2091 The time has come
These simple words hit Shenjun Zangde's heart, he is indeed not as good as before, otherwise there is no need to come to Siming Mansion in person.

"Shenjun, I am not the former Commander. Why did you couple take your anger out on me? Speaking of which, I am the most wronged. The goddess Yingwu is not behind me, and I will not ask the general for an explanation.

Speaking of which, Shenjun was also troubled by his wife and children, so he ended up in such a state. Even now, he is still dealing with the aftermath of his wife. I am really worthless for Shenjun. "

He simply shook his head regretfully.

"It's not me who cursed God, your luck has been falling, don't you feel it? If your own luck is not good, it's fate! But you have been affected by the people around you. It’s not worth it.”

Simple and aboveboard provocation.

"Hmph! You don't have to scare me!"

Lord Zangde didn't want to hear any more, so he interrupted directly.

"Since the Lord Shen doesn't want to listen, then I won't say anything, but the Lord Shen should remember that I am the priest of the Commander, if you can't trust me, you have to believe in the Divine Tool of the Commander's Mansion, the 'Wheel of Fortune'!

In the mortal world, there is a saying that a good wife and a good husband rarely cause harm. If you think about it carefully, when did you start to go downhill!

As for Goddess Yingwu, after she forced the poison out, she apologized to me in person, and the matter was over. Is this not too much to ask? "

Simply said with a smile.

"okay, I get it!"

Zangde Shenjun took a deep look at Jianjian, then turned and left Siming Mansion.

He walked forward, and the enchantment of Si Ming Mansion fell behind, as if he wished him to leave quickly.


Zangde Shenjun flung his sleeves and left the Twelve Heavens.

Only now did Liu Chuan show a portrait, and said with some disapproval:
"Miss, you don't have to confront him head-on!"

"I just can't understand his self-righteous behavior. Do I have to follow his will when he opens his mouth?"

Simply pouted.

"That Yingwu is here, wouldn't it be more annoying for you to see her?"

Liu Chuan said.

"It's okay, I have prepared a big gift for her!"

With a simple and sly smile, it seems that he has already planned.

What she didn't say is that there is a saying in the world that the son does not teach the fault of the father. Chen Hai can do these wrong things without the support of two people behind him. The culprit has completely disappeared under the joint efforts of her and Master Yan Luo. The next account was demanded from the couple.

Simply, as soon as God Zangde was dispatched here, the message from the flower came. A budding flower opened its petals, and the anxious voice of the flower god came from inside:

"Si Ming, are you okay? I just found out that you were attacked after you left the Flower God Palace. Was that Ying Wu the one who did it? You have no enmity with her, why did she do this?"

"Thank you, Flower God, for your concern. I'm fine. I wasn't injured. It was just a sudden attack, so I counterattacked subconsciously. I'm definitely not the one who is unlucky now.

As for why she did this, God Zangde, who was close to the Siming Mansion, explained that it was because of a mistake in her cultivation that she subconsciously attacked me. "

Simply send a text message to reply Huaer immediately.

Hua'er, who was waiting anxiously in the Flower God Temple, immediately said angrily after seeing the simple reply:
"Hmph! He's lying to ghosts! Who would believe this kind of talk full of loopholes!"

"It's okay! You can see it, and others can also see it. If he wants to deceive himself like this, I just cooperate. Anyway, it's not me who has a bad reputation in the end."

Simple and very bachelor said.

"I see, I will help you publicize this matter."

Hua'er stopped communicating with Simple, and immediately mobilized her own Hua'er to publicize to the entire 33rd Heaven that Yingwu Goddess went crazy and attacked the new Commander Priest. The testimony of the gods and generals of the heaven and the thirteenth layer has completely confirmed this matter.

The gods talked a lot, talking about Wang Ning who killed the entire evil god's mansion last time because of his cultivation going into evil.

No.20 Fifth Heaven Evil God Mansion

After Wang Ning received the news, her eyes sharpened, and she immediately went to Thirty Heavens to pay respects to God Zhiyan.

"Knowing the words of God, the God Realm can't be chaotic now, but at this juncture, Yingwu went crazy and attacked the newly returned priest indiscriminately. We have to take this matter seriously."

Wang Ning's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and he spoke to the God of Zhiyan.

"What do you want?"

Zhiyan Shangshen asked while touching his snow-white long beard.

"Why do you have to be locked up alone! What if she hurts someone again?"

Wang said solemnly.

"This matter will have to wait."

Zhiyan said in an unpredictable and profound way.

Wang Ning raised her eyebrows, is there any turning point for this matter?Before he could ask again, the little god Shi Zhizhi ran over:

"Shangshen, Shangshen, it's not good! Yingwu actually killed the Siming Mansion, destroyed half of the Siming Mansion, and seems to want to kill the Siming Priest!"

This news shocked Wang Ning, and then she grasped Zhizhi and asked:

"Is the commanding priest alright?"

"The Commander seems to have been frightened, but luckily she ran fast and escaped Ying Wu's ultimate move. She is now seeking protection from the general and is going to file a complaint at the 33rd Heaven!"

Zhizhi was very well informed, and immediately told Wang Ning what he wanted to know.

Wang Ning looked at Zhiyan Shangshen at this time, and the other party nodded and said:

"Now is the time."

Immediately, he raised his hand and sent a message to the Thirteen Heavens.

Wang Ning's eyes flashed, and he also took the opportunity to say goodbye, and then returned to his 25th Heaven, he didn't intend to go to the [-]th Heaven to join in the fun.

No.12 Chongtian

At this time, Jian Jian was sitting in front of his Siming Mansion, wiping his tears with a handkerchief, and crying to the gods watching:
"Look, everyone, that goddess Yingwu from the thirteenth heaven destroyed my Siming Mansion just like that, but I didn't do anything, I didn't say anything, and she was the one who attacked me from behind.

When she came to my door today, I thought she was going to apologize, but after she said a few words, she attacked me. Is this bullying me and embarrassing me on purpose? "

Seeing the lively gods, looking at the disgraced new Siming, and the half-destroyed Siming Mansion, I really sympathized with her.

Goddess Caixia wore a colorful fairy dress, she showed pity, and comforted in a low voice:

"Priest Commander, you are definitely not at fault for this matter. You have suffered an indiscriminate disaster. It is the former Priest Commander who has a problem with Ying Wu."

"But I am not the former Commander. The human world still pays attention to the debtor and the debtor! Why did she take revenge on me, an insignificant person? She just bullied me, a new ascension, who just came back, and doesn't understand anything! "

With red eyes, Jian Jian said very persistently.

"Hey! Who said otherwise!"

Goddess Caixia is in favor of a simple analysis.

At this moment, Goddess Yingwu has been controlled by the general, looking very embarrassed, with golden shackles on her neck and limbs, making her unable to move, but when she saw the simplicity, she immediately shouted hoarsely:

"Si Ming, I'm going to kill you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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