Chapter 2090 Uncompromising
Things really went as expected. After Yingwu returned to the mansion, she vomited a mouthful of black blood, which shocked the maid beside her. She immediately ordered someone to invite God Zangde, and helped Yingwu into the inner room. .

Ying Wu didn't know what kind of poison it was, she was so domineering, she immediately stopped the operation of the exercise, and then began to force the poison, but the poison was very cunning, as soon as she forced it hard, the poisonous gas seemed to have eyes, and began to spread on her body Walk in the meridians to avoid.

When Zangde received the news and rushed back, what he saw was Yingwu's pale face, and he asked in a deep voice:
"What's going on? Who attacked you?"

The first thing he thought of was the evil god Wang Ning.

"Husband, it's Si Ming!"

Ying Wu gritted her teeth and said.

After hearing this, Zang De was obviously taken aback. How could she have the guts to wipe the tears of the new Commander after being frightened by him a few words.

"Why would she attack you for no reason?"

Zangde asked in a deep voice.

"It's because I couldn't get angry, so I took advantage of her to visit Flower God and wanted to teach her a lesson, but I didn't expect it."

Yingwu didn't dare to lie to her husband, so she could only tell the truth.

"Confused! What are you doing to provoke her? Don't you know how many eyes are staring at Siming Mansion now? Now we can't even get in with our hands. If you shoot her at this time, you are not giving the handle to others !"

God Zangde said angrily.

"I didn't expect that woman to be so cunning, one thing on the outside, one thing behind the other, she pretended to be so innocent, but her methods were so ruthless!"

Yingwu was blamed, and her temper was a little irritable, so she could only grit her teeth and explain.

"Chunliang! She can ascend from the fairy world, so she won't go anywhere, besides, the rabbit bites people in a hurry! How can she not have any backup, don't forget that the 'Wheel of Fortune' took the initiative to recognize her as the master !"

Lord Zangde rubbed the center of his brows, and explained patiently.

"Then that's the end of the matter?"

Ying Wu was still a little unwilling.

"Forget it, so what? It was you who made the first move. Don't tell me you want to force the other party to go to 33 Chongtian to file a complaint and use the time mirror to see who made the first move?"

God Zangde had lost his patience, and asked displeasedly.

"I see!"

Ying Wu could only grit her teeth to hold back the breath.

"Don't think about what you have and what you don't have, first force the poison out of your body."

Zangde Shenjun made a move and began to help Yingwu to force the poison.

Simply in the Siming Mansion, she did not wait for the god Zangde who came to Xingshi to question her, so she took the picture jade, went to find the god general, and directly sued the god.

"I just ascended, and I'm not very familiar with the rules of the God Realm. I went out once unexpectedly, visited a friend, and was attacked. Is the God Realm so unsafe now? Or is it bullying me? Rookie? Do you want to practice with me?"

Jian Jian held the photo jade in his hand, and showed her before and after the attack, but the picture only stopped when she released the three ice blades, and Moyue Zhan did not show her face.

"Everyone, do you want to give me an explanation? If you can't handle it, who should I appeal to?"

Simply put, I have evidence, and I just want an explanation, which makes the general a little embarrassed. Although the front of the person who shot it was not photographed, if you really want to investigate, you will definitely be able to find out who did it.

"Don't worry, Priest Commander, you have a god position anyway, we will report this matter to you, we will investigate carefully, and we will definitely give you an explanation."

The god general accepted the simple picture jade as evidence, and replied with his hands clasped.

"Okay, I believe that Brother Shen will give me a satisfactory answer. I will wait in Siming's Mansion."

After simply speaking, he turned around and left gracefully.

It wasn't until Jian Jian disappeared that the divine soldier on the side whispered:
"General, do you really want to investigate this matter?"

Obviously they don't want to get involved.

"The commanding priest was attacked on the way back to the Twelve Heavens. This incident also involves the Thirteenth Heaven. We will communicate with them about this matter. If we want to deal with it, we will deal with it together. And the person who made the move must be A person from the thirteen heavens."

God will say very firmly.

"The general is right."

Then, in the name of Twelve Heavens, they informed the other party of this matter, and then waited for the other party's reply.

No.13 Chongtian's god generals got a little dizzy after seeing the news. Although there was only one figure from the back, they could already see who it was, and their brows were frowning tightly.

"Hmph! You have already been relegated to the thirteenth heaven, and you are still so arrogant, do you think you are in the 25th heaven?"

The divine general was straightforward, and went directly to the mansion of Zangde Shenjun, handed over the picture jade, without saying a word, and only waited for Zangde Shenjun to give him an answer after reading it.

After reading it, Shenjun Zangde was also furious. He thought that the other party had taken advantage of it, so the matter was exposed. Unfortunately, he was not forgiving, and there was still so-called evidence in hand.

"I'm going to ask Ying Wu about this, after all, she was also poisoned."

Zang De can only say so.

The general didn't care about this, he said with a businesslike attitude:
"It's also my responsibility to wait. I don't want this matter to become too big. I hope the god can understand. If this matter really gets to the 33rd heaven, the god will definitely not take it seriously. After all, the commanding priest has only ascended not long ago. "

The god general didn't say much.

"Please trouble the general, I will handle it properly."

Zangde Shenjun smiled reluctantly, and after watching the general leave, his face darkened. He calmed down and went to the Siming Mansion of the Twelve Heavens.

Jian Jian was caring for the pot of magnolia flowers given to her by the flower god, and felt that the enchantment was being knocked, so she waved to invite all the Zangde gods to come in.

"Shenjun Zangde is here to visit, but what's the matter?"

Sitting in the empty Siming Hall, Jian Jian asked with a smile.

"There is indeed something."

God Zangde didn't wait to open his mouth, and took his first seat directly in the hall.

"Please say."

Jian Jian kept his expression unchanged, playing with the round fan in his hand, and went straight to the point.

"Yingwu's practice has gone wrong recently, and she left the house not long ago."

"So they attacked me as an enemy."

With a simple smile, he continued the second half of the sentence.

As soon as these words came out, Shenjun Zangde became more and more sure that the other party knew who was attacking her, and that photo jade did not show Yingwu's face on purpose.

"This matter is indeed Yingwu's fault. I hope that the Commander will sell me some face."

Zangde Shenjun continued to speak without changing his face.

"Shenjun Zangde's face, I will definitely give it to you. If your wish is not fulfilled, I might go astray one day when I practice."

A simple and unsalty sentence came.

Zangde Shenjun frowned immediately, and he glanced at Jian Jian, who didn't expect that the other party dared to say yin and yang strange words in front of him.

"What? Did I say it wrong?"

Simply ask.

"You don't have to be so eccentric. A priest who has just returned to his position is not qualified to shout in front of me!"

Lord Zangde said bluntly.

With a "puchi", Jian Jian couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"Do you still think you are the former Zangde God? If you are so stubborn, why do you still come to the Siming Mansion? Just turn your hands into clouds and rain, and just pick off your good wife!"

 Babes, Fengling keeps her word!Make up three chapters first, everyone will watch first, there will be more later~
(End of this chapter)

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