Chapter 2095 Face to face question
"Hongyi, whether it's the former commander or the current commander Jianjian, they are all my friends and benefactors. In that situation, the former commander tried his best to keep my soul and sent you to the lower realm .

And the current Commander, I don’t tell you, you know that she brought you to my side, and also discovered my problem, helped me resolve the evil spirit, and returned your knife core, so that I can ascend to the gods smoothly World, you can't forget these. "

Wang Ning said in a low voice.

"Master, don't worry, Hongyi remembers it, but I'm used to arguing with her, and I've had a habit of talking. If I meet the commanding priest, I will behave myself."

Hongyi was afraid of offending his master, so he immediately expressed his opinion.

"You too, every time you encounter simplicity, you are devastated, and you have to provoke her every time, and finally come to me to cry when you are hit."

Wang Ning was in a good mood, so she directly teased Hong Yidao.

"Hey! I just didn't control my mouth! That woman is poisonous!"

Hong Yi rolled his eyes and said.

No.13 Chongtian Zangde Shenjun Mansion

Zangde Shenjun went to the punishment department, not only did not even see Yingwu's face, but also was humiliated by Hongjie Shenwang, and asked him to find evidence by himself.

Yingwu couldn't see it, so if she wanted to find the so-called evidence, she had to go to Si Ming, and it was best to convince Si Ming to admit that it was a misunderstanding, maybe there was still room for change.

But the problem now is that he can't go to the Twelve Heavens anymore, what the God King said is not a joke, it's an order, and he can't even see the face of his command, so how can he work hard?
At this time, the god Zangde didn't know that his lover Yingwu had been thrown into the river of origin to fill the hole by the order of the god king Hongjie.

God Zangde waited for two days, but did not wait for any movement from the Siming Mansion, as if he was frightened by the previous incident, and the other party directly closed the mansion and could not leave.

How can this work!He didn't even have a starting point, and in the end God Lord Zangde still sent a message, and then patiently waited for a reply.

No.12 Zhongtian Siming Mansion
Although Jianjian can't stay in the closed mansion, the news is still very well-informed. Because Liufeng Shenjun and Caixia Goddess share the same interests with her, they will pass her the latest news from the God Realm from time to time.

"Recently, the 'Cave of Xie Li' has been stabilized for the time being, and the evil god takes the lead, so God Realm is planning to hold a celebration banquet to celebrate the return of the evil god."

This is the news from the wind.

"I heard that a post has already started, and I don't know if there is any part for us."

Caixia Goddess said the same thing.

"Really? I haven't attended the celebration banquet in the God Realm, is it fun?"

Simple is also a little curious, so I immediately wrote back and asked.

"It's nothing special, it's nothing more than a group of people getting together, eating, drinking, and gossip."

Liufeng replied immediately.

"If we are invited, we can get together again."

Goddess Caixia also replied.

On the second day after Jian Jian received the news, a servant of God came to Siming Mansion to send an invitation, inviting her to attend the evil god's celebration banquet at No.20 Fifth Heaven.

She accepted the post with a simple smile, and then looked at the familiar evil knife on it, she curled her lips into a smile, this time she could go to see her old friend in a fair manner.

No.20 The day of the banquet at the Palace of the Evil Gods of the Five Heavens

This is Jian Jian's first appearance on a formal occasion, so she dressed up specially, wearing her favorite azure streamer fairy dress, a whole set of white magnolia flower jewelry as embellishment, coupled with her exquisite appearance, set off her The whole person is more and more refined, full of goddess style.

Mo Ran turned into a little black dragon and coiled it on the master's wrist, Liu Chuan left a clone in the caretaker's mansion of Siming Mansion, and he himself turned into a willow leaf and stuck it on the inner side of the simple wrist, and the sesame seed was pasted on the master's earlobe as it was.

After getting ready, Jian Jian arrived at No.20 Fifth Heaven as promised. After she handed in the post, someone stopped her before she stepped into the Evil God's Mansion.

"Priest Commander, please stay!"

Looking back briefly, he found that it was God Zangde, his brows were slightly frowned, and he cupped his hands and said:

"Shenjun Zangde, what a coincidence? Are you coming to the banquet?"

She felt that as long as Wang Ning had no brains, she would definitely not invite God Zang De, so she asked the question knowingly.

There was an unnatural look on Zangde's face, and then he returned to normal, and said in a low voice:

"Priest Commander, I have something urgent to find you, and I know you will come here, so I wait here specially."

"Oh! What's the matter with Shenjun? Go straight to the Siming Mansion."

In the middle of the simple words, she seemed to remember that the god king of the twelve heavens had issued an order not to allow God Zangde to step into it. She immediately raised her hand artificially, covered her lips, and said bluntly:

"May I ask what's the matter, God?"

"It's about my wife Yingwu, so I have to delay Si Ming for a while."

Lord Zangde said a little bluntly.

"Shenjun Zangde, what should be said, I have already informed the generals of the Twelve Heavens. If they hadn't arrived in time, I would definitely be injured. Although I don't know what kind of enmity the former Si Ming has with you and your husband, don't repeat it again and again. Seek my bad luck!

I said that I am not the former Commander, but a lower realm cultivator who happened to be recognized as the master by the "Wheel of Fortune", and I only met the goddess Yingwu three times, but she attacked twice for no reason Me, who am I going to reason with! "

Said simply and angrily.

The eyes of God Zangde flashed, and then he asked:

"Yingwu has always been calm and restrained, why did she lose her composure in front of you again and again!"

These words are somewhat questionable.

"Shenjun Zangde, what are you implying? It means that there is something wrong with me, a beaten and wronged person?"

The simple pretty face also sank, and the voice raised two points, saying very unhappy.

"I believe that Ying Wu is not the kind of person who makes trouble without reason!"

God Zangde said very persistently.

After simply listening to it, he curled his lips, then wiped it on his earlobe, and released the process of meeting Yingwu on the spot, from the other party's angry arrival, to the simple and polite reception, to the other party's insistence on settling accounts with Si Ming, After changing his face, he attacked directly. Anyone who saw it would be Yingwu's unilateral bully.

After all the images were played, he simply buckled the picture jade and threw it to God Zangde, saying in a not very good tone:
"This is how I met Goddess Yingwu. God Zangde can take it back and study it by himself, and Si Ming will not accompany her!"

Then he turned around and walked towards the Evil God's Mansion.

In fact, when she started playing the content of Photo Jade, there were already many gods and goddesses who came to the banquet, including Liufeng, Xiuqi and Caixia.

When they saw Jian Jian being intercepted outside the evil god's mansion, they waited outside without entering the mansion first. Seeing that she had escaped from Zang De Shenjun, the three of them went up to meet her.

"Si Ming, why are you doing this?"

"Si Ming, be careful!!"


The three voices sounded almost at the same time, and the expressions of the three people facing Jianjian changed, and Jianjian also felt the attack coming from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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