Chapter 2094
God King Hongjie looked down on God Zangde very much. He really thought that the God Realm would not turn around without him. Now that the evil god is looking forward to returning to his place, they haven't found a chance to settle accounts with him, but they themselves are jumping for joy , I still want to pick up soft persimmons, but I don't know who will be unlucky in the end.

"Our Disciplinary Department doesn't allow cats and dogs to come in. The only reason Zangde can enter here next time is because he is punished. Do you understand?"

The God King Hongjie stated directly.

"Yes, my subordinates have written it down, so let's remind them."

The servant in golden armor and a scarlet cloak replied immediately, and then went out to convey the meaning of the boss.

No.12 Zhongtian Siming Mansion
After simply seeing off the last guest, Goddess Caixia, she left the enchantment and went back to the Siming Palace, going through all the new friends I made today, feeling that I have made the first step in making friends in the God Realm. step.

"Today's luck is good. The gods and goddesses who came to see the fun are the gods Liufeng and Xiuqi who are the most well-informed, and the goddess Caixia is the most gossip. If there is any trouble in the gods, she can always hear the news. I must make friends with you."

Everyone left messages to each other so that she could maintain the relationship between the two parties.

"What did you show Ying Wu today? Let her beat you up, such a gaffe?"

Only then did Liu Chuan ask.

"She didn't know what stimulated her to come to the Siming Mansion to make fun of her. Naturally, I won't let go of such a good opportunity."

Simply said with a smile.

Waking up early this morning, she was cultivating the pot of white magnolia flowers sent by the flower god, when Yingwu came to Si Ming's mansion alone angrily.

She didn't want to see her at first, but before this woman stabbed her in the back, she thought she was not an open-minded person, and she also wanted to see what this crazy woman wanted to do, so she opened the Siming Mansion and greeted Ying in person. The dancing goddess entered the mansion and performed all the etiquette.

Yingwu's state was a bit wrong at that time, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be trying to suppress her anger, but she stretched out her hand not to hit the smiling person, after all, she was in front of the mansion, and Yingwu finally entered the Siming Mansion with great restraint.

And when I saw Ying Wu for the first time, with a flash of my eyes, I found that the Goddess Ying Wu seemed to be affected by the evil spirit, and she was already on the verge of erupting.

The familiar evil spirit made her immediately think of Wang Ning. It seems that the other party has already started to attack, and then she turned her phoenix eyes and invited the other party into the Commander's Palace, and then she took the initiative to say:

"Goddess Yingwu came here today to apologize for attacking me after going crazy in her cultivation?"

"Apologize for what? I'm here to settle accounts with you!"

Ying Wu gritted her teeth and said.

With an innocent face, he asked in great surprise:

"What did Goddess Yingwu say? Last time you and God Zangde came here, I explained it very clearly. I am not the former Commander. What are you going to do with me?

And for God Zangde's sake, I've already answered every question. Although the result is not what you want, what I said is the truth, and I didn't deceive you in any way. What else do you want? "

Facing the simple and well-founded questioning, Yingwu felt aggrieved, but she just knew that the death of her family Chen Hai must have something to do with this Si Ming.

When Ying Wu's eyes turned red again, her simple eyes flickered, and a dark blue light flashed across them, and then dragged Ying Wu, who was about to lose control, into a dream.

In the dream, Chen Hai's reincarnated body, in order to ascend as soon as possible, did not hesitate to use the entire sect as a sacrifice, but in the end he reaped the consequences of himself and was completely sealed by the entire sect. When he was dying, he attracted the people who really put him to death. The soul was completely refined in the furnace of heaven and earth.

And in the space opened up by the underworld, Chen Hai, who was hiding, was distracted, and eventually became the target of being refined and completely dissipated in the underworld. The only soul that was drawn out eventually disappeared with the host's soul. , disappeared completely.

"Ah! It's you! You give back my son's life!"

Yingwu deeply experienced Chen Hai's despair and helplessness at the last moment, which made her completely collapse. Knowing that this was a trap, she also threw out her natal artifact, Hong Ling, and began to attack Jian Jian.

In order to completely irritate Yingwu, she asked her to walk the journey of her son's self-destruction. After the string in the opponent's mind was broken, she pretended to be invincible, but in fact, under the protection of cotton candy, she dodged to the left Dodge to the right to avoid the opponent's attack, and at the same time use the opponent's hand to wreak havoc on Siming Mansion.

In the end, she directly opened the barrier, asked for help from the nearby magic soldiers and generals, and then acted like a miserable person who was beaten up. Anyway, no one who saw it would say it was her fault, and successfully sent Yingwu to the Department of Corrections , She also took the opportunity to meet some friends and gained a lot of sympathy.

After Liu Chuan knew what Jian Jian had shown Ying Wu, he could only give her a thumbs up, which was really murderous. If Ying Wu is not crazy like this, I am really sorry for their doting on Chen Hai.

"Yingwu is going in now, and won't come out for a while, but there is still Zangde God! He is not a good friend, you have to be careful."

Liu Chuan finally reminded.

"I know! As long as I don't leave the Twelve Heavens for the time being, God Lord Zangde won't have a chance to trouble me. You must know that the God King of this world ordered him not to come here."

Simply said with a smile.

"I'm afraid that if you want to hang on, others won't let you do it."

Yanagawa said meaningfully.

"Tsk, you crow's mouth! You can't expect me to order!"

After simply glaring at Liu Chuan, he directly fell under the restraint of the Siming Mansion, and was ready to continue.

No.30 Three Heavens
The primordial master looked at the formerly turbulent River of Origin, but now it has slowly returned to calm, and it is still changing. It seems that there are signs of drying up, which makes his brows wrinkle a little more.

"Hey! Could it be that I really have run out of luck!"

The man seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be asking himself. He raised his hand and sent a golden ball of light, making the river of origin grow stronger and temporarily stabilized the decline.

No.30 Chongtian

Zhiyan Shangshen's fingers pinched quickly, as if he was anxious to calculate a result. Zhizhi who was watching from the side saw the eyes of mosquito coils, but he didn't see why, so he could only ask in a low voice:

"God, have you figured it out?"

"The future of the God Realm is worrying!"

Zhiyan Shangshen shook his head, and casually sent a message to 33 Zhongtian.

No.20 Fifth Heaven Evil God Mansion

Looking at the news sent back by Wang Ning, a golden light flashed in Tao Hua's eyes, and then she said with a smile:

"As expected of an old friend, the cooperation is very good, and it is not in vain for me to let Yingwu go crazy."

The red dress has turned into a human form, the rune on her face has completely disappeared, and she is also a little beauty. At this time, she is still wearing a red dress, standing beside Wang Ning, listening to her master, blinking her eyes before opening her mouth and saying :

"That woman is as cunning as a fox, she can create waves of three feet without wind, and Keng Yingwu must be fine. She is a little inferior to be a priest!"

 My dears, I’m sorry, the house is demolished today, so the code word is a bit late, let’s pass on a chapter first, and there will be more~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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