Chapter 2093
Liufeng Shenjun was the first to deny the simple guess, and everyone else was also guessing the reason why the God of War did not return.

"Goddess Caixia, I heard that the previous god of war died during the battle of the gods. This newly returned god of war still doesn't know what he is capable of. How can he command the warriors of the entire god realm?"

Just ask if you don't understand, and ask the goddess Caixia.

She felt that the new God of War would be difficult to convince the public, after all, he was not the previous God of War.

"What's the matter? As long as the God of War reveals his identity, the entire God Realm will admit that it has nothing to do with how many times he has been reincarnated. It is said that his sword can command all the weapons in the God Realm. He can even reverse Yin and Yang. He commands I have never lost a battle, even the pets around me are the most powerful."

Caixia Goddess said with star-eyed eyes, obviously admiring the God of War very much.

"So it seems that this God of War must be a handsome and unparalleled man."

Simply think that the one who can make Caixia Goddess like this, at least can't be too ugly.

"Yes! Yes! I still have a small statue of the God of War here, do you want to see it?"

Goddess Caixia thought that she had found a friend, so she immediately lowered her voice and said.

Jian Jian was also aroused by curiosity, and immediately nodded, expressing that he wanted to see the demeanor of the God of War.

Goddess Caixia grabbed a small scroll and unfolded it happily, showing off to Jian Jian:
"This miniature is drawn by myself, and others may not have it."

The simple phoenix eyes stared at the little portrait for a long time, endured and endured, and even scanned the back of the portrait with divine sense, before asking in doubt:
"Goddess Caixia, are you sure it's this one? Why is it a back view, not even a front view?"

"Hey! My painting skills are limited, and I can't paint the majesty of the God of War. I can only use the back of the God of War in the painting. Only one back also took a lot of effort."

While admiring the figure from behind, Caixia Goddess explained the confusion for simplicity.

Jian Jian felt that she had only seen a lonely person, and she didn't even get a positive face. She gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore the appearance of the God of War, and then joined the new topic of Liufeng Shenjun.

No.13 Chongtian Zangde Shenjun Mansion
After God Zangde returned to the mansion, he found Yingwu's maid and asked in a deep voice:

"When did Yingwu go to Siming Mansion, why didn't you follow? What is she going to do?"

The four god attendants looked at the angry God Zangde and knelt on the ground in fright. The head goddess buried her head on the ground and replied tremblingly:

"Shenjun, calm down! The goddess was resting in the garden, and ordered us to go down to prepare the chessboard and tea, and said that we would play chess after you came back, but when we prepared the things and returned to the garden, the goddess was no longer there.

We thought it was the god who came back, and the goddess went to greet him, so we put down the prepared things and went to the door to greet him.

However, we waited for a long time, but the god didn't come back, and the goddess was gone. We really don't know when the goddess left the mansion, and we didn't know that she went to the Siming Mansion. Please look into it! "

Hearing the maid's words, God Lord Zangde frowned even tighter. He believed that the servants in the mansion would not have the guts to deceive him. After sweeping his consciousness, he found a new chessboard in the pavilion in the garden. Did he have time? Boiled tea leaves and water.

"You go down!"

"Yes, Lord God!"

The four got up and left one by one.

God Zangde finally went to the garden, raised his hand and began to perform the time-space backtracking technique, the scenes in the garden began to reverse, and things were not different from what they said, and the four left under Yingwu's order.

Ying Wu, who was waiting for the four of them to come back, suddenly sat up straight, as if she heard something, then her expression changed, and she got up and left the garden.

What happened during this period, only Yingwu knows, but why did she go to Siming's mansion alone, why did she destroy Siming's mansion regardless, and even said in front of him that she killed Siming to avenge Chen Hai!Could it be that she really went crazy and regarded the current Si Ming as the former Si Ming?

Zangde Shenjun couldn't understand it, but it was obviously not a good time to inquire, so he went to the punishment department and tried to meet Yingwu.

Prison of the Correctional Division

Yingwu's whole body was directly buckled against a wall, and the runes flowed on the wall, making her unable to resist. She opened and closed her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound.

"This is the goddess Yingwu who was arrested from the Twelve Heavens. She rushed to the Siming Mansion to shout and kill, and even destroyed the Siming Mansion. If Si Ming hadn't called for help in time, she would have died in her hands. The Twelve Heavens The god king of heaven is very angry and demands severe punishment!"

After handing over to Goddess Yingwu, the generals of the Twelve Heavens left. They were also angry when they saw Yingwu. Yes, as if they didn't exist.

Not long after the general left, God Lord Zangde appeared at the door of the Corrections Department, and finally handed over his own identity jade badge, and then met the boss of the Corrections Department.

Zangde Shenjun looked at the boy above him, his face was full of indescribable expressions.

"Zangde, long time no see! That lover of yours ended up in the Corrections Department!"

Although the toes of the boy in the red robe couldn't touch the ground, his power was higher than that of Zangde, and he didn't seem to have any friendship with Zangde.

"Hongjie (jie) God King, there must be a misunderstanding, can you let me see Yingwu?"


God King Hongjie put his hands in his sleeves and refused very simply.

"God King, you can't."

"I'm not playing for selfishness, it would be selfish if I let you see me!"

The little face of God King Hongjie was indifferent.

Lord Zangde gritted his teeth and continued:
"Yingwu was bewitched in this matter, if I have evidence, can I be punished lightly?"

"Okay, what about the evidence?"

God King Hongjie asked directly.

"I'm going to find it now!"

God Lord Zangde knew that he would not be able to get anything good in the hands of God King Hongjie, so he had to settle for the next best thing. Only by finding evidence as soon as possible could he help Yingwu avoid punishment.

The God King Hongjie ignored the leaving God Zangde at all, and told the guards beside him:
"Now go and throw Yingwu into the River of Origin to fill the hole."

"Yes, God King!"

The divine guard led away, only a personal servant said in a low voice:
"God King, what if that Zangde really found the evidence?"

"Oh! It's not that I look down on him. He really doesn't have the ability to find evidence from that person. If he dares to use force, he will only anger the other party. He doesn't know how he died! We just wait and see the good show! "

The Hongjie God King waved his hands indifferently, and continued:

"The luck of their husband and wife is exhausted, and the God Realm will settle with them one by one. I really think that no one will know what I did under the nose of the controller of the primordial dream!
The last time it was because of the battle of the gods, the God Realm was severely depleted, which gave them an opportunity, and no one would make the same mistake a second time. "

 Babies, here comes the sixth update!That's all for today. The story of the God Realm has a preliminary foreshadowing, so after entering the God Realm, there will not be too much foreshadowing, and the heroine will do things more simply. Please continue to support and subscribe!See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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