Chapter 2088 The culprit
The clear wine with floral fragrance enters the throat, making the eyes of the flowers brighten. The energy contained in it is very light, but the taste is very good, full of stamina, and sweet and delicious, very suitable for women to drink.

"This flower brew has an excellent taste, mellow and delicious, with a sweet aftertaste, I like it very much!"

Hua'er finished speaking, took another sip, and then put down the wine glass.

Simple is to push a jade slip directly, and said with a smile:

"I brewed this myself in the fairy world. Apart from having a drink with my friends, it is to restore my cultivation as soon as possible. If the Flower God likes it, this is the recipe of Baihua Niang. You can adjust the ingredients according to your own preferences. Trust me The flower god's brew must be better than mine."

"In this case, I will not be polite! Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!"

Flower God accepted the simple jade slip with a smile, and then said:
"It's simple. You just returned to the throne. I'm afraid there are many things that are unclear. I don't think there are even god attendants in your Siming Mansion. That's not okay!"

"I was assigned two divine attendants before, but they seemed unwilling, so I turned them down directly to save unnecessary trouble. Anyway, I am the only master in the Siming Mansion, and I have no secrets." , but I don’t want to put other people’s eyeliner around me.”

Explained with a simple smile.

"You're right. In this regard, you are better than the former Priest of Command. She is too soft-tempered. Sometimes she can't save face, but in the end she suffers."

Flower said softly.

"This is not entirely a problem with the former commander. Sometimes she can't help herself. As soon as I ascended, the Zangde God asked his wife to make trouble, because I was indeed not the former commander. They found out I want to know the news, so I left."

Simple and helpless way of spreading hands.

"What did they inquire about? Can you tell me?"

Hua'er lowered her voice and asked.

Last time, because it was the first visit, she was in a hurry. She just made sure that the new commander was not being bullied, and it was not easy to ask other questions. Since the other party took the initiative to start the conversation today, she took advantage of the situation to ask.

"There's nothing we can't say. They wanted to find out about Chen Hai's reincarnated and recultivated body, but I activated the natal artifact, and found nothing at all. In the end, I only found the result of a complete death."

After speaking briefly, he took the opportunity to ask:

"The Lord Zangde and the Goddess Yingwu have a feud with the former Si Ming?"

"The former commanding priest died in the battle of the gods, and the two old fellows have contributed a lot!"

A flash of hostility flashed across Hua'er's delicate face, but she finally restrained herself, but she still answered the simple question.

Even the gods are not called, it seems that Hua'er hates the two of them, so she continued to inquire with confidence:

"Can the Goddess of Flower tell me about the festival, I always feel that the eyes of the two of them looking at me are very creepy, knowing the reason, I will be on my guard anyway."

"Actually speaking, the former Si Ming really suffered an unreasonable disaster. Zang De and Ying Wu have a useless son named Chen Hai, who is the one they came to you to inquire about."

Simply listen and nod your head.

"This Chen Hai is just a dandy, he doesn't like to cultivate, and his combat power is low, but he still claims to be the proud son of heaven, but his ability to cause trouble is not low."

Hua'er had a disdainful expression, obviously she looked down on this Chen Hai very much.

"Then what did he do? How did he get involved with the former Si Ming?"

Simple and pointed question.

"Huh! If you say that he has done a lot of good things, God Zangde was demoted from the No. 20 fifth heaven to the thirteenth heaven all the way because of being implicated by this heir."

Flower God pouted.

"Then what did he do?"

Just wondering is this question.

"Back in the 25th Chongtian, Chen Hai teased the Goddess everywhere, and summoned those god sons who had nothing to do to cause trouble everywhere. He once privately sent the evil beasts and insects sealed by the Beast God into the lower realm, which made the Beast God furious. He went to the 33rd Chongtian and sued him. Zangde was also punished for this.”

"What is the beast bug?"

Jian Jian suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked in a deep voice.

"The evil beasts and insects are called worms, but they are actually beasts. They belong to natural predators. Wherever they pass, no grass grows, and their reproductive ability is extremely strong. Before, because of this evil beast and insect, the whole sky was turned into a barren land. In the end, it was the beast god who sealed it.

Chen Hai encouraged the grandsons of the Beast God, led them into the forbidden area of ​​the Beast God, and secretly took out the sealing stone that sealed the evil beasts and insects, but was discovered by the Beast God before leaving the 22nd Heaven where the Beast God was. Go after them immediately.

In order to avoid punishment, Chen Hai directly used the blood of the grandson of the beast god to break the seal, and threw the beast beast into the lower realm, so that the beast god who was one step behind lost the trace of the beast god, so he sued the 33rd heaven. "

After a brief thought, holding the last trace of luck, he raised his hand to outline Zongzu's appearance, and asked Hua'er directly:
"Flower God, let's see, is this the evil beast?"

Huashen Meimu just glanced at it, opened her eyes wide, nodded immediately and said:

"That's right, you've seen the Beast Worm too! Where is it?"

After getting an affirmative answer from the flower god, she simply closed her phoenix eyes, and it took a while to calm down.

On the other hand, the Flower God froze, feeling a murderous aura, although it was fleeting, but she still looked at Jian Jian, it was obvious that the murderous aura came from the new commander.

"I have seen more than that. In order to eliminate this kind of evil beast, the cultivation world is in dire straits, and the fairy world is not too far behind. In order not to be robbed of resources by this kind of evil beast, we can only pick up the sword of life and meet a Another battle until they are all wiped out."

Said in a simple voice with some coldness.

At this time, she had connected the cause and effect together. It turned out that the disaster of the Zerg race really came from the upper realm, otherwise the Bai Ze family would not have kept silent. Obviously they knew very well that the Zerg race was the scourge of the God Realm!

And the chief culprit of all this is Chen Hai, he made such a big mistake, it was only his father's god status that fell, he was lightly punished and reincarnated and recultivated.

In order to ensure his son's smooth return to the god position, Zangde also took his son to the underworld to steal the first-generation soul tree, just to arrange a few more backhands, what a heart of love for his son!

Now Jian Jian has regretted it a bit, directly refining his soul, it is too cheap for that scourge, but when it comes to the real culprits, Goddess Zangde and Goddess Yingwu are the source of Chen Hai's confidence to do all this, because he knows very well , no matter what happens, his parents will take care of him.

"Ah! So it is!"

It was only at this time that Hua'er realized why that trace of murderous intent came from.

"Si Ming, don't be stupid. Although Zangde has been demoted to the thirteenth heaven, he is still a god, and his cultivation is higher than yours."

Hua'er was afraid of Jian Jian's impulsiveness, and went to find Zang De's theory, and immediately stopped her with a voice.

(End of this chapter)

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