Chapter 2092 Enraged Yingwu

Jian Jian flinched a bit, then stood up with a "swipe", pointed at Ying Wu and said to the gods watching the excitement:
"Everyone, take a look. She is still yelling at me to kill her. What have I done to her! The mansion was destroyed by her, and I almost died at her hands. She still refuses to let her go!"

Several magic soldiers pulled back the crazy-looking Yingwu goddess.

And the gods who were watching the excitement were also very disgusted with Ying Wu who was like a madman. Anyone who was treated like this would not be happy.

Zangde Shenjun came to Yingwu in a flash, and the marks between his eyebrows became deeper and deeper. He raised his hand to stop him:
"Everyone, please be merciful!"

"Shenjun, please step aside, we are ordered to bring Goddess Yingwu back to the Department of Punishment!"

The leading god will have a stern face, obviously not buying Zangde's face.

"Please let me ask the ins and outs of the matter!"

Lord Zangde spoke patiently.

"Shenjun, it's not that we are deliberately embarrassing. Goddess Yingwu has violated the rules of heaven. She has destroyed the Siming Mansion. This matter cannot be justified anywhere. Besides, not long ago, she had gone crazy and hurt people. Now Once again, if you don’t restrain yourself more, it will lead to disaster.”

The god general was quite polite, and he also explained the reason why they put the shackles on Yingwu, anyway, they did not allow Yingwu to leave their sight.

And Yingwu, who was originally quiet, didn't even give Zangde the face of the god, and immediately said:

"Zangde, you are going to kill Si Ming! Chen Hai must have been killed by her!"

As soon as these words came out, the gods who watched the excitement were even more in an uproar, what a great hatred, but they seemed to hear the name of Chen Hai's scourge, and everyone pricked up their ears.

God Zangde obviously didn't expect that Yingwu would say these words in front of everyone, and he wanted to ask again, but Jian Jian said at this time:
"Shenjun Zangde, you have also seen that Goddess Yingwu took me as the former commander and poured all her anger on me! How innocent I am!
She said that I killed Chen Hai, she was really crazy, I was ascended from the lower world, and I have never even seen Chen Hai's face, how could I harm him?How to harm him? "

Zangde Shenjun also frowned, Siming told the truth, the other party did not have any intersection with Chen Hai.

"Shen Jun, don't listen to what she said, she is the one who killed Chen Hai, you must avenge him!"

The goddess Yingwu roared hysterically.

But in the next breath, a divine power pressed down, causing Yingwu to kneel on the ground.

"Send Yingwu to the Department of Punishment, and you husband and wife will no longer be able to step into the Twelve Heavens!"

A majestic voice came, it was the god king of the twelve heavens, the true master of this heaven.

Even if God Zangde wanted to say something for Yingwu, he had to bow his hands and salute, and was sent away by the god king of this world in the next moment.

Ying Wu saw that even her husband had been implicated, she became more and more frantic and said:
"Si Ming, you are so resourceful! I won't let it go! Just wait!"

"Hmph! I'd like to see how bad you are and let it go. I'll wait for you here! See if you have the ability to come to the Twelve Heavens to find me!"

He said simply and very forcefully, that the god Zangde who came to support Yingwu was sent away by the god king, and he didn't know what he was still arrogant about.

The magic weapon and general had been delayed for a while, and before Ying Wu could say anything harsher, she pulled the shackles and disappeared in the Twelve Heavens.

Jian Jian snorted heavily, and then his consciousness was caged on his Siming Mansion, and the half-collapsed Siming Mansion began to recover under the effect of time magic, and after a quarter of an hour, the entire Siming Mansion recovered As ever.

"Si Ming thanked you all for your righteous words today, and testified for me by the way. It was too chaotic just now, and now the matter has been resolved. Please, Si Ming has prepared bouillon to thank everyone!"

She cupped her hands with a simple smile, and invited the gods who came to watch the excitement into the mansion, which can be regarded as expanding her network.

"It's a good relationship. I haven't been to Siming Mansion for a long time."

Goddess Caixia was the first to chime in.

With the person in the lead, the rest of the people followed the crowd and were simply and politely invited into the Siming Mansion.

The little ginseng was simply lifted out of the space, and temporarily acted as a little god attendant, shuttling back and forth in the entire hall. After serving the wine and wine, he placed all kinds of fruits, and went to the garden to pick some bright but beautiful Flowers with a light fragrance are placed in a crystal vase and placed next to the table, making an impromptu banquet look very decent.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone talked a little more casually, Jian Jian seemed to talk about the attack on her by the goddess Yingwu before, and then said with a surprised face:

"That Zangde God Lord looks very wise and mighty. Why did he choose such a goddess as his lover? I heard that Chen Hai is not a good thing."

"It's hard for us to say, but that Yingwu goddess has also had a good time, but since she got Chen Hai, she put all her heart on her son. It's fine if her son is promising, but that Chen Hai just doesn't do good things. In order not to enter the battlefield of the gods, he actually took the initiative to make a mistake."

Xiuqi Shenjun, who is responsible for repairing the passages between each layer of heaven, said directly.

He travels between various heavens and is very well informed.

"Guarding the God Realm is our responsibility. If everyone is like him, making a random mistake in order to avoid responsibility, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the gods who took the initiative to enter the battlefield? Meteor."

Said simply with a sense of righteousness, and by the way, complained about the grievances of his predecessor.


Xiuqi Shenjun immediately nodded in agreement.

"Hey, we should receive news soon that the Battle of the Gods is about to reopen."

Liufeng Shenjun broke a big news, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Shenjun Liufeng, the news is accurate!"

Caixia pursed her lips and asked.

"When did I Liufeng spread false news? Today, everyone said it because of me, and that Yingwu probably won't end well."

Liufeng Shenjun said while playing with the jade pendant on his waist.

"Oh! what will happen to her?"

"She may be sent to fill the hole in the Primordial River."

Liufeng Shenjun lowered his voice very low.

"Has the River of Origin been damaged so badly?"

Goddess Caixia exclaimed.

"What do you think! Didn't you see that since not long ago, more and more gods have returned to their thrones? Si Ming returned under such circumstances.

And according to the news I received, the mansion of the God of War, which the God Realm is most concerned about, has appeared, but the God of War himself has never shown up. I don't know why. "

Liufeng continued.

This is the second time Jianjian has heard the news of the God of War. She rubbed the wine glass in her hand and guessed:
"Did someone stop you during the homing process?"

"That's unlikely! That's the God of War, the existence in the entire God Realm whose combat power is second only to the master of the primordial, and he can command all the gods and generals of the 33rd Heaven, and can stop him from returning to his position. At least it must be above the realm of gods."

(End of this chapter)

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