Just listening to it, she knew that it was definitely not a small problem, otherwise it would not cause a battle of the gods, so she immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to inquire.

Sometimes knowing too much may not be a good thing, but just staring at the god attendant who turned into a god, but continued to say without winking:

"The reason for the battle of the gods is because of the struggle between the primordial masters. It seems that another primordial master's river of origin has a problem. He wants to separate the tributaries of our primordial master's river of origin, so that the other party can Cultivate a new river of origin.

As long as the river of origin does not dry up, he will not perish, but separating the river of origin will also cause the river of origin to be dried up for the master of the primordial spirit of the God Realm. The people of the gods did it for them, so the last battle of the gods broke out.

For the time being, our side has won, temporarily allowing the other party to make concessions, and no longer staring at the river of origin, or maybe it is because his river of origin can last for a while, so it temporarily died down.

But now it seems that their primordial master can't last long, and it seems that a new war is about to start, so 33 Chongtian is urgently calling the gods to return to their thrones. "

After listening briefly, he rubbed his eyebrows and asked helplessly:
"You said that there is also a problem with our River of Origin, and that we are also facing the same problem as the other party?"

"I don't know this, and it's not something I can know. Only the top existences in the God Realm know the specific situation."

The peach-eyed servant narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

"Okay, I got it! Thank your evil god for reminding me, I will try my best to stay in the Siming Mansion, and I will not go out if there is nothing to do."

Simply concludes.

"My lord also asked me to remind you: the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. I hope you are fully prepared."

After the peach-eyed servant finished his last sentence, he took his leave and left Si Ming Mansion.

After simply watching the other party leave, he recruited Liu Chuan to discuss it.

"Did you hear what the guard said just now?"

"I heard that, why did he turn into someone else and come looking for you?"

Liu Chuan had turned into a handsome man in a green robe, came to the Siming Hall, and asked directly.

"On the surface, I have nothing to do with the evil gods, but because of my predecessor, he can come to explore my reality openly, just like Zang De and the God of Flowers, but his real purpose is to tell me the current situation in the God Realm .”

Simply fanning the round fan in his hand, he explained with a smile.

"He's right to do it. What do you think?"

Liu Chuan flicked up his robe, sat down on Jianjian's left hand side, and kicked the question back.

"The situation is not optimistic! Do they think that the return of a God of War will solve all the problems?"

Simply shaking his head helplessly.

"The battle of the top bosses is not something we can intervene in, but if something goes wrong with the River of Origin, it will affect the entire Three Thousand Realms."

Liu Chuan also frowned and said, he still has this common sense.

"Indeed, the operation of the three thousand worlds follows certain laws. Rebirth, development, decline, demise, and rebirth are endless. If there is a problem with the river of origin, it means that there is a problem in the new world, and the death of the world There was also a problem at home.”

Simply pinching the round fan, he spoke directly.

"There is already a problem with the River of Origin controlled by another primordial being, and now the River of Origin in our God Realm is also in trouble. The situation may not be so optimistic."

Liu Chuan also echoed.

"Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes my head hurt! Let's visit Flower God in a few days, and then we'll have a look."

Simply thinking about it, I don't even know about it, but I can't avoid it, I can only follow Wang Ning's words and make preparations in advance.

"Okay, then I will go with you, and I can inquire about the news with the flowers of the Flower God Palace."

Yanagawa took the initiative to ask Ying Ying to say.

"It's rare for you to be so proactive."

Simply replied with a smile.

No.20 Fifth Heaven Evil God Mansion

The god attendant Wang Ning turned into wandered back to the Evil God's Mansion to return to life. After entering the Evil God Mansion, Wang Ning returned to her original body, and the real God Servant greeted her immediately:

"My lord, is things going well?"

"It's going well."

Wang Ning strode back to her own hall and took the first seat.

"Actually, let the little one go, you don't have to go in person."

"Some things, it's better for me to tell her directly. She has just ascended, and many things are not clear. It would be bad if someone takes advantage of her, especially Zang De and Ying Wu who have been watching from the sidelines."

Wang Ning rubbed her fingers and said softly.

"Since you returned to the throne, God Lord Zangde has avoided you, so he shouldn't take the initiative to jump out and make trouble?"

"Hmph! He knows what he has done. I'm not that magnanimous. It's just that it's not the time to settle accounts. That's why I went to remind Si Ming."

Wang Ning said.

"Si Ming understands your intentions?"

"Si Ming is not stupid, she still wants to be alone, I'm afraid she won't have this chance."

Wang Ding said meaningfully.

No.13 Chongtian Zangde Shenjun Mansion
Zangde Shenjun looked at the latest news and frowned tightly. The Flower God went to Siming Mansion after them. This is normal. That Huaer has always been friends with Siming. Hua'er will definitely take the initiative to make friends.

As for the servant of the evil god's mansion who followed him to inquire about the truth, Zang De could also understand. After all, the evil god was able to return to the throne so smoothly. Something I've been brooding about.

Three days later, Jian Jian went to No.13 Chongtian's Huashen Mansion alone.

Because of the Hundred Flowers Post given by the God of Flowers, Jian Jian entered the No.13 Chongtian very smoothly and came to the Temple of Flowers.

The guards of the Flower God Palace inspected the Hundred Flowers post, and respectfully invited Jane into the Flower God Palace.

The Flower God Temple is worthy of the name of the Flower God. The whole hall is a garden full of flowers, where all kinds of flowers are competing to bloom, competing for beauty, and the birds are flying and the butterflies are dancing.

Under the guidance of the maid, Jian Jian walked and watched all the way, and finally saw the flowers in colorful clothes in the center of the big garden.

"The commanding priest is simple, I have met His Highness the God of Flowers!"

Simple and smiling handshake.

"Why are you so polite! Come and sit down."

Hua'er was very happy with the simple visit, and invited her to sit in the center of the garden. The maid immediately served scented tea and various desserts made of flowers, and then retreated to the edge of the garden.

The simple thing is to send the Baihua Niang brewed with small ginseng as a gift, and invite the God of Flowers to taste it with a smile:
"Flower God, please try my brewed Baihua brew. This is a fine wine that I often drink in the fairy world. It is brewed with hundreds of flowers and high-grade fairy spring water."

"Well, it just smells good, I didn't expect you to like this."

Flower God was a little surprised, but it also proved that this Si Ming was really different from the previous Si Ming priest, at least the former Si Ming didn't like drinking.

"When I was in the lower realms, in order to cultivate and defend against foreign enemies, I never let up for a moment. I could only relax for a while when I was drinking. Over time, Jian also liked making wine, but I only drink to relax, not to get drunk. "

Explained with a simple smile.

"It's so good, I'll try this Baihua Niang too!"

The Flower God, with a delicate face like a flower, took a sip of Baihua Niang.

Babies, Chapter 2 is hard to come by, that's all for today, see you tomorrow!good night~
My dears, I'm sorry~ I'm going to ask for a day off on March 3th, Fengling is going through the catastrophe, I really can't sit still, please forgive me, I can't send the leave note here!

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