can only purify it as much as possible to ensure that the evil cave will not be rioted."

The god servant said with a very cunning smile.

"That's right, those who have just ascended like me, although they have a god position, but their cultivation base is not high, just do their duty, no matter how many there are, it will really embarrass us."

Simple puns.

"What the commanding priest said is very true, and my lord thinks so too."

The god attendant narrowed his peach eyes, then seemed to think of something, and asked directly:

"I don't know if the commanding priest has ever seen the new God of War?"

"God of War? I have never seen it."

Jian Jian wondered, although she heard a few words from the little priest of Feisheng Temple, but she didn't know more.

"The previous God of War died in the battle of the gods, so the God Realm has not had a new God of War for millions of years. This time, the gods of the 33rd Heaven attach great importance to it. Knowing that the God of War said that the new God of War has already ascended to the God Realm , but so far no one has seen it.”

"So that's the case, that's a pity, I have never seen it, and when I registered in the Hall of Ascension, I heard the little priests talking about it, it seems that they missed it too, the God Realm is so looking forward to the return of the God of War, but what to do? fighting?"

The simple concern is this. As for who the God of War is, it has little to do with her, as long as she takes care of her own Siming Mansion.

"It's hard for me to say the specific situation. I just heard my adults mention it once in a while. There seems to be something wrong with the River of Origin."

"The river of origin?"

Simply heard a new noun.

"Yes, that's where the new world is conceived by the masters of the Hongmeng."

The god attendant glanced at it briefly, and then explained in a low voice.

Dear children, today Fengling's mother was discharged from the hospital and went to the hospital to go through procedures, so the update is relatively late, so I will post a chapter first, and I will try to write another chapter later.Thank you for your understanding~

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