Chapter 2089 Relentless
"Flower God, don't worry, although I am angry, I also know my status. Some things cannot be solved head-on. I have a measure."

Simply smile to appease the flowers.

"However, I still want to thank Flower God for telling me such important news, so that I will not be too passive."

I am really grateful for the simplicity, after all, she has just ascended, and some news is only known to some veteran gods.

"The news is not a secret, it's just that it's not a glorious thing for the God Realm, so it stopped after a while."

Hua'er said nonchalantly.

"Then Chen Hai caused such a big disaster, why was he only punished to reincarnate and recultivate? This punishment is too light."

Simply continue to get the topic back on track.

"Hey, it's just a coincidence that something happened to the river of origin, and the evil beasts and insects were thrown into the world, which just accelerated the evolution of the three thousand worlds."

"But in this way, isn't it just fattening up those evil beasts?"

Simply frowned.

"Indeed, so these beasts and insects will eventually become the nourishment of the river of origin."

Hua'er lowered her voice and said.

"I'm afraid it's not right to do this!"

Simple also lowered his voice and said.

"Everyone knows, but what can be done? If the River of Origin is dried up, it means that the God Realm will not be preserved, and the Three Thousand Realms will gradually die out."

"Therefore, the Master of Primordial Origin will start a new round of war of the gods!"

Said simply and affirmatively.

"Yes, that's why I told you to be more cautious, and don't be forced into the battlefield of the gods again."

Hua'er still reminded worriedly.

"I see! Thank you Flower God for reminding me."

Jian Jian bowed his hands immediately and continued to ask:

"Back to Chen Hai, how did he get involved with his former Si Ming?"

"Chen Hai was sued by the Beast God for letting the evil beasts and insects into the lower realms without permission, but in the end, God Zang De came forward and saved Chen Hai's life at the cost of being exiled from the 25th Heaven.

However, Chen Hai was also punished to be reincarnated and recultivated in the next world. If he can return to the god position smoothly, that's fine. "

"That's why Chen Hai went to find the Commander Priest."

Simply take up the conversation.

"Yes, before he decided on punishment, he set his mind on Si Ming, but Si Ming hated him the most, so he didn't plan to pay attention to him at all.

As a result, this Chen Hai actually wanted to use a strong one, and happened to be seen by the evil god who was passing by, and he directly cleaned up Chen Hai. The evil god asked for an explanation.

No matter who the evil god is, he didn't pay attention to Yingwu at all, so he beat him up anyway, and took someone directly to see Lord Zangde, saying that Yingwu broke into the evil god's mansion privately, disturbing him to purify the evil spirit, I almost went astray, let God Zangde give an explanation.

Zangde Shenjun couldn't tell because it was Yingwu who rushed to the Evil God Mansion, after all, he could only swallow his anger and apologize, and led Yingwu back to the mansion. After that, he didn't seek any more bad luck from the Evil God Mansion. Rumors have spread that the evil god has lost his sanity due to the influence of the evil spirit."

Hua'er was talking about what happened next, although she had already learned the following things from the mouth of the evil god, but she still listened carefully to confirm what the evil god said.

When Hua'er said that her mouth was dry and she drank up the Baihua Niang in the cup, Jian Jian already had a general understanding of the ins and outs of the matter, and after chatting for a few more words, she offered to leave.

"Thank you Flower God for telling me such important news. I will be more careful when I see Lord Zangde and Goddess Yingwu in the future."

A simple smiling thank you, plus a goodbye.

"It's good to know what you have in mind!"

Hua'er feels very happy chatting with Jian Jian, who is a good listener.

After saying goodbye and leaving, the willow leaf attached to her wrist flickered, and said via voice transmission:

"Si Ming, I chatted with those flowers and plants, and I also had unexpected gains."

"We'll talk about it when we get back."

Simple channel.

"it is good!"

After Liu Chuan responded, he didn't make another sound.

After simply leaving the Temple of Flowers, they didn't stay any longer, but returned directly from the No.13 Heaven to the Twelve Heavens, and the patrolling warriors inspected the identity jade badge and let them go.

As for the simple visit to the Temple of Flowers, Yingwu knew about it immediately. Although she didn't know what the two talked about, she could see that the relationship between the two seemed to be good. She tore the veil in her hand angrily. Without holding back, his figure flashed, and he quietly left the mansion alone.

When Jian Jian went down the passage to the Twelve Heavens, his eyelids jumped suddenly, and an attack hit her back quickly in the next instant, obviously trying to knock her away from the passage.

Her eyes sank, and then she dodged the attack with a flash. The next moment, the cotton candy fell off the simple bun and turned into a thick white mist, covering the entire passage .

And Jian Jian, as the owner of Marshmallow, could clearly see the attacker, her phoenix eyes narrowed, she has seen such a fool, but never seen such a fool.

Since the other party came to her door, she would naturally not be polite, and then she rolled her eyes and took out the sealed insect poison, which was something she recruited in the battlefield. Although it seems not worth mentioning now, this insect Poisonous enough, she happened to give back to the Lord.

After simply making up his mind, he came to the opponent's back under the cover of marshmallows, and the soul-beating whip in his hand fell violently, sending Ying Wu flying, and then the three ice blades wrapped in insect poison, from The opponent's face, arms and ankles were brushed.

Unexpectedly, Yingwu's rough skin and thick flesh did not cut the opponent's skin. After a sigh of regret, she sent the Moyue who was about to move.

The magic moon cut is not comparable to ordinary ice blades. Yingwu only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then felt a dull pain on her face, and then the same pain came from her arms and ankles. The next moment her face changed. Yes, because the overbearing insect poison has already entered her body at the fastest speed.

As a goddess, Yingwu's cultivation was not fake, and her three scars healed quickly, but the poison entered her meridians, making her cry out in pain.

With a simple move, with the help of Marshmallow, he left the passage between the two realms, and Shi Shi ran back to his Siming Mansion, as if the person who was attacked before was someone else and had nothing to do with her.

Jian Jian, who returned to Siming Mansion, closed the gate of the mansion, dropped the barrier, and then recruited Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan turned into a human form, frowned and said:

"It's only been so long since you returned to the throne, and someone is trying to trick you behind your back. This God Realm is not easy to mess with!"

"It's that old lady Yingwu! She was unwilling to do so, and she vented her anger on me."

Said simply and indifferently.

"You hate her so much, aren't you afraid that Zangde will find her?"

"Come here! It just so happens that I also have the opportunity to go to 33 Chongtian to sue him, but Ying Wu made the move first, and besides, she probably doesn't have time to come to me to argue now."

Simply said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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